My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1215: Let you down, i am not dead

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There were countless sparks rushing up, Ah Chen yelled, "Get down!"

Ye Xiaotao didn't respond at all, she stared at the sinkhole exploding into ruin in her sight.

"Girl, be careful!"

She fell to the ground by Miyazaki, who protected her under her.


The spark went out, and there were rubble everywhere, and Miyazaki stood up and stood Ye Xiaotao pulling up, "Girl, are you okay?"

The slim arm in his palm slipped away quietly, and Ye Xiaotao left him and took two steps forward.

Ye Xiaotao's eyes slowly moved from the ruins to everyone present, she looked carefully several times, but why can't she see the familiar person?

How about Lenghao?

The sewers were all blown up, and all of them collapsed. Why didn't he come out?

The words he was leaving were echoed in her mind. What would happen if Miyagi was rescued and he did not return?

No, he will not come back, he will definitely come back, she promised to marry him, what else does he want?

She's not joking. If he really doesn't come back, she will really marry Gong Ai, and she will live happily with Gong Ai.

However, even if she said so, he still did not return.


This bastard!

"Little peach ..." Miyazaki stepped forward, and he went to shake her little hand. With this grip, her little hand was cold.

She didn't seem to hear him. She didn't cry or smile. The old wonderful eyes lost all the focus. She looked at the ruins like a broken porcelain doll.

Miyazaki had a sudden heartache, and for her own sake, reached out and buckled her shoulder to turn her around. "Little peach, look at me."

Ye Xiaotao's gaze fell on his lips.

"Xiao Tao, the sewer well has exploded. He is very likely ... he won't be able to come back. If you want to cry, just cry."

No, she didn't want to cry at all.

She felt her eyes dry.

Crying means he really won't come back, she won't cry, she believes he will come back!

Miyazaki was distressed by her appearance, and Miyazaki reached out and hugged her into her arms. He whispered in her ear and asked, "Girl, did he win? He traded his life for you, and he won. "

Ye Xiaotao's two little hands drew near her side, and the eardrums seemed to be the sound of a sharp train whistling past. She couldn't hear what Gong was saying.

She only knew that Leng Hao would return. She promised to marry him, and he couldn't bear it.

"Girl, do you still ... love him? You have been in love for the past four years."

Ye Xiaotao didn't speak.

Gong Yan sighed, he leaned down and kissed her forehead, distressed and also distressed her.

At this time, Achen's happy voice came, "President? President! President, are you back?"

Ye Xiaotao's entire portrait was pulled back from the abyss, and the eyes that lost focus saw the colors of this world again, and she turned to look.

Leng Hao climbed up from the mud, his clothes were dirty and wet, and a few small blood holes were marked on his handsome cheek. He stopped after he saw the two of them hugging.

The smile on his lips froze.

The sight of the three people collided.

"President, great, you are finally back!" Ah Chen hurriedly chased after him. "President, the sewer has collapsed. How did you escape? We all thought you ..."

Leng Hao glanced at Achen, "When we came out, the strong sulfuric acid on the wall was gradually pressed down, only enough for one person to escape. I couldn't help but I went back to the deep water channel to find another way. Good luck, I really found it. When I first came out, I heard a bang behind me, and the sewer exploded. "

Ah Chen immediately folded his hands, "Thank God!"

Leng Hao retracted his eyes and slowly looked at Ye Xiaotao, shaking his thick long eyelashes, he smiled lightly, "I saved him."

Ye Xiaotao didn't speak.

Leng Hao continued to say, "I rescued him, and you will fulfill your promise ..."

"Promise? Xiaotao, what did you promise him?" Gong Yan asked.

Ye Xiaotao then determined that he really came back, and she knew he would come back!

Without paying attention to Miyazaki, she pulled up her feet and came to Leng Hao step by step. A lot of tears burst into the dry eyes just now, "Why do you come back?"

A Chen froze, then was extremely angry, "Miss Ye, please speak well!"

Ye Xiaotao stared at Leng Hao with tears in her eyes, she pinched the powder fist and hit him on the shoulder, "Why are you back? I thought you were dead, I thought I ..."

Never see you again ...

"Do you think I'll cry for you when you die, you're wrong, I won't cry for you again. Why did you force me, did you hurt me enough four years ago, and now I can finally live It's a quiet and peaceful day, but you're here again, know how much I hate you, you always appear outside my plan, originally ... I was going to marry Miyazaki. "

"I don't know what I owed you in my life. Even if I owe it, I lost a life on you. Is Xiao Xiaotao's life enough to pay me?"

"Why are you still not content and still want to disrupt my life?"

Achen was so angry that he saw Ye Xiaotao's punch and then slammed it on his own president. The president let her hit him without saying a word. When did his president suffer such birdishness?

Gradually, he found a dark, blood-stained stain on his president's dirty shirt.

"Miss Ye, that's enough!" Achen approached, and he reached out to clasp Ye Xiaotao's hand.

But his hand was intercepted by a big palm in midair, Lenghao whispered coldly, "Go!"

"President!" Ah Chen refused.

Even if she doesn't feel bad for the president, isn't it OK for him to feel bad?

Leng Hao gave Achen a shocked look, his woman could not be touched by others.

However, his heart seemed to be torn in half, and it was so painful that she wanted him to die like this?

He slowly raised his lips, "I'm sorry, I let you down, I'm not dead."

After that, he turned and left.

As soon as Leng Hao left, Achen stepped forward angrily and said, holding his fist, "Miss Ye, our president is protecting you. I ca n’t say anything, but I still want to say a few words. My president almost returned as you wish Here, he didn't know there was another way in the sewer. He left Gong Shao the chance to survive, he just tried his luck! "

"He did ask for your promise, but it was for his life. If he can't come back, can you still marry Gong Shao? Now that he is back, why bother with him, why are you like this? Want him to die? "

"Miss Ye, my president has not been better in the past four years. Have you tortured him enough? If you don't love, please walk away!"

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