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Leng Hao is disdainful of girls like Ye Xiaotao. He likes Bai Lingyun, capable and talented, and he likes pretty much love.

But Ye Xiaotao broke into his life and made a mess of his life. He found that he couldn't control his body, and he had a strong feeling for her.

He returned to the room to sleep that night, and the next morning he found his pants ... wet again.

This discovery made him whole depressed and irritable. He has been away from her early and late in the past few days. He didn't want to see her, so when he came back just now, she found that she was in his father's room. Was completely lit.

He said what he was thinking, yes, she was a stubborn and wayward young lady who couldn't look at her, but he also wanted to ... sleep on her like those unbearable men.

Leng Hao narrowed his eyes, he looked up out of the glass window, and now it was darker than eight o'clock. She walked outside alone and didn't know how many men's eyes would be attracted.

She was still pregnant with his seed.

After a few seconds of silence, Lenghao turned and he took the car key on his desk and went out.

In any case, she is the lady of the night family. Everyone needs everything for this marriage. He can't cross the river and tear down the bridge. She doesn't bring a cell phone. If she has one, he won't explain to the night father.

Leng Hao thought so, he drove the luxury car out.


After a few laps on the street, Leng Hao saw the petite and exquisite figure through the window, and Ye Xiaotao was hanging around the road.

She dangled her head and kicked the pebble. From the angle of Leng Hao, she could see her beautiful side face. Her snow-white and pink cheeks murmured slightly, and she was obviously still angry.

Leng Hao looked at the small stone that was kicked by her for a long distance, and then caught up with her and continued to kick. He knew that the girl must have taken this small stone as him.

Ye Xiaotao did treat the small stone beside her as a cold hero. She only hated that she couldn't smash the small stone, she could only slap him.

Smelly cold ho, dead cold ho!

Ye Xiaotao scolded him eight hundred times in his heart. At this time, he murmured and her belly rang.

She quickly stretched out her two little hands and hugged her belly. Oh, she was hungry.

She hasn't had dinner yet, and now she has a little baby in her belly. She is hungry fast, and she can't make herself hungry.

Ye Xiaotao looked around, her eyes brightened, and there was a snack street in front of her.

Nothing could stop her from tasting the food, and she ran into the street happily.

Lenghao parked on the side of the road. He pressed one hand on the steering wheel and the other supported the chin on the door frame. The girl in the sight ate from the street to the end of the street. She was very satisfied. Her white cheeks were full and then chewed quickly. The oil and water on her little pink lips were bright.

Leng Hao was very indifferent to the things she ate. He would not eat them, but looking at her food made him suddenly appetite.

She has an infectious power that will always infect others.

Half an hour later, Ye Xiaotao was full. She wiped her mouth with a tissue and then came out with a big swing. She was easily satisfied.

The next question to consider is, where will she sleep tonight?

Daddy went back to Beijing. The third brother was on a business trip abroad. It was not convenient for Sister Leng to go there because she was afraid that she would hit Sister Leng and General Zhou again when she rolled the sheets.

Not that she was embarrassed, but that she didn't want to ... eat dog food!

After thinking about it, Ye Xiaotao went to dig up her cell phone and made a call to her little friend. Tonight, go squeeze.

But with empty pockets, she remembered that Leng Hao had dropped her cell phone on the carpet.

Ye Xiaotao immediately raised her eyebrows. There was a stone pier in front of her. She immediately kicked her feet and let out gas, "Smelly stone!"

"Oops" the next second, she bent down and couldn't help crying holding her toes, so painful!

Even a stone pier bullied her!

Ye Xiaotao's large and charming electric eyes turned angrily for a few laps. Forget it, the enemy is strong and I'm weak. A little girl who can bend and stretch can't care about this stone pier.

Instead of calling, she took a taxi directly to her partner's residence.

Ye Xiaotao hired a taxi on the street, "Shu Xi, go to **** road ..."


Ye Xiaotao lay at the window and watched the scenery outside the window, and the taxi driver kept peeping at Ye Xiaotao through the rearview mirror. The girl was tender and watery, which was almost better than those collagen-rich little flowers on TV To look good and charming, the taxi driver took a deep breath.

A few minutes later, Ye Xiaotao suddenly found that the path was wrong, and she looked up at the driver, "Shu Xi, are you driving the wrong way, not this way."

The driver smiled heartily, "You can go here, it's a shortcut."

"Really?" Ye Xiaotao was doubtful.

"Of course yes, I've been driving for decades. It's not wrong." The driver stopped the taxi at a remote alley. "The rear wheels seem to be out of air. I'll get off and see."

Ye Xiaotao didn't care, she said "Oh".

The driver got out of the car. He looked around. It was very remote. There was no one. When he got in the back seat, he locked the door immediately, so that the girl could not escape his clutches.

Thinking of the girl's spirit of water, as if a thumb can be pressed to overflow the water, the driver is covered with fire. Tonight, he has really gone far, making him meet such a superb.

The driver wrinkled his lips, he stood by the back door and wanted to reach for the door.

But the driver's movement froze at this moment, because he saw a limousine parked in the street in front, the driver's seat window slowly slid down, and the man inside turned his head to give him a glance.

The man's eyes were so deep that the driver could not see anything, but the driver only felt scalp numbness, and he knew that the man could not afford it.

The driver scolded in his heart and quickly got into the driver's seat. He dumped the taxi out and drove onto the bustling street.

Glancing through the rearview mirror, the luxury car followed him.

The driver was singing badly, and just now he hadn't noticed anyone following him.

Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped, Ye Xiaotao paid the fare and thanked him politely, "Shu Xi, thank you."

The driver sneered, "No thanks, the little girl walks slowly."

Ye Xiaotao got out of the car, she looked at the community in front, and then walked in.

The taxi didn't dare to stay long, and drove away quickly. At this time, the luxury car stopped outside the community. Leng Hao looked through the window to see that the girl had entered the brightly lit community hall. The car galloped away.

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