The fierce fighting continued, causing more and more casualties among the demons conjured by the illusion.

Finally, Shuten Doji's figure appeared on the top floor of the pavilion at the deepest part of the village.

It was a beautiful red-haired boy with two ghost horns and a large number of black and red tattoos on his body.

He was wearing gorgeous ancient clothes that were open wide in front of him, carrying a jar of wine in one hand and a cold sword on his shoulder in the other.

Shuten Doji strolled to the fence of the platform, looked at the battlefield below, and sneered.

Then, he raised the jar, raised his head and started pouring water. A large amount of wine sprayed out, splashed all over him, and flowed down his chest.

The moment he drank the wine, he threw the wine jar away, jumped up, and jumped down from the pavilion.

Almost at the moment when the wine jar made a shattering sound, Shuten Doji fell to the ground with his weapon on his shoulder.

At that moment, the little demons all changed their chaotic positions, quickly retreated to Shuten Doji, and formed a defensive formation.

"He finally showed up! Shuten-dōji!" The sharp gun Shimamura pointed his gun at him, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with murderous intent and no smile at all: "You hid it very well, it really cost us a lot. Time...but that’s it for now!”

"I... I guessed that someone would come to the door sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so soon." Shuten Doji snorted, and anger and gloom suddenly appeared on his handsome face: "If I guessed correctly, it's the bottle of Yida There’s something wrong with the sake, right?”

"Hmph, that's right!" Erina stood next to Yoshiyuki, patted her chest triumphantly, and showed off: "It's the tracking technique I used! How about it, now you understand what it means to be greedy and ruin things?!"

When Shuten Doji heard this, he shook his head and burst into laughter.

I don't know if he was laughing at himself because he regretted being fooled, or if he could only use laughter to suppress the anger that was about to distort his expression.

"That's okay! It doesn't matter if I'm found. Anyway, I've had enough of digging into the sewers every day. Thank you for letting me move in advance!"

Shuten Doji's face was sullen, and his tone could no longer contain his anger.

"Very good. Among you people who are here to seek death, there are two beautiful girls who look quite delicious...hehehe... I want you to watch yourselves being eaten bit by bit later, no matter how you beg, I won’t give you any happy relief either!”

"Oh, Shuten mistook you for a girl." Erina was not frightened at all, but turned to look at Yoshiyuki with a smile: "You said it's a pity that you don't dress like a woman."

"NO! He is clearly referring to you and Wu Lili!"

At this time, Shuten Doji tapped the back of the knife on his shoulder, as if he wanted to say something else.

However, the sharpshooter Shimamura, who had taken out another coin and tossed it around in his hand since just now, couldn't wait any longer.

Without warning, he suddenly drew his gun and fired rapidly, turning it into a spiritual beam cannon, which struck Shuten Doji.

The few mountain ghosts standing in front of him were unable to dodge, and were blown to pieces one after another and turned into smoke.

Shuten Doji, on the other hand, quickly crossed the sword and blocked the concussive bombardment. He was only pushed back half a meter by the huge impact.

This shot instantly started the battle again.

Shuten Doji waved his hand, and a wave of waves erupted, strengthening the phantom demons around him, causing them to charge even more crazily.

Some little demons also gained the ability to cast spells and began to fire fireballs and tracking will-o'-the-wisp bombs at everyone. The battle situation suddenly became much more complicated.

"Hey, are you a monster addict?!" Erina couldn't bear it anymore and almost hit Shuten Doji with the thunder talisman she took out: "You made a sudden move both times! You're sick!"

"That's right, Officer Shimamura! Can you say something before you take action next time!" Wu Lili complained as she raised her gun and fired.

"Haha, if you say it, it wouldn't be a surprise, right?!" Investigator Shimamura laughed loudly: "It's just that people don't know when I suddenly shoot the coins, that's why it's confusing! Maekawa-kun, we Come and cover! You and Miss Yida break out and kill Shuten directly!"

Yoshiyuki immediately turned around and exchanged glances with Erina.

Seeing her nodding and taking out the Acceleration Talisman and the Wind Talisman, Yoshiyuki immediately raised his wooden sword and gathered his spiritual power.

The two people's spellcasting was completed in a very rhythmic manner, with perfect connection.

Yoshiyuki first swung his wooden sword to create a flaming sword wave several meters wide, forcing the little demons back and burning a path.

Then, in the next instant, Erina used the combined spell to release a strong wind that blew through their bodies.

As the strong wind flew past the two of them, it entangled their bodies and accelerated their movements.

At the same time, it also formed a strong wind tunnel on the road burned by the flame sword wave. Anyone who tried to get close would be blown away. Only the two people with the strong wind wrapped around them could rush straight into it and reach the center of the enemy's formation without any hindrance!

Shuten Doji was surprised when he saw that the two of them had bypassed the demon group's defense line in this way.

But he had no intention of retreating. Instead, he laughed wildly, raised his sword, and got into an attack stance, waiting for a fight!

At this time, most of the little demons were attracted by the sharp gun Shimamura and Wu Lili, and they were exhausted from dealing with them. I really have no time to help Shuten Doji.

As for Shuten Douji himself, he doesn’t seem to think that he can lose to the two!

After approaching Shuten-dōji at high speed, Yoshiyuki immediately swung his wooden sword and slashed at Shuten-dōji.

His sword skills were extremely fast, and Shuten Doji not only caught them one by one, he was also able to continuously dodge and defend against Erina's attack spells.

The wind blade she released was so powerful that it could split a tree, but Shuten Doji was able to hit it with his arm-protected left hand and scatter the wind blade.

Finally, Yoshiyuki used one of his special skills: the Eight Desolations, after being forced back by the large ball of flames spurted from Shuten Doji's mouth.

That is a unique skill of the Bahuang swordsmanship passed down from the Tian family's ancestors.

Its name contains both the meaning of Bafang and the meaning that the power used in this move comes from the wild soul. At the same time, it also means that this sword technique has eight levels of unique skills. The higher the order, the more expensive it is to use.

The soul can be divided into "harmony soul" and "wild soul".

The former can bring peace, but the latter is the soul of misfortune that dies due to wars, plagues and other disasters.

A powerful Aragami is an Aragami.

The most powerful Aragami is Susano no Mikoto "Suzhan Mingzun".

The first generation Maekawa was blessed by the power of Suzhan Mingzun, and he understood the Bahuang swordsmanship when he was about to die. Since then it has been passed down from generation to generation.

Although many talented Yida clan members can learn this move, only the guardian of each Underworld Miko can exert its maximum power and unlock the advanced moves.

Eight Desolate Slashes, eight consecutive sword cuts in almost one second.

Each sword burst out with extremely ferocious sword energy, flying towards Shuten Doji violently.

Not only is the sword energy full of destructive power, but it can also make the attacked enemy feel the killing intent of the vicious wild soul from a distance of several meters.

Shuten Doji suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, as if he was being grasped by some cold dead hand.

Even if they are not hit by the sword energy, this kind of fluctuation of killing intent is enough to make those with weak will suddenly weaken their legs and lose their ability to resist!

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