My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1221: Morning sickness

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in the room.

Ye Xiaotao took off her wedding dress and looked at the stunner in the mirror. She chuckled her lips and smiled.

She was abandoned again.

No one really wanted her this time.

Feeling tired, she lay in bed with her eyes closed to sleep.

At this sleep, at night, the knocking sound of "叩叩" sounded, and Aunt Miao said outside the door, "Xiao Tao, I'll send you dinner."

Ye Xiaotao sat up, "Aunt Miao, come in."

Aunt Miao came in carrying the dinner plate.

"Xiao Tao, don't be too sad, you have lost a lot of weight recently, don't think about anything, eat the food first." Aunt Miao gently touched her soft hair.

"Well." Ye Xiaotao nodded, and she took a spoon and drank a little soup.

"Aunt Miao."


Ye Xiaotao trembled her slender eyelashes. "Do n’t worry about me and Daddy all the time. I ’m not that fragile and wo n’t fall. In fact, it ’s better if Gongzhen does n’t marry me. This marriage is not fair to him. He You can definitely find a good girl who loves him. "

Aunt Miao sighed, "I've watched you with my own eyes these years, Leng Hao and Gong Yan go round and round, whether you're not married or not, Aunt Miao knows your heart is still on Leng Hao."

"Aunt Miao, don't mention him again! I hate him!"

"Little peach," Aunt Miao hugged her gently into her arms. "Without love, where did you hate? Today Gong Yan did the same thing as Leng Hao before. Why don't you blame Gong Yan at all, but you hate cold so much? How? "

"that is because…"

"Shh, don't say, even if you deceive me, can you deceive your own heart?"

Ye Xiaotao buried the pale face in Miao's arms in pain. "Aunt Miao, I don't know what I did wrong. Why did he do this to me? Four years ago, I gave all my love He, but what happened, I lost Xiaotao, I lost half my life! "

"Four years later, I want to forget that he restarted, but he came to entangle me, I couldn't stand a little bewilderment of him, watching him and Xue Wu together I was uncomfortable, and he let me go when he went to save the palace Remarry him, I promised, I really promised, he asked me what to do if he couldn't come back, and I told him in my heart, then I would wait for him until I couldn't wait. "

"Back at home, he called me. Actually, I was happy. I thought he was going to discuss the marriage period with me. I still think that this time I will never talk to him casually. I want to At a wedding, I want to wear a wedding dress. I want to listen to his life-long promise to me in front of God. I think he can stay with me every night and make up for the injuries he has hurt me in the past ... "

"But he told me on the phone that he didn't love me that much. He said he would forget me. He also said he would marry a girl better than me and have a lot of children ..."

"Aunt Miao, my heart really hurts, I hate myself, why am I always so stupid, planted on the same **** once and twice, I hate him even more, since he doesn't love me, why bother? Hit me? "

Tears blurred his vision, Ye Xiaotao buried in Miao Ai's arms and choked.

Aunt Miao kissed her hair like a mother. "Did he really say that?"

"Well, I remember every word and every sentence of him!"

"Little peach," Aunt Miao pulled them apart. "One thing your father has been hiding from you, I don't know if I should tell you."


"Lang Hao was badly injured that time when he saved the palace."

Ye Xiaotao froze, then shook his head, "How come? No, I see him well, he didn't say ..."

"Your father returned to the aftermath and heard the doctor said that Leng Hao's right leg was corroded by strong sulfuric acid, and a large bone in it was not spared. The small amputated abdomen needs to be removed by surgery, and it will be long after Regenerate in time. "

Ye Xiaotao's brain exploded, and she couldn't understand what Aunt Miao was saying.

"No, this is not true. You must be lying to me, someone like him, he is a full meter, and you asked him to amputate. What will he do next? I do n’t believe it, I definitely do n’t believe it!” Ye Xiaotao Covering her trembling red lips, shaking her head frantically.

"Xiao Tao, calm down, I know you can't believe it, but it's true."

Ye Xiaotao held Aunt Miao's arm. "Then how is he now, now ... two months have passed, how is he?"

Aunt Miao shook her head. "I don't know. Lenghao didn't have surgery here. He took a special plane back to Hong Kong. Now he wants to come. He should just leave after talking to you."

"Asshole! This asshole! When he returned to Hong Kong, he really didn't plan to ask me, he really wanted to cut off the contact with me!" Ye Xiaotao cried and laughed, "Is he afraid that I would abandon him so he just said that. Yes, this idiot, this idiot is his wishful thinking! "

Aunt Miao took out a paper towel and wiped her tears. "Little peach, don't cry, he should think you can be happy."

"He wants me to be happy, and to be happy with Miyazaki!"

Aunt Miao sighed, "Actually, Lenghao hasn't had a good time these years. Xiaoxiaotao is the two of you. You bear the pain of losing your son, but he bears the pain of losing your son and you. When he returned to Hong Kong, What a pain in my heart. "

Aunt Miao rubbed Ye Xiaotao's head, "Xiao Tao, Aunt Miao knows that you can't let go of Xiao Xiaotao's departure, but everyone must look forward alive, and the child will have it again, but the person you love , Missed is a lifetime. "

"Men and women are not the same. Their thinking is very simple. Sometimes they do n’t understand women's hearts. Like your father, once the maid was away and it was raining outside. I asked your father to go outside and take back the clothes. I took it away, the clothes were taken back, but the pants were still outside ... "

"Well." Ye Xiaotao burst into tears and smiled.

Aunt Miao Zhan Yan, "I think Lenghao and your dad are one level. We were unlucky and we all married a man with a negative emotional intelligence."

Ye Xiaotao wiped away her tears. She wore a pair of beautiful eyes and gave a pink lip. She whispered, "Four years ago, I had my fault with him at the last step. He did not understand my heart , I wanted nothing to tell him bluntly, and eventually we went in the opposite direction. "

"Xiao Tao, you understand. Marriage needs business. Men and women are complementary."

"Well." Ye Xiaotao nodded.

"Well, Xiaotao, I know you have figured it out, you have come out of the past. The so-called death is the reason," said Aunt Miao, picking up a spoon and feeding her soup. It's hot, stop talking, eat first. "

"Well." Ye Xiaotao went to drink soup.

But smelling the fishy smell in the soup, she quickly raised her eyebrows as if to vomit.

"Little peach, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Xiaotao covered her mouth and quickly ran down the bed. She turned upside down while holding the toilet.

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