My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1240: Is my belly big?

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Cold kite, ...

Did she talk to her brother?

Why are men all like this, wise and wise, one or two like this, no IQ.

Zhou Siliang's small pot friend saw Daddy's mum talking there. He moved a small bench and stepped on it, then looked at the baby in the crib.

It is said that this is his sister ...

So ugly!

Zhou Silian's small basin friend hated for a while, "Mum, this little beauty is ugly, isn't it natural?"

When Xiaomei in the crib heard Ge Ge dislike her, she pursed her mouth and cried "Wow".

"Go away!" Zhou Yao stepped forward with a long leg. He greeted the small **** of Zhou Siliang's little pot friend last week. Zhou Siling's little pot member stepped forward a few times, and finally he held his body. .

He looked angrily at his dad, only to see Dad glance at him, "You're ugly!"

The tall, straight and straight man bent down and hugged Xiao Meimei with one arm, he coaxed softly.

Zhou Siling, a small friend, ...

Emphasize women over men!

"Mum, I wasn't born?"

Cold kite, ...


The luxury car stopped on a lawn and Lenghao got out of the car, bypassing the body and opening the door of the front passenger seat.

Ye Xiaotao didn't move, she looked at the familiar villa in front of her.

Leng Hao stooped down, unfastened the seat belt on her body, wrapped her weak and boneless hand in the palm of his hand, and led her out of the car.

Ye Xiaotao looks at this villa, all her memories seem to return to the fire four years ago ...

Closing her eyes hard, her hands and feet became cold.

"Xiao Tao, don't be afraid." Lenghao hugged her from behind. "The past has passed. We take this step and start again. This time, I will hold your hand firmly."

Ye Xiaotao turned pale.

Leng Hao embraced her petite body into her arms, and she took her steps into the villa.

"Open your eyes and look."

Ye Xiaotao opened her eyes slowly, and the villa had been refurbished, and everything in it was the same as when she married in, as if it had never changed.

At this moment, the back was warm, the man hugged her hard, and his gentle low-alcohol voice sounded in his ear, "Xiao Tao, I'm sorry, I didn't rush back in time for the fire. I was jealous during that time, and I was mad at you. You, the little rabbit, bite me in an abnormal state, and there is news in Kite. I walked for half a month, and you did n’t even send me a text message. I confessed that you won this cold war completely. I miss you. So I flew back on a special plane overnight and bought you roses. I want to make peace with you, but you refuse to ... "

"I was really angry that night, so I went to the bar to drink, and stayed in the hotel when I was drunk. The next morning, Achen asked the secretary to send me clothes. That was a female secretary. I answered your call ..."

"I admit that I am masculine, and I can't pull you down. I want to hear your soft voice on the phone, so I said something I shouldn't say, and you hung up my phone ..."

"Little peach," Lenghao buried Jun's face in her pink neck. "I have always regretted it for the past four years, leaving you alone and helpless in that fire, and letting you lose our son at the age of 20, both It's my fault, sorry. "

"But Xiaotao, I haven't met any woman except you in my life. I'm not good at expressing my love, but I love you, give me a chance, and we start again."

Ye Xiaotao's eyes were wet, in fact, she had long forgiven him.

It is not only his problem that a marriage has reached the end of her life, she also has a problem.

"You really haven't ... encountered other women, including ... Bai Lingyun?"

"I swear by my life, I haven't touched it."

Ye Xiaotao slowly raised his lips and said, "Me too, I have only you as a man!"

As soon as the words fell, Leng Hao turned her around.

He stared at her with surprise and enthusiasm, "Miyazaki ..."

"He didn't touch me. Leng Hao, you are mine, I am yours, I give you a chance, we start again, and live together forever."

"Well." Lenghao held her small face and kissed her red lips affectionately.

Ye Xiaotao gently closed her fan-like slender eyelashes, her red lips opened slightly, and let him feed her long tongue to dance with her.

Soon, she was lifted horizontally.

"what are you doing?"

Leng Hao held her upstairs, "Xiao Tao, give me a baby again, okay?"

Ye Xiaotao's eyes brightened, and the corner of his mouth filled with a smile, this fool!

The door of the room was kicked open, Ye Xiaotao was pushed into the soft bed by him, and Leng Hao stood above her. "Xiao Tao, I know I am not qualified to make this request. You may take a while to accept it, but I ca n’t wait Now, Kitty has children and daughters. I also want to be a daddy. I want you to be my child's mum. "

Ye Xiaotao outlined the outline of his handsome face with his soft fingertips. "If ... I am pregnant, would you be nice to me?"

Leng Hao grabbed her little hand and kissed her mouth. "I swear, if I am sorry for Ye Xiaotao again, let me ..."

"Hey!" Ye Xiaotao quickly covered his mouth, she said softly, "How can you swear at every turn? You should cherish your life. I don't want my baby to have no fatherland."

"Okay, I won't say any more, let's do it!" Lenghao reached out and brushed off the **** her shoulder, then lifted up the white shirt on her body and buried her head ...

Ye Xiaotao grabbed the sheets with helpless hands, then quickly pulled his short hair and pushed him out, "Don't ... I didn't do it for you in the morning ... for you ..."

"not enough."

"Lenghao, don't move, I hurt ..."

After hearing her cry, Lenghao raised his head. He asked mutely, "Did you bite in the morning?"

"Don't say it!" Ye Xiaotao Shuiguang covered his mouth with his little hand and twitched her slender eyelashes like a fan. She put his big palm on her belly. Is your belly big? "

Lenghao touched it carefully, and then seriously said, "It's big, have you been fat recently?"

Ye Xiaotao, ...

"You're fat!" She kicked him with her feet.

"It's abundant here too, I like it!"

Ye Xiaotao, ...

He buried his head again.

Ye Xiaotao didn't know how to communicate with him. She was so straightforward that he still didn't understand it. He was full of it.

Little hands climbed up to his shoulders, his whole muscles were stretched and his temperature was hot.

I'm sure I can't take it anymore, Ye Xiaotao is ready to confess to him, "Lenghao, in fact I already ..."

At this moment there was a knock at the door, and someone was shouting, "Open the door! Open the door!"

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