My daily routine of exorcising demon love with Miss Miko

Chapter 267: Xiaoji’s board game collection

"Uh." Yoshiyuki lowered his head and looked at the board game with this name written in front of him, and quickly explained: "Ah, no. The simple mode of this board game takes more than two hours, which is too long... Just because The group club has been established, I’m just so touched!”

"Hey, hey, hey!" Kitajima Sashi trembled with fear, her hair was trembling: "You, you, you... you actually raise such a thing?!"

"You're kidding~!" Yingxue Qian'ai smiled happily: "How could I raise something like that? Master Chuxue doesn't like cockroaches either."

Bei Dao: "Is this so? Then let the Sakura God appear and destroy all the cockroaches in the world!"

Ying Xue: "That can't be done~ and extermination directly would be too cruel."

Kitajima: "Then at least Sakurajima will be free of cockroaches!"

"Hey, what is a cockroach house?" Erina looked at Yoshiyuki with a puzzled look.

"It's a trap that can fold cardboard into the shape of a hut. There is an attractant in the center of the hut, and the viscosity of the ground around the attractant is very high. Once the cockroach enters, it will be stuck and cannot climb out."

Yoshiyuki thought for a while and then added another explanation.

"Oh, yes, cockroaches can crawl into all four walls of the trap. The two sides are completely open, like an open door. The other two sides are like open windows. So there is a reason why it is called a cockroach house, which is very appropriate. .”

"It has such a sweet name, but why is it so cruel!" Erina complained: "I thought it was the kind of cage where cockroaches are raised... Shouldn't this kind of trap just be called a cockroach board?"

"Why should I raise cockroaches?" Bei Dao seemed to have a bad association when he heard this, and his face became even more frightened: "I don't want to see these things at all!"

"Because I used to think that the cockroach house is a place where cockroaches can live happily. After entering, they will be so happy that they don't want to come out, so they won't scare people! Or they will feel that you are so nice to them after they come out, and they can't bear it. If I cause you more trouble, I will leave your house and go live with a neighbor or something!"

Yoshiyuki: "The last sentence is so wicked! It's only meant to harm others!"

"Wow...Yida's imagination is so big!" Asakura exclaimed: "I think if cockroaches lived so comfortably, they would definitely not want to leave your house! And they would often come close to you and get close to you~ Maybe we’ll even invite all our relatives to live together! That would be miserable!”

"Woof! Woof woof!"

Kodera: "What did Yukikaze Maru say?"

Asakura: "She said that so many small cockroaches should be able to merge into a giant cockroach! One that is bigger than a human!"

Kitajima Sayo's face that had just calmed down suddenly turned pale again.

Nao Nishida's smiling face was still calm, but with a hint of murderous intent.

However, Asakura didn't notice this at all and still said this enthusiastically.

"By the way, Beidao, can you actually accept the cockroach house? That thing needs to be lifted up to check if there are any cockroaches in it~! It suddenly occurred to us that if you look inside, you will find that there is a small house so close to your eyes. There are actually a lot of cockroaches densely packed inside, so..."

"Wow! Stop talking!" Bei Dao screamed, holding his head.

"Hey, Maekawa-san..." Nishida Nao's smile gradually disappeared, and her eyes became hollow: "You scared Sayo-chan..."

"Eh?! Ah, that... we didn't mean it! Be careful next time!"

"You're lying... You did it on purpose, right? You wanted to scare Saye-chan on purpose..."

"No, no, it's really not! Simimasai!"

"Hey, Asakura! Is it common sense to expose your belly when apologizing?" Seeing Asakura bowing to apologize, Erina didn't miss this opportunity at all, and immediately said this with a smile.

"Miss, you're right!" Yoshiyuki immediately retaliated and made a last-ditch attack: "And to truly sincerely apologize, you have to put on animal ears and tail, turn your belly on the ground and imitate Yukikaze Maru's scream!"

"Hey! Maekawa, you are too cruel!" Asakura complained: "Aren't we comrades who have lived and died together?!"

"Why don't I remember this happening!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuah...we really misjudged you! Maekawa, this inhumane guy! He can even think of such a request!"

"Aren't these your exact words! And you are originally a girl, so I didn't say you were wearing women's clothing!"

"What? We won't make such excessive demands!"

"No, no, you're the one who brought it up! Stop lying!"

Fortunately, Nao Nishida once again forgave Asakura's temptation on the verge of committing suicide.

But it's a pity that Asakura didn't turn his belly and bark like a dog, nor did he wear animal ears and tail.

Because the activity room has been cleaned up, everyone can sit down and start club activities.

At this time, the board game Xiao Ji brought came in handy.

Because she didn’t know what everyone wanted to play, Demon Sword Girl dragged her suitcase and brought in a variety of things.

The variety is dizzying.

"Xiao Ji, can I ask you a more personal question?"

Nishida Nao held a box and looked at it carefully, her tone was quite curious.

The Demon Sword Girl shook her head.

Yoshiyuki: "She said no."

Nishida: "Hey~ It's completely unconventional! Actually it's not that personal, I just want to ask about board games!"

Xiao Ji thought for a while and nodded slightly in agreement.

"Yeah, that's great! Xiaoji, didn't you always live alone before? You don't have many friends... We asked you to play, but we ignored you at all. Then why do you still collect so many board games?"

Xiaoji held up the notebook.

[Because I like it]

Nishida: "Hey~ I mean, if you just like collecting, it doesn't really matter whether you play or not?"

Xiao Ji nodded.

Then he shook his head again.

Later, she still relied on her notebook to explain the matter.

【Actually, I can play. One person can also play. Just imagine an opponent. 】

Although it sounds powerful, as long as Yoshiyuki imagines the scene for a moment, he will be overwhelmed by the intense feeling of loneliness.

How lonely and lonely must Xiao Ji be at that time?

Do you think it would be nice if your parents were around? Just like when he was studying the pictures late at night, he always thought about how to exercise with the lady according to the tutorials on the pictures?

Probably, that's it.

It was precisely because he felt that he had reached a soul resonance with Xiaoji that his nose felt sore and his eyes were slightly moist.

Tears almost burst out.

"Servant, what's wrong with you?" Erina noticed something strange about him and asked strangely: "Do you really want to play "The Wheel of History" that much?"

This is a board game for two to four players. The game starts from ancient times and continues to modern times. After the game is over, whoever has more cultural points wins.

The so-called cultural points are the degree of influence on the world.

Chain fast food restaurants are included!


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