The pepper reaction won't happen that quickly.

Therefore, Erina didn't realize at first that it was Yoshiyuki who had a hot hand.

I thought my eyes were too tired, so I used eye drops to moisturize my eyeballs and caused pain.

However, she soon discovered that things were not simple.

Then, he cried and screamed. Only then did Yoshiyuki realize what the problem was and quickly took her to the bathroom to wash her eyes.

Because of the voice just now, the Yida family thought the eldest lady was in danger, and a group of people came in fright.

Fortunately, Erina did not tell the truth, but said that she had a nightmare, otherwise Yoshiyuki would definitely be punished.

The two soon arrived at the convenience store that Ms. Fujimori mentioned.

To be precise, this is two stores opened together. There are doors in the middle that are connected to each other, and they must belong to the same boss.

Next to the convenience store is a Chinese restaurant.

However, the so-called "Chinese cuisine" refers to Japanese-style Chinese food, including Tianjin rice and other dishes that do not exist in China.

The bosses are usually Japanese.

As for real Chinese food, it's called "Chinese cuisine."

There are quite a few here in Tokyo. Most of them are opened by Chinese and Chinese people. However, they are all based on Sichuan cuisine, which also gives Japanese people the illusion that "all Chinese people like spicy food."

After all, there is a Chinese restaurant here, so Yoshiyuki's psychological expectation is to see a Japanese as the boss.

So when he entered the store and saw that the uncle with the "President" badge on his chest was actually a rice bag, he was still confused.

The rice bag transformed into a very serious-looking middle-aged man.

However, looking at its true form with spiritual vision, Yoshiyuki just wanted to laugh.

This guy's body has no legs at all. He looks like a short, fat ancient rice bag with two strong white and purple arms.

Rice bags are made of cloth.

It's white, with a prismatic red paper stuck to the front, with "rice" written in Chinese characters on it.

They walked closer and saw its employees.

It turns out that this employee is also a monster.

He appears to be a young man.

But the main body is actually a brown wine jar with a pair of white wings.

There is also a prismatic red paper stuck directly in front, with "wine" written in Chinese characters on it.

You two must not be from Bishan... Yi Xing looked at them and couldn't help but secretly complain.

From their appearance, it is hard to tell which country they are monsters from, because many styles of rice bags and wine jars are common between China and Japan. The two Chinese characters for wine and rice are still used in Japan today.

In fact, many monsters have traveled from China to Japan since ancient times.

Including one of the famous three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb: the nine-tailed demon fox.

After Chaoge, the capital of the Shang Dynasty, was captured, she tried to commit suicide with King Zhou but failed. Then he gave up the idea of ​​seeking death and decided to live with his thoughts and this sin.

In order to escape from Nuwa's pursuit, she escaped by pretending to be dead through magic, crossed the East China Sea and came to Japan. She was protected by the ruler of the Kingdom of Night, the great god Tsukiyomi, and changed her name to Tamamo no Mae.

Her fate with the Yida family comes from her fighting side by side with the first-generation Underworld shrine maiden thousands of years ago.

The reason Tamamo Mae came to help was because she had been tormented by guilt after she recognized her crime, and hoped to atone for her sin by sealing Izanami, who had brought harm to the world, and assisting humans in fighting monsters.

Kaguya, who has a good relationship with Tamamo no Mae, also came to the human world from the Moon Palace to help with the tacit approval of Tsukiyomi Ming.

Few people know that Tamamo-mae is the Xuanyuan Tomb Fox Demon.

She also kept this experience hidden.

Yoshiyuki knows this because she confessed her life experience to the Yida family. Likewise, Black Plume also knows this very well.

Nowadays, Tamamo Mae retired a hundred years ago because the demons are no longer rampant, and has adopted the pseudonym "Shimizu Tamako" which sounds very similar to a dish.

She has worked many jobs in more than a century. Because of her smart and alert mind, she successfully made a lot of money by investing in real estate during Japan's bubble economy era in the last century. She also got out in time before the bubble burst and saved a lot of money. A fortune.

She used the money to do a lot of charity and became very successful in business. But later I found that being too famous was not good for hiding my identity, and I got tired of shopping malls, so I quit the business world and started running a private high school.

She believes that running a good school, teaching and educating people is also a way to repay sins.

Erina's brother Yusuke Yida goes to the high school where she is the president.

So Yoshiyuki felt that he and the eldest lady would probably go there too. This makes it easier to get care, and the Yida family can be more assured of the safety of the eldest lady.

Yoshiyuki is curious whether the employees at this convenience store and Chinese restaurant are all monsters.

So he quietly walked around and looked around, but luckily everyone else was human.

Of course, it may be that the disguise is too strong and he can't see his true identity.

"Do the police know that the store owner they trust is a monster?" Yoshiyuki couldn't help but complained to Erina in a low voice.

"I don't know..." Erina looked a little speechless: "Is this store really reliable? Although the monsters can't work together, after all, the store owner and Shuten are of the same race."

"What worries me even more is that there is a sake jar demon here." Yoshiyuki looked at the Yida sake on a nearby shelf and sighed: "I'm really worried that it can't help but drink it all."

The Rice Bag Demon and the Wine Jar Demon are both very weak. The features are also very simple.

The bags containing rice and the jars containing wine have become refined by absorbing the essence of grains and people over the years.

The rice pocket monster especially likes to eat rice and can swallow it raw.

In the eyes of many people, this is very powerful, but Yoshiyuki thinks it is nothing.

When Kuroha Ryu trains ninjas, he requires them to eat only a handful of uncooked rice and a persimmon every day, and they must be able to run with heavy weights all day long.

The wine demon especially likes drinking. The favorite drinks from this Chinese-Japanese style wine jar are usually rice wine, white wine and sake, which mainly depends on what kind of drinks it has been used to hold for a long time.

In ancient times, although these two kinds of monsters did not attack people and did little harm, they were very hateful.

Because food was precious at that time, especially rice was a rarity. Most people are not willing to eat it.

In order to avoid being snatched away by thieves and soldiers, the rice had to be hidden, or even buried underground.

As a result, the rice pocket monster always finds a way to find it and eat it.

Stealing other people's food rations will often indirectly kill people.

As for the wine demon, the degree of hatred is less severe, but after all, wine is made from food, and good wine is valuable, so people will naturally hate it.

Just when Yoshiyuki and Erina were unsure whether to come forward to talk, Ms. Fujimori's figure appeared at the back door of the convenience store, with two men they had never seen standing next to them.

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