My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1128: Your love

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"You, you, you!" Miyazaki's remarks made it impossible for the father to refute. His son is his pride, but his son is too big and has too many thoughts.

"Since you like Xiaotao, then go ahead and chase it earlier. Why are you dragging this time?" Father Gong was annoyed.

"Dad, Xiaotao seems to have not yet reached her 20th birthday. Why is she chasing me when she is under 18? Daddy, how can you say that? When I went to the United States two years ago, I explained to you. I will go to the United States for two years. These two years are very important. I have to be busy with my career. I told you not to act frighteningly to scare people and girls. If you do n’t believe it, rush to propose to Uncle Ye, what happened later, Xiao Tao was frightened Let ’s be embarked on by another man, or else your girl wo n’t succeed? ”

"I ..." Father Gong suddenly hesitated, he murmured, "It's not because you're 23 years old and you don't even have a girlfriend. I heard that when you go to the United States, you are mixed with a bunch of men. How do I know you Do you like to lie to me? Foreigners are open-minded. If you become ... gay, what should I do? I'm all for you. I want to set you down as a surprise. "

"That's a big surprise! Thank you Dad, you worked hard! And Dad, the bunch of men are my little buddies OK?"

Father Palace, "..."

"Anyway, you do n’t care about my affairs in the future, daughter-in-law, grandson, I promise you are no less than others."

Father Gong: Not less, but better than others?

"Hey, you say that this little peach can really divorce Leng Shao?" Gong's curious gossip.

Miyazaki elegantly stacked her two long legs, "Wait."


Ye Ye took Ye Xiaotao into the villa, "Xiao Tao, why is your hand so cold?"

"Oh, maybe I was blowing outside for a while, Daddy, I went back to bed to sleep." Xiao Tao went upstairs after the night.

Watching his daughter's figure disappear into sight, Ye Father's kind face was replaced by a storm, and his eyes flashed a spicy killing.

"Master," the housekeeper came in at this time, and he gave a copy of the information to Ye Ye, "this is all the information about Bai Lingyun and all her recent developments."

YeFou looked down and flipped the data aside, "Oh, this woman hides herself very well, I can hardly find any flaws."

The housekeeper narrowed his eyes. "Master, the cleaner you get, the weirder."

Ye Ye threw the information to the coffee table on the side. "During this time, Xiao Tao had a series of accidents. If there is no behind-the-scenes pusher, I definitely don't believe it. Bai Lingyun knows that someone will investigate her. Whether she does superficial work or not, her appearance hinders Xiao Tao ’s happiness, then she does not need to live in this world. "

"Master, what do we do? Is it just a bit, or ... torture her?"


Ye Xiaotao returned to her room, and as soon as she was lying in bed, her cell phone rang.

It's Lenghao's phone.

Ye Xiaotao didn't pick it up immediately, watching the five characters "Kiss My Husband" jumping on the screen of her mobile phone, she still felt sore eyes and aching in her heart.

After sending it for a while, the ringtone of the mobile phone continued, Ye Xiaotao bit his lower lip, and then connected the phone, "Hey ..."

"Where are you now?" The man's deep voice passed clearly from that end.

"My dad is back. I will go home with my dad for a while ..."

"How long?" He asked immediately.

"…do not know…"

"I don't know what it means? Do you want to separate from me?"

The aggressive tone of the man made Ye Xiaotao tighten her show eyebrows, she drew long slender eyelashes and did not speak.

The cold Hao in Lincoln's car took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in his chest. The left palm tightened the steering wheel. The right palm seemed to crush the phone in his palm. He kept his voice as low as possible. Come back with me now. "

go back?

Where to go?

Ye Xiaotao smiled at the corner of her pale mouth and went back to do something. She couldn't wait for him to go home in the evening. When he woke up in the morning, he left again. Sometimes she didn't know whether he hadn't come back.

She didn't like the feeling of waiting for someone because she was lonely.

When she was young, nobody played with her. She was always lying on the floor-to-ceiling window looking at the cobblestone road on the lawn. Every night Daddy would come home from there.

She spent all the time growing up waiting for Daddy. When she grew up, she spent the time waiting for him.

"Nothing else, I'll hang up first." She wanted to hang up.

"Yao Xiaotao!" Lenghao yelled, and he squeezed his eyebrows messily. "Sorry, I don't want to lose my temper, but when the words come to my mouth, it becomes hard to hear ..."

He stretched his tongue to lick his dry lips. "Don't hang up, Xiao Tao, come home with me? I know the things on the Internet, I just learned about them, sorry I know too late, when you need me I am not with you, I am very upset and blame yourself, but why do n’t you tell me? "

"Xiao Tao, come back with me, I will treat you well in the future. I love you Xiao Tao, and I love our little Tao."

"Leng Hao," Ye Xiaotao said calmly, "your love, do you want someone?"

"What?" Lenghao froze, he didn't understand.

"Why do I think you love others is holding others in the cloud, and you love me, but you just threw me in the dirt ... Dudu ..." Ye Xiaotao hung up the phone.


In the middle of the night, Leng Hao returned to his home, opened the bedroom door, and did not turn on the light. He sat on the bed alone.

With the chocolate box on hand, he opened the box, then picked up a piece of chocolate and took a bite. He immediately raised his eyebrows, what taste was so bad!

He whisked all the chocolate on the bed to the ground.

Standing up, he went to pour a glass of red wine. In his mind were the scene of Ye Xiaotao standing in the arms of Gong Ao just now, and her indifferent words were in her ear. Finally, she hung up his phone.

Leng Hao took out his mobile phone while drinking. He didn't give up and kept dialing Ye Xiaotao's phone.

But the phone is full of mechanical female voices --- Sorry, the phone you dialed is off.

She shut down.

She ignored him.

He didn't understand her until now, did she ... don't want him anymore?

A bottle of red wine was poured, Leng Hao staggered to the big bed, and then fell to the big bed. The aroma of her body, sweet milky fragrance remained on the bed.

With his big palm out, he took her pillow and held it in his arms. He closed his eyes wearily.

I don't want to do anything tonight, just think about her.

He dreamed, and had a very beautiful dream.

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