My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1117: I can't go

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Ye Xiaotao glanced sideways, and there was a pair of male and female pot friends sitting next to him. The little female pot friend was pinching his male pot friend's ear and staring fiercely at him while the male pot friend Courting his girlfriend, but he stared at her with a pair of thieves ...

Ye Xiaotao is speechless. What kind of mold is she doing?

Is it wrong to look beautiful?

Ye Xiaotao didn't want to spoil her good mood. Not only was this boyfriend looking at her, many men in the hall were watching her secretly, so she got up and sat in a humble corner.

She waited intently for Lenghao.


In the office.

Leng Hao received the text message from Ye Xiaotao. He ticked off his lips and put down the pen in his hand. In order to accompany her to watch the movie, he had pushed off all the schedules.

He is ready to get up.

At this moment, the knocking of "叩叩" sounded, and Achen came in, "Master ..."

"How did things go at school yesterday?"

"It has been checked. The old man on the tricycle and the doctor in the medical office explained the accident. It was not a deliberate attempt. I investigated Miss Bai ’s itinerary for half a month. It is normal. So far, there is no evidence to prove that the accident happened to Madam Young. It's about Miss Bai. "

Lenghao nodded his head, "I see."

He pulled his leg out of the office.

At this moment the mobile phone in his trouser pocket rang, and the call came.

"Hey ..." He picked it up, and said a few words on the other end. Lenghao's complexion "brushed" became dignified. "... Okay, I'll be there later."

"Master, what's wrong?"

"There is a problem with the construction site at Soho, and we need to get over it immediately."

"But Master, aren't you going to accompany Mrs. Young? Su Hao is in the suburbs, and this trip must be too late."

"I'll call her ..."


As a result, Ye Xiaotao's cell phone rang. When she saw Lenghao's phone, she picked it up with a smile, "Hey, husband, are you here now?"

"Xiao Tao, I have a little emergency situation here, I can't go, this movie is cancelled." Leng Hao's low voice passed over.

Ye Xiaotao's smile quickly froze, "... oh, I see ..."

Leng Hao heard the disappointment in her voice, so he coaxed softly, "Good, I will accompany you to see it later, and I will try to go home early to accompany you."

Ye Xiaotao shook his lips and said, "I see. Husband is busy. There are many opportunities to watch movies, why are you?"

Leng Hao hung up the phone.

Ye Xiaotao put her mobile phone in her pocket. She looked at the popcorn and two movie tickets in her arms, her eyes were lonely, and to be honest, she was disappointed.

This is her and his first movie. She has been excited for this movie for a day, and she also dressed herself beautifully. I never expected that he could not come.

Ye Xiaotao squeezed a popcorn with his white fingertips and chewed it in his mouth. Well, it's so sweet.

But why didn't she think it was delicious?

At this time the broadcast sounded --- the **** movie at 4:30 has already begun, please watch the friends come to check the ticket.

Ye Xiaotao looked at the entrance of the movie theater, she slowly got up and went to check the ticket.


Leng Hao and A Chen rushed to Su Hao. The accident on the construction site was resolved after two and a half hours of negotiations. Leng Hao wanted to rush back immediately.

His Mrs. Leng is unhappy, he knows.

"Master, I'll pick up the car."


Achen went to pick up the car, Leng Hao looked down at the steel watch on his wrist, and a few surprise voices sounded, "Leng Hao."

Leng Hao looked back. There were eight or nine people in front of him, all of whom were his college classmates. Among them was his mentor, Professor Liu, who was standing beside Professor Bai Lingyun ...

"Professor Liu ..." Lenghao was surprised. These people were enough to bring back his green days in college.

"Leng Shao, we haven't seen each other for many years. I didn't expect such a coincidence. I met here today."

"Yes, Leng Shao, we and Professor Lingyun accompany Professor Liu to teach here, so coincidentally, you are there."

Everyone surrounded Leng Haotuan, and someone suggested, "It's better to meet each other, so let's be cold, let's have a meal at a nearby hotel."

Leng Hao did not answer immediately.

Seeing him like this, Professor Liu asked, "Why, Lenghao, you don't have time? No, you are all wind and water now. No one wants to accompany me as an old man ..."

"Professor Liu, what are you talking about? Leng Shao, you have 100,000 urgent matters at home, why not hesitate to accompany Professor Liu for a meal?"

At this moment Bai Lingyun smiled brightly, "Forget it, don't force him, maybe he's really free ..."

"Okay, let's go together." Lenghao said.


A crowd came to a nearby five-star hotel and opened a box.

The luxurious boxes are full of light, the dishes on the table are full of flavors, and there are collectors' editions of fine wines.

"Come, let's raise a glass and celebrate our first dinner in ten years!"

Leng Hao picked up the wine glass and everyone chess.

Everyone put the wine glass down, and someone laughed, "Cold young, Lingyun, what the **** is going on with you, isn't it that you are going to do a wedding this year? Why haven't we received the invitation yet, the red envelope in my pocket I'm trembling everywhere. "

"Yeah, Leng Shao Lingyun. I thought you were model couples in our school. We were all jealous when you were in a good relationship. Now our children are playing soy sauce. You haven't moved yet."

"You can't say that, maybe the child is pregnant in Lingyun's stomach, haha ​​..." Everyone laughed.

Bai Lingyun's face was a bit red, and she glanced at Lenghao beside her, her heart was very sweet and sweet.

All the time seems to go backwards many years ago, when they were each other's first love, first date, first holding hands, first kissing ... she still thinks heartily now.

Later, she chose to go abroad after graduation, and now she regrets it, only to blame that she was too young at that time, she was attracted by the eldest brothers and eldest brothers who were well-dressed in the high society. Compared with the rhetoric and romance of those men, she felt increasingly Leng Hao was like wood, her heart began to grow bigger and wilder, and she broke up with him N times.

Now that she is not young, she also sees through the playboys and just plays with her, trying to coax her into bed. In the past ten years, she has missed more and more how Leng Hao treats her well.

Leng Hao is the man she can trust for life.

Although Leng Hao is now married to Ye Xiaotao, she is not reconciled, she vowed to rob Leng Hao back.

"Hao!" Bai Lingyun shook Leng Hao's hand in disorientation.

Leng Hao glanced at Bai Lingyun, Bai Lingyun's gaze is now as it was N years ago, Fawn is as shy as he is, and he looks at him with admiration ...

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