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Leng Hao stood in the operating room and waited for a long time. After a long time, it seemed like a century. He could hear the doctor inside talking, similar to inhaling and exhaling ...

He never heard Ye Xiaotao's voice again, no voice at all. The induction of labor for more than six months was the same as the term labor. She used to lie on his back and said to him, "My husband, I think the pregnant woman in the delivery room is It ’s the same as killing a pig. I must be too, because I am most afraid of pain. Then you have to wait outside and wait for me. I will see you as soon as I come out ...

But now she was silent.

Even if it hurts again, she won't bark.

The sweetness of the past pierced his heart like a sharp knife, and then kept rumbling, painful, and he began to numb.

At this moment the door of the operating room was pulled open, and a nurse pushed out a bicycle.

Leng Hao raised his eyes and glanced, there was a small baby on the bicycle, covered with white cloth.

The baby's face was exposed, her eyes, nose and mouth were full. Even the little hair she just gave birth was black and white. The baby's skin was very white, like his mummy, but the little facial features were like him, and they were beautiful.

"Mr. Leng, the operation was successful. Unfortunately, it is a baby boy."

Baby boy?

"Oh ..." Lenghao laughed, then something hot fell in his eyes, and he had a son!

Xiaotao is a boy, she gave him birth!


The nurse pushed the bicycle away, and Lenghao stared blankly at the back of the bicycle. For the first time, he realized clearly that his son was gone, and he and Ye Xiaotao's son were gone!


Ye Xiaotao opened her eyes slowly, her eyes were all dazzling white, and there was a strong smell of disinfection. She was losing a bit on the back of her hand.

She moved and thought of getting up.

"Xiao Tao, lie down first. The doctor said that you have lost too much blood and you are not fit to move." At this time, Aunt Miao came over, and she bent down and talked to her tenderly.

Ye Xiaotao saw her eyes red and should cry for a long time.

"Well," Ye Xiaotao nodded docilely. "How long have I been sleeping?"

Her voice was hoarse.

"Two days."

"Oh." Ye Xiaotao answered, then closed her eyes.

Aunt Miao touched her long black and soft hair. "The doctor said that you can eat after you are awake. Aunt Miao will go home and cook some light porridge for you."

Ye Xiaotao didn't speak.

Aunt Miao looked at her unsightly eyes again, and sighed in her heart, and then walked towards the door, at which time Ye Fu came in.

"Master, I'll go home and cook some porridge for Xiaotao. You're here with Xiaotao."

"Okay, go."

Night Father sat in a chair by the bed, at this time the gorgeous sunlight poured in from the window, the girl's little face was crystal clear under the sun, there was no trace of blood, and there was a light slap on her right cheek. Yin, Yea ’s father touched the slap seal with regret and distress, and asked softly, "Do you still hurt, Xiaotao?"

Ye Xiaotao opened her eyes and she looked at Daddy, "It doesn't hurt."

From childhood to age, Daddy didn't want to touch her hair. She knew Daddy was all for her.

"Daddy, there are still people in the villa. Xiao Fei was hit by a wooden stick falling from the roof in order to save me. Did you rescue her? What happened to her?"

Ye Ye patted her little hand and comforted, "It was rescued, that is, her legs may be abolished, but you can rest assured that Daddy will arrange the best medical treatment for her, and Daddy will compensate her more."

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