My daily routine of exorcising demon love with Miss Miko

Chapter 84: The purpose of Demon Sword Girl

The chairman explained a lot of things.

For example, which class they are in, what time they will come for tomorrow's report, what they need to prepare for school, and what kind of things psychics need to pay attention to.

Tamako Shimizu feels very stable and gentle, and her pair of glasses also adds a touch of just the right amount of intellectual aura.

Since she already knew the abilities of the two through the emails sent by Erina's parents, she was sure that the two could control the power, so she did not test them, saving a lot of words.

After everything was explained, it was time for free questions.

"Me! I'll go first! There's something very important!"

Erina raised her hand first and shouted excitedly.

Sure enough, it must be that thing... Yoshiyuki secretly thought to himself, looking forward to what kind of response the chairman would give.

Finally, the eldest lady asked a question!

"Chairman! Can I take Tuanzi to school?!"

"This is okay." She saw Erina taking out the pink stuffed dumpling she carried with her and further reminded: "But it won't explode."

"Okay!" Erina suddenly shouted excitedly: "As for the explosives, I don't know how to stuff them! How can something as cute as a dumpling be blown up!"

"Then Miss, why do you like to use nuclear bombs when you play Dango World? No, million-equivalent TNT Dango!" Yoshiyuki couldn't bear it and shouted: "Ask me something serious!"

"Why are you yelling so loudly?" Erina muttered and sat down again: "I'm too lazy to explain, Yoshiyuki, you can do it."

"Okay, ma'am."

Yoshiyuki cleared his throat and explained what had just happened between them and Demon Sword Princess. Then, she asked the chairman if she had any clue about her behavior of calling the two parents.

After listening to this, Tamako Qingmizu answered with a look of surprise.

"I'm sorry, this is really weird. I really don't know. In fact, I don't know her much better than you do. Yusuke is right what you said. The Demon Sword Princess never responds enthusiastically to others, even if she is very distant from me. .”

"You don't have any clue at all?" Yoshiyuki was surprised: "Then, can you at least tell us when and how you met Demon Sword Girl?"

"The first time we met? It was more than a hundred years ago. The story about her is very short and I can tell it quickly."

Qingshui Tamako smiled bitterly and began to talk.

At that time, Tamako Shimizu was still known as Tamamo Mae, and she was still dedicated to her work as an exorcist.

She received eyewitness reports that strong demonic energy and spiritual power fluctuations were coming from the ruins of Sakurajima's ancient city, so she went to check it out and met the confused Demon Sword Princess in the castle tower.

Because she was not hostile, Tamamo Mae did not take action. Demon Sword Girl also learned to suppress her spiritual power and aura after that, so she didn't attract any more attention.

For hundreds of years, because this ancient city has been occupied by a large number of demons, few people have witnessed Demon Sword Girl.

She also maintains a neutral state with other monsters living here. No monster is allowed to enter her residence, otherwise they will be killed.

This situation was not broken until Tamako Shimizu bought Sakurajima at the end of the twentieth century.

She led a team to eliminate all the evil monsters entrenched in the ancient city, hired monsters who were willing to integrate into human society as workers, cleared the ruins, and built the private Sakurajima Academy.

But how to deal with the Demon Sword Princess and the castle tower located in the center of the ancient city has become the chairman's biggest headache.

In fact, the majestic castle tower that Demon Sword Princess has been relying on has been reduced to ruins due to the war.

But she would rather stay in that pile of rubble than leave.

Demon Sword Princess was too powerful, and Tamako Shimizu felt that the risk of trying hard was too great, so after some difficult communication with her, she reconstructed the ruins into the current style that incorporates the Gothic style. She was also allowed to live on campus.

Even though she and Demon Sword Girl have known each other for so long and have been neighbors for more than twenty years, their relationship is still not very close.

Demon Sword Girl never said a word to her, and her attitude towards her was only slightly warmer than that of ordinary people.

That's why Shimizu Tamako was so surprised when she heard Yoshiyuki and the two describe Yao Dao Ji's behavior.

After listening to the chairman's story, Yoshiyuki's first feeling was that all the tough guys he had heard before were weak.

Demon Sword Girl, this is the highest realm!

Of course, Yoshiyuki asked a few more questions after Tamako Shimizu finished speaking.

They are what the ancient city on Sakurajima was originally called, who first started calling her Demon Sword Princess, whether anyone else has come to see Demon Sword Princess, and whether she has any mental problems on weekdays.

Regarding the first question, Shimizu Tamako replied that it is called Sakurajima Country. It is a very small country and the whole country believes in the Sakura God Hatsuyuki. It was destroyed in the closing battle that lasted for several years. No details remain.

As for the title Demon Sword Girl, the chairman said that she had heard it more than a hundred years ago. The demons who were entrenched in the ruins of the ancient city and were in awe of her power all called her in awe.

This statement is a bit different from that of Brother Yusuke. Yusuke said it was the name given by the students.

Yoshiyuki felt that there was a discrepancy because Yusuke himself did not understand the true origin of the name. He also heard it from other students after enrolling. That's why.

As for the third and fourth questions, Tamako Shimizu gave a negative answer.

No one has ever come specifically to see Demon Sword Girl, and her spirit has always been stable.

In the past twenty years, he has not done anything unusual, nor has he actively harmed anyone.

She just stayed here alone, spending every day quietly.

I never had emotional fluctuations, I never wanted to leave campus, I never took the initiative to talk to anyone, and I tried to avoid all social interactions.

...It wasn't until today that Demon Sword Girl's behavior produced such a huge abnormality.

In view of this, although it is hard to believe, the chairman still feels that Demon Sword Girl should indeed be their daughter. Even if they are not in person, they are adopted by the two of them in the future, and they have a very good relationship.

Otherwise, after not seeing each other for so long, the relationship would have become estranged.

What supports Demon Sword Girl to persevere in loneliness is her love for her parents.

"It's a bit hard to imagine... Then if she is really our daughter, wouldn't it mean that she has traveled more than a century in advance?" Erina imagined it for a moment and felt that this loneliness was suffocating. She couldn't help but shuddered: "What does she have? Do you need to stay where you are and not leave?"

"If there was something wrong with the spell and she was sent to more than a hundred years ago, then maybe she didn't know where she was going. She just stayed there."

Qingmizu Tamako pondered for a moment, and then said something again that made Yoshiyuki break into a cold sweat.

"Or, Yao Dao Ji is a 'second game player', hoping to follow what happened in the first game at some key nodes to avoid changes in the timeline... Do you understand what I mean? Then she deliberately advanced more than a century Come. Endure the loneliness for a long time, just to let all the plots develop in the direction she already knows before she has the chance to change her destiny."

"She may have come back to save you...she wants to change the future outcome of her parents."

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