My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1059: Xiaomeimei, make an offer

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The little friends laughed quickly, "Little peach, don't be humble, how can you say that you are stealing the limelight? You are teaching them!"

Teaching them is of course a small case, but Ye Xiaotao doesn't want to go, for no reason, she just doesn't want to go.

"Xiao Tao, what's wrong with you, I found that you have been weird recently. You used to be very active when we played games, but now you are shrinking back."

"Yes, Xiao Tao, aren't you ... afraid?" ...


Her Ye Xiaotao didn't have the word "fear" in her dictionary.

She knows that her friends are stimulating her with agitation, but it doesn't matter. She clapped her hands and stood up. "Well, I don't seem to have any muscles for a long time!"

"Wow, little peach is heroic, little peach is awesome!" Cried Kaisen, the little friends.

Everything that happened here fell into Leng Hao's eyes. He watched the girl step lightly onto the stage and reach the center of the attention ...

The four dancers were jumping vigorously. Suddenly, a delicate white shadow came in. The dancers looked back. Ye Xiaotao had already started to jump gracefully.

Leng Hao's eyes followed the white figure. When she appeared, she surprised the men and sucked. She began to wave her little hands and feet. The small waist of one foot and seven feet began to swing voluptuously. The white dress was covered. At her thigh, she lifted her leg and Leng Hao's eyes saw the white lace leggings inside her very well.

The leggings are light-proof, but Leng Hao watched the round white lace bunch on her tight and tight thigh, and he breathed inexplicably.

When the four dancers jumped, the men in the bar were fooling around, but Ye Xiaotao jumped and the men were silent. They opened their mouths like watching fairies, and many of them drooled.

Leng Hao's eyes were getting darker and darker. He stared coldly and hotly at the **** the stage. Her tiny white hand climbed up the steel pipe and then circled with her right leg. The black and silky long hair was very charming and charming. Alas, she was dancing up and down holding the steel pipe.

How devious the girl really is, she just grabbed this taboo picture.

Obviously gave birth to a pure and innocent little face, even the pair of large electric eyes are as clear as the newborn baby, but she is now like a little fairy to seduce all beings.

She is a combination of purity and fiery.

With this in mind, Lenghao's brow color gets colder.

"Master Leng, Master Leng ..." At this time, Lin Lin called Leng Hao twice, but Leng Hao stared at the stage without any response. Lin Lin felt strange, and he turned to look at the stage.

Seeing this, Lin Lin suddenly sucked, the **** the stage was tender and charming, it was a stunner.

The girl is compared to the women around him, these women are simply vulgar.

Lin Ye touched his chin, his eyes flashed with excitement.


Ye Xiaotao finished jumping, and did n’t jump for a long time. She sweated a lot. Those sweat beads were born on her white skin like dew on rose petals.

The four dancers were completely stunned, and stood aside stupidly. Ye Xiaotao looked at the drooling men under the stage and smiled slightly, and she stepped down.

Seeing her leaving, the drooling men quickly came to their senses, and everyone yelled, "Xiao Meimei, don't go, you jump too much ... good, even if you didn't take off one of them, your uncle jumped hard. "

"Haha, that's Xiao Meimei. How old are you this year? It seems that you are not yet mature yet. Why did you come out to dance? Is there a lack of money? In this way, you followed the uncle, the uncle raised you, and packed you for food and drinks."

"Xiao Meimei, hurry up, make an offer, I will see if you just look at it, it will not work, be careful of your liver, and quickly make the uncle hurt." ...

The men were swearing, Ye Xiaotao twisted the show eyebrows and ignored them. In the capital, everyone knew that she was a Yejia Qianjin. No one dared to tease her like this. Now she has been in T city for six months and has been in school. Although the school Many of the seniors here saw her eyes straight and hit the power poles directly, but no one dared to be so bold.

Ye Xiaotao went to his little friend and said, "We're almost playing, let's go back."

These little friends also don't like these sloppy men, "Okay, let's go."

The group went out, and the men were completely out of control at this time. I don't know who led the charge and rushed forward. "Xiao Meimei, don't go. You can ask for a price, how about five million yuan, and stay with me overnight."

"Get away! Xiaomi, I'm 10 million. Let's go to the hotel room and show me the real striptease."

"No, I have 20 million!"

"I have 50 million!" ...

The men from the back kept coming up, the order was completely chaotic, and the bar security rushed in to maintain law and order. The little friends quickly rushed to Ye Xiaotao when they saw the situation was wrong. "Emma, ​​Xiao Tao, I didn't expect these men to You are crazy. "

"Just, Xiao Tao, let's run away!"

Ye Xiaotao was pulled out.

Leng Hao watched the girl leave in a hurry, and then glanced at the men who were flushed with desire. He snorted in his heart, took a glass of cocktail on the table and poured it into his throat.

He really underestimated that girl, she also had the ability to reverse sentient beings, to see those men fighting for her!

Putting down the wine glass, Lenghao's eyes, Yu Guang, saw the opposite Lin Ye waving a bodyguard, he whispered a few words to the bodyguard, and the bodyguard nodded and walked away.

Leng Hao doesn't need to guess that Ye Lin is also looking at Ye Xiaotao. Huh, he sneered. He would like to see how the swagger girl ends!


Ye Xiaotao and his friends ran out. The friends were shocked, and they stroked their chests and panted, "I can't do it anymore, I was scared to death just now."

"Fortunately, we run fast. If those men really come up, we are not gagging." ...

Ye Xiaotao didn't have much fear. She watched her little friends yell loudly and said, "It was you who asked me to dance, and this is not to blame me."

"I know, I know, who thought that our night lady was so charming."

"What's this? Isn't my charm always great? I'm the young and beautiful girl invincible in the universe!" Ye Xiaotao and his friends huddled together.

At this time, five or six black bodyguards came over, and two black bodyguards clasped Ye Xiaotao's arms. "Hello, Miss, our boss wants to see you."

This sudden change caused Ye Xiaotao to stagnate, and then she quickly flung off the two bodyguards, "Who is your boss, and he wants to see me, I will show him? Who gives his face?"

The bodyguard in black didn't speak, and dragged Ye Xiaotao away.

Ye Xiaotao grew so big that no one dared to treat her so rudely except Leng Hao's stinky stone. She opened her eyes and shouted, "You let go, the sky is bright, the sky is bright, you dare to rob the beautiful women on the street!"

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