My daily routine of exorcising demon love with Miss Miko

Chapter Five: The Pencil Box in Childhood Memories

After arriving at the platform where the train was waiting, Erina noticed that there were Shinkansen Yokohama station-limited bento, so she excitedly bought two more boxes.

However, after getting in the car, she ate a few mouthfuls and was so full that she couldn't swallow anymore, so she euphemistically called "I'm afraid you will be hungry" and pushed all of it to Yi Xing, which made him hiccup all the time.

"Are you okay." Erina cast a caring look: "Do you want me to rub your stomach for you?"

"No no, no need—hiccup!"

"You still said no, why are you being polite!"

Erina immediately put her small hands on his stomach and rubbed him gently.

That kind of soft touch actually made Yixing feel much more comfortable.

"Miss, I'm much more comfortable." Yixing said emotionally: "My stomach was still full, but it suddenly became as if I hadn't eaten anything."

"That's great!" Erina smiled and looked at the steward who was pushing a cart into this carriage, and said: "It happens that the types of limited bento sold at the station and in the carriage are different, why don't you buy two more boxes?" Try it!"

Yixing suddenly felt a convulsion in his stomach.

"I just said that casually! Don't buy any more!"

Fortunately, Erina just played tricks on him, and didn't really buy it again.

Not long after, the eldest lady began to gradually feel sleepy.

Even though she tried to maintain her spirit because she wanted to see more of the scenery outside the window, she still couldn't resist the Sandman's attack, her eyes gradually became blurred, and she began to "nod" from time to time.

That is to say, the head is so sleepy that it hangs down from time to time, but it recovers after a brief interruption of consciousness, and then raises the head again with force.

Erina started the process of infinite loop. Yoshiyuki thought it was very interesting and cute, but out of concern, he chose to interrupt.

"Miss, you look sleepy. Would you like to sleep for a while?"

"No, I want to see the scenery." Erina was still struggling in a daze.

"I'm so sleepy, how can I have fun in Akihabara then? We will have a chance to travel by train in the future, it's not too late. Come on, sleep, I'll call you when we arrive at the station."

"Hmm..." Erina's tone was a little bit reconciled, but in the end she still felt that what Yoshiyuki said made sense, so she chose to rest.

So, she took off her shoes, curled up her petite body, and lay down on his lap.

After changing several lying positions and finding the most comfortable one, she quickly fell asleep under Yixing's caress of her snow-white long hair.

Yoshiyuki was actually a little sleepy, but in order not to miss Akihabara Station, he endured it.

As the tram began to slow down slowly, the electronic notification sound of "Akihabara Station is here" also sounded simultaneously.

Yixing patted the young lady on the back lightly, trying to wake her up.

"Miss? Wake up, Akihabara is here."

"Woo... um..." She muttered in a daze like this, and turned over.

"Miss! It's time for us to get out of the car!"

"Yixing, run...I'll block them..."

He was stunned for a moment when he heard what the young lady muttered in his sleep.

Later, I realized that it was Erina who dreamed that the family was chasing soldiers.

Yoshiyuki felt warm in his heart and decided to take Erina away directly.

Under the curious eyes of passers-by, he walked out of the station with the young lady on his shoulder and the suitcase in the other.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the eldest lady to wake up.

"Huh...? Eh? Yoshiyuki, why are you carrying me?"

"Isn't that because you couldn't wake up no matter how much you shouted when you fell asleep!" Maekawa Yoshiyuki squatted slightly, put down the eldest lady gently, and couldn't laugh or cry: "Look, this is the Akihabara you have been thinking about day and night!"

"Oh!" She looked around excitedly, and found that she was in a very busy pedestrian street, and she was trembling all over.

The streets are crowded with people, and billboards of ACG works and surrounding shops for fans of the second dimension can be seen everywhere.

COSER, which is hard to see on the street elsewhere, makes an appearance here from time to time.

There are several maid cafes opened on one street. All the maids in the store closest to them stood outside the store wearing cat ears, constantly distributing leaflets and coupons to customers who might be interested, and warmly inviting you to enter the store to experience.

For the first time, Erina experienced the feeling of being surrounded by tall buildings.

All of a sudden, I was a little dizzy.

"What to do! Suddenly I don't know where to go first!" Erina said excitedly, turned her head to look around, and suddenly fixed her eyes on the arcade hall across the street: "Ah, we have! Let's go first Let's go to the arcade! I've always wanted to go once!"

"Then let's go?" Yixing had no objection to this, and followed the steps of the eldest lady with a smile.

"Hurry up, don't be so slow!" Erina couldn't wait, so she took his hand and ran faster.

The electronic sound in the arcade hall is quite noisy, and the lights and shadows are constantly flickering and changing. This made Erina's heart beating wildly, who had never seen such a posture before, and she was extremely curious when she saw the machines that she didn't know how to control and the exciting pictures above.

She looked around excitedly, and finally fixed her attention on the claw machine.

Erina looked at a dumpling doll inside, and her eyes lit up.

"Wow..." She pressed her hands against the glass wall, stared at the white kaomoji ball for a while, and then decided excitedly.

"This dumpling is so cute! Let's take it out! Yoshiyuki put in the coins! I don't have any change with me."

"One hundred yen three times, miss. I spent all my money on tickets, and now this is all I have in my wallet."

While saying this, Yoshiyuki opened the wallet and poured it into the palm of his hand.

In the end, only a few coins fell out, and the sum was not enough for fifty yen.

"Then what should we do?" Erina was very anxious.

Yi Xing recalled it for a while, and remembered that there seemed to be change at the counter, so he walked over with the eldest lady.

After the eldest lady took out large banknotes and exchanged them for a handful of hundred-yuan coins, Yixing suddenly noticed that in the prize display area, there was something that instantly brought back childhood memories.

He couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"Let's go, Yoshiyuki!" Erina's crisp voice interrupted his thoughts: "What are you looking at?"

"Ah, nothing."

"Come on, you must be attracted by something! Just like I was attracted by dumplings!" Erina looked excitedly at the direction Yoshiyuki was staring at just now, stretched out her slender fingers, and pointed to a dick. Jia Ultraman's peripheral pencil case: "Could it be that one?"

Unexpectedly, Erina found out, Maekawa Yoshiyuki had to smile wryly, feeling emotional.

"Yes. I saw some classmates using it when I was young. I liked Dijia very much at that time, so it left a deep impression on me. Because this is a limited edition, it will be out of print soon. Unexpectedly, after After such a long time, it was launched again.”

"Hey? Has there ever been such a thing?" Erina heard and complained: "Really, why don't you tell me?"

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