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The weaving of the scarf is very special. It is not available on the market. It is obviously made by Wang Xue himself.

Bai Beibei is too familiar with this weave, because it was invented by her mother-in-law.

She grew up with her mother-in-law from a young age, and she will never read it wrong. This weaving is only for the Bai family.

How could the lady boss?

Who is she

Bai Beibei thought of a possibility, would the boss be her ... Mom?

Two years ago, they all said that her mother died in a mental hospital, but she and her mother-in-law did not see the body. The mental hospital said that the body had been cremated.

She has an inexplicable affection for this boss, and the wife treats her well, just like her daughter ...

Bai Beibei's heartbeat accelerated. Is the boss really her mother?

But how did mom's face change?

Was it surgery?

What has my mother been doing in these two years?

Bai Beibei had too many questions. She took the scarf in her hand and ran away. She would go to the boss and ask for it now.


White house.

Qian Lan smashed all the things that could be smashed in the living room. Her face was distorted because of her anger. "It's awful. The owner of that cafe even humiliated me like that. She even helped Bai Beibei that way. Ono, I won't let them go! "

When Bai Shida came back from the company, he heard that Qian Lan was scolding there, like a madwoman. He had guessed that the boss lady in Qian Lan's mouth was his own pure man, Wang Xue, and he wondered why Wang Xue was for Baibei. Bei and Qian Lan carried it like this?

It is not good to tear your face like this, after all, the time has not yet come.

"Wife, don't be angry, forget it, just a stranger, you don't need to be so angry."

"Get off!" Qian Lan yelled at Bai Shida in annoyance.

Bai Shida returned to the sofa. He knew he had hit the muzzle, and the yellow-faced woman wanted him to be a punching bag again.

"Bai Shida, you're embarrassed to speak, it's all your fault. You didn't have Bai Beibei without hooking up with Sun Xiaoxiao. Now this Ono species has climbed over my family's Kiki and took Qi With all the auras of Qi, she is also a master of mental arithmetic, and she has also caused Gong Shao and Li Shao to be jealous of her. This little fox charmer can do it now. "

Bai Shida snorted in the heart, that is Bai Baibei's ability, if you want to blame Bai Qi for nothing.

"Bai Shida, let me tell you, you should contact a few local gangsters now, and you let them smash that coffee shop!" Qian Lan ordered.

Bai Shida froze, "This ... isn't it?"

"What's wrong? If you don't do it, I will let my dad send someone to do it." Qian Lan said that he would call.

Qian Lan's father, Qian Feng, is very famous in Kyoto. If this is known to him, it will be troublesome. Bai Shida quickly got up and grabbed Qian Lan's shoulder. He stabilized her first. "Well, wife, give it to me. I'll do it. "

"It's pretty much the same! You call quickly."

"Okay." Bai Shida pretended to go aside and took out her cell phone.

Qian Lan stared at Bai Shida's back, she felt more and more that the man was perfunctory him. Recently, his attitude has become very strange, and she no longer obeys her.

Qian Lan had a bad hunch.

At this moment, a "ding bell" sounded, and the doorbell of the villa was rang.

The maid quickly ran to open the door. No one was outside the door, but an envelope bag fell by the door.

The maid took the envelope bag in his hand and gave it to Qian Lan. "Madam, I didn't know who rang the bell just now. The man was gone when I went to open the door, but I left this."

"What is this?" Qian Lan took it, then opened the envelope.

In the envelope was a document, Qian Lan glanced quickly, and then his face changed greatly.

Then the phone was shaking again, and she received a voice.

Qian Lan started to listen, Bai Shida's voice came out --- my yellow-faced wife in my family, I wish she was killed by a car when she went out, baby, you have to endure for a while, I have registered a new company, will Bai All of Shi ’s liquid funds were transferred to my new company in secret. The yellow-faced lady also asked me where the financial accountant Xiao Dai had gone. Xiao Dai had already been bought by me and became my person. Waiting for me to vacate Bai Shi, I will kick that yellow-faced wife off and marry you as my wife ...

Bai Shida didn't make a phone call at all. He held the cell phone and said "Hmm" there twice, and then came over, "Wife, I've done it ... wife, what's wrong with you?"

I saw Qian Lan holding the mobile phone, and the whole portrait was out of his soul. Bai Shida felt strange.

Qian Lan's mobile phone fell on the carpet. She slowly got up and looked at Bai Shida in disbelief. "You beast, how dare you pit me!"

Bai Shida's expression also changed, a little flustered, "Wife, what are you talking about, how can I not understand?"

"Are you still pretending? OK, take it for yourself!" Qian Lan smashed the documents in the envelope into Bai Shida's face.

Bai Shida picked it up, and the whole person froze. This file was the new company he registered, and every financial record he transferred from Bai's new company was on it.

"Wife, who gave this to you, I ..."

Qian Lan rushed forward, gave a slap, and gave Bai Shida a slap.

"Animals, you are carrying me as a blank clan, and you are still carrying me to support people, cursing me to be killed by a car, Bai Shida, was your conscience eaten by a dog. I think you would be a poor egg then. Without me Without your father's investment, can you have today? "Qian Lan screamed out of control.

"Wife, listen to me explain, frame, this must be frame ..."

Bai Shida's words weren't finished, Qian Lan gave him two loud slaps again. "Bai Shida, you're just a wretched eater. Now I'll call my dad. I tell you, you After that, my dad will leave you with nothing, and you will wait to be a beggar. "

Qian Lan turned around, she picked up the phone and dialed the number.

Bai Shida looked at Qian Lan's arrogant back. His humiliation and insults kept echoing in his ears. She said that he was a mess and she threatened him to have nothing ...

Bai Shida's eyes were a little scarlet, the whole face was distorted, and a voice in his heart told him --- kill this woman, kill this woman!

The phone was quickly answered, Qian Lan said, "Dad, listen to me ... Ah!"

The phone fell to the ground again, and Qian Lan's neck was pinched tightly by a pair of big hands.

"Ah ... let go ... killing, help ..." Qian Lan struggled and turned around, and she saw Bai Shida's horrible eyes. He stared at her as if she were about to stare out her eyes.

Qian Lan couldn't break his palm. She desperately patted Bai Shida's palm, and then felt that breathing was difficult, and she was about to suffocate.

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