My daily routine of exorcising demon love with Miss Miko

Chapter 295: Kill the vampire demon spirit

In addition, Shigei also learned some memories of the little boy after he became a vampire spirit.

But these memories are extremely rare, and they are almost all composed of words that are extremely crazy and repeated in the heart.

For example, "kill him", "torture him", "revenge", "I want to avenge them", "only I can do it", etc.

It can be seen the depth of his resentment and the fact that the other two little boys did not turn into demon spirits.

The vampire demon spirit has lost its rationality and cannot think normally. Just blind actions based on revenge.

Based on the fact that the vampire demon spirit did not directly kill the boss, it can be roughly judged that the deceased was not satisfied with simply killing the boss, but wanted to achieve these two things.

1: Ruined his business and caused the hotel to close down.

2: Let the boss fall into fear and torture of conscience, always worrying whether the three children are coming for revenge.

Without strong outside intervention, this could indeed succeed. If at most one or two more people die, no one will dare to come and stay. The police may even cordon off the hotel directly.

At that time, the boss's pain will reach its peak. The vampire demon would probably kill him when he was most frightened and desperate.

Of course, it is possible that he will never take action.

The vampire demon might just keep killing the people around him just to torture him and make him collapse.

This vampire demon spirit, like most resentful spirits, has lost its ability to empathize. All thinking is driven by hatred.

The core of their thinking is how to make their enemies suffer more.

They don't even consider how pitiful the innocent people involved are. Really not aware of it at all.

In Yoshiyuki's opinion, if this demon spirit only wanted to take revenge on the boss, for example by killing him, then he would not stop him after knowing all this. Just let revenge happen.

But this demon spirit has hurt outsiders and killed an innocent person for revenge, so he can't just sit idly by.

Everyone discussed what they should do next, and finally agreed to perform the summoning ceremony, forcefully pull the vampire demon spirit from his plane to the ordinary world, and besiege it for a quick victory.

This not only protects the innocent, but also helps him escape. One day as a vampire spirit, one day cannot find peace.

Only when he completes his revenge or is killed can he be liberated from hatred, turn into a normal soul, and enter the land of hell to rest in peace.

After getting rid of the demon spirit, of course we can't just let it go. We have to call the police and leave it to the police to continue investigating the matter. The Odd Investigator may also be on hand.

With new clues, the case will no longer be the same as before.

Now that the method has been decided, the summoning ceremony must be held immediately.

This blood-sucking demon spirit itself is not powerful. The difficulty lies in how to find it out.

After peeking into the memory of the deceased, Shigei's condition became very bad. But for the last step, she still had to be the main caster.

Erina, on the other hand, serves as an assistant to share the consumption of spiritual power, making it easier for Shigei.

In addition, because the eldest lady has the rare ability to transfer mana to others, she can act as a "battery" to transfer some additional spiritual power to Shiuyi, further reducing Shiuyi's spellcasting burden.

However, the eldest lady's magic-repairing technology is very advanced. Just physical contact. Just a handshake or a put on the shoulder counts.

After a summoning ceremony, the vampire demon spirit was painfully dragged out of another plane. Along with a burst of blood mist, its body appeared in the magic circle painted with blood.

He looked like a little boy, but his expression was extremely ferocious, his body was transparent, and his school uniform was still stained with old blood.

There are deep scars on the demon spirit's neck - perhaps it died from having its throat cut.

Yoshiyuki, Koji and Asakura knew in advance where the vampire demon would appear, so they had already surrounded it in a triangular position.

The moment it appeared, the three of them without hesitation launched an attack together with Yukikaze Maru's roar that seemed to announce his attack. They killed the vampire demon without giving it any chance to make a move.

In an instant, the three of them teleported several meters away from their positions, swung their sharp blades and launched a slashing attack.

Under the flash of three sword lights, the demon spirit's body was cut into three pieces.

From top to bottom, there are Yoshiyuki's katana, Asakura's short sword and Kohime's tachi.

The three of them sheathed their knives almost at the same time.

The demon spirit let out a weak wail, then turned into blood and disappeared.

Erina clasped her hands together and muttered something in a low voice.

Yi Xing didn't hear it clearly, but he knew it was a mantra and a prayer.

The eldest lady is seeing him off, hoping that he can calm down his hatred and rest in peace.

"Anyway... there seems to be nothing we can do." Asakura turned to look at Shiuyi, who was swiping his hand across the screen of his phone, and asked, "Ah, were you recording just now?"

"Yes. He has been recording ever since he was summoned... You have to provide evidence when you submit a report, right?"

Shigei regained his lazy tone and complained to everyone.

"Hey... Although it's reasonable for you to be stupid at your age, but you are a novice at this level, I really admire you... It is indeed okay to just go to receive the reward empty-handed. After all, it is a special mission, but you will always be suspected. ?I don’t like being questioned by those policemen..."

"Thank you, Sister Shigei. None of us thought about the video." After Yoshiyuki thanked him in shame, he asked, "Can the demon spirit in the video be seen?"

"Yes. He was forcibly dragged here by the ritual, so he was completely unprepared. His power to hide himself would also be weakened. Not to mention that he had no chance to become invisible. The demon spirit in that state might even be seen by ordinary people without spiritual power."

Shigei showed the phone to Yoshiyuki.

The figure of the little boy was clearly displayed above.

Whether this video can be seen by people without psychic vision remains to be verified.

In any case, as long as you show it to the police, even if they can't see the demon on it, they will forward it to someone who can. There is definitely nothing wrong with this aspect of acceptance.

"That's great." Yoshiyuki nodded and expressed his thanks again: "Thank you very much, Sister Shigei. You have helped me so much on this mission... Without you, our two days might not be enough. "

Shigei: "Okay, thank you. I'm not here to help you out of my own free will. If I hadn't accidentally lost to Demon Sword Princess in the game, I wouldn't have bothered to travel so far to do such tiring work... Also, I plan to go back as soon as possible. Can you leave early tomorrow?"

Everyone expressed their approval.

After learning that his boss was such an inhumane murderer, it became very unpleasant to continue to stay in Yangmu City.

But it has to be morning at the earliest. That is a few hours later.

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