My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1197: When can he walk into her heart

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Xuewu was unhappy when he said this, "Xiao Tao, do you want to say that I went for the money of other people, or that one of his grand presidents despise me, and am I completely affectionate?"

Ye Xiaotao said dumbly, she explained, "Xue Wu, where did you think you went, I mean, you have only been at work for a few days, do you guys not know each other well yet? What kind of person is he? You imagine it ... Snow Dance, this love is a big deal, so be careful. "

"I know," Xue Wu leaned against the closet, thinking of Leng Hao's handsome face, she smiled sweetly, "He's that person, exquisite and handsome, extraordinary, clean private life, no flowers and butterflies around ... "

"Really? He's as good as you say?" Ye Xiaotao was doubtful.

"Don't believe me? I'll show you his picture!" Xue Wu was about to take out her cell phone. When she went to work yesterday, she saw Leng Hao secretly taking a profile.

"Look, this is the man I like." Xue Wu said confidently, pointing at Leng Hao in his mobile phone.

Ye Xiaotao glanced down at her eyes. At this look, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Even with a vague profile, she already recognized who it was.

Leng Hao!

Unexpectedly, the man that Xuewu likes turned out to be him!

Ye Xiaotao suddenly remembered that wedding in T city a few months ago, he was the owner of the winery, it is not surprising that he is now the president of Rosewood Hotel.

"Xiao Tao, how is it? Is he handsome?"

Ye Xiaotao looked back, her face was a little pale, "Well ... it looks good ..."

"The man I like is naturally the best."

"But, does he ... like you?" Ye Xiaotao asked softly.

"Like, Tao, let me tell you, I am now his secretary. Today he not only asked me to enter the VIP elevator with him, but also drove me home by himself. He also asked me to have dinner, but I did n’t agree, because I think we are developing too fast. Is there a word that does n’t mean that a man invites you to finish your meal, the next step is to talk to you ... Prescribe ... ”Xue Wu perfectly explained what it means to open your eyes Nonsense, and more and more vigorous, she also held Ye Xiaotao's slim arms affectionately.

"How about Xiaotao, are you happy for me?"

Ye Xiaotao tickled his lips, "Well, happy."

Xuewu still wanted to talk, but Ye Xiaotao pulled his arms back, "Xuewu, I'm tired, I'm going to bed, and I'll talk tomorrow."

"Oh, that little peach is good night, good dream." Xuewu went out.

Ye Xiaotao closed the door.

Xuewu walked to her room. Somehow she thought Ye Xiaotao was weird. She didn't seem to be happy. Xue Wu hummed. Ye Xiaotao must be jealous of her, jealous that she found such a good man.

Wait and see, she will live better than Ye Xiaotao!


The next day, in the studio.

Ye Xiaotao was sitting on a wooden bench, with an artboard in front of her and a pencil in her right hand, she was drawing.

However, all morning passed, and she did not paint a single picture.

Tear off the white paper on the drawing board, knead it, and throw it on the ground.

She continued to paint.

"Little peach," assistant Xiao Ai came in at this moment, "what would you like to eat at noon ..."

Xiao Ai's words came to an abrupt end, because she saw a circle of paper falling at Ye Xiaotao's feet.

"Xiao Tao, what's wrong with you today, isn't you in the state? I don't think you look very good ..." Xiao Ai asked with concern.

Ye Xiaotao shook his head absently, "I'm fine."

"Xiao Tao, can you take a break, and I'll make you a cup of coffee?"

"it is good."

Soon the coffee was ready. Xiao Ai put the coffee on the desk. "Little peach, come and rest."

"Well." Ye Xiaotao stood up, she came to the desk and reached for a coffee cup.

"His." The coffee spilled, and Ye Xiaotao retracted his red index finger.

"Yeah, Tao, what's wrong with you, have your fingers been burned? Show me quickly, you're the painter's hand, or should you call a doctor ..."

"No need." Ye Xiaotao didn't let Xiao Ai look at her fingers.

"Little peach," Xiao Ai looked at her complexion, and hesitated to ask, "Are you thinking about something? You seem to be ... absent-minded."

"I'm okay, Xiao Ai, I'm not feeling well. I'll go back first and call me if something happens." Ye Xiaotao picked up his bag.


Back in the apartment, Ye Xiaotao fell back to sleep on his own big bed.

She didn't sleep well last night, and now she has been drowsy twice after rolling twice.

Opening her eyes and looking at the ceiling above her head, she was noisy in her head, wondering what she was thinking.

Putting a soft quilt on her head, she forced herself to sleep.

She really fell asleep and dreamed. In the dream was Snow Dance, and ... Leng Hao.

Xuewu stood in front of her with Leng Hao's healthy arms, and proudly introduced, "Xiao Tao, this is my boyfriend, we will soon get married."

As soon as the picture turned, she came to a church. Xue Wu was wearing a white wedding dress and stood with Leng Hao. I didn't know who was talking, I was willing.

She felt her stomach hurt, she looked down, her abdomen was swollen, she was pregnant for more than July, and warm liquid rushed out between her legs. She was paralyzed, and she looked at the front facing away from her. The man she stood on, called him heartbreaking, Lenghao, save me, save our little peach ...

Ye Xiaotao opened her eyes and printed it into the familiar ceiling, but her vision was blurred.

She reached out and touched her face, feeling a wet hand.

She was already in tears.

Little peach ...

It's been a long time since she thought of Xiaotao. It's not that she has forgotten it, it's just that she hurts so much that she can't think about it.

At this time, the sound of "ding bell" interrupted her thoughts, and someone was knocking at the door.

Ye Xiaotao returned to her thoughts, and quickly wiped away her tears, then got up, walked to open the door of the apartment, and stood outside the palace.

Gong Yan Fengchen rushed here, all eyes were tense, "I will pick you up after work, but Xiao Ai said that you went home at noon. You seem to be unwell. Why don't I call me and know me How worried? "

"Xiao Ai is fussed, don't listen to her talking, I just didn't sleep well last night." Ye Xiaotao's voice was a little dumb.

Miyazaki held her tightly, "Why didn't you answer my call?"

"Have you called? Sorry, I didn't hear it. I was sleeping just now." Ye Xiaotao turned into the living room.

Miyazaki followed her. He stretched out two hands to embrace her waist, leaned down and kissed her face. He whispered, "What happened? Crying?"

Her eyes are red.

"No, maybe you don't sleep well." Ye Xiaotao broke his arms. "What do you want to drink, is the orange juice good?"

She went into the kitchen.

Gong Yan looked at her delicate back, her eyes dimmed. When could he enter her heart?

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