My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1410: let's break up

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"Mummy ..." Yin Linger hugged her mother's waist.

"Hey, this daughter grows up, you can't help it. You have all your heart on Ping An. Fortunately, Ping An also treats you wholeheartedly. After you fall into the water, Ping An will jump down to save you and keep you. One night, his affection for you, Mummy, is in your eyes. Mummy hopes that you will be good in the future. "

Yin Linger smiled, tears came out with a smile, and she buried her small face in Yin Shuiling's mother's arms and choked, "Mum, you won't be sad anymore, because, because ..."


Zhou Ping'an returned to the ward, but the ward was empty and Yin Linger was discharged.

She was discharged?

Not yet notified him?

Zhou Ping'an was anxious and angry. He immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Yin Linger's phone. The ringing rang several times before the other end was connected. "Hey, Ping Gege."

"Hey, Linger, why did you leave the hospital without saying a word, I ..."

"Peace Gege, let's break up." Yin Linger's hoarse voice came.

Break up?

Zhou Anping was in the same place, "Yin Linger, what do you say, say it again."

"Peace Gege, I'm sorry."

Yin Linger hung up.

Listening to the busy tone of "dudu" at the other end, Zhou Pingzhou hesitated for a few seconds, and then he took the mobile phone and went out quickly. He had to find Yin Linger and ask clearly.

What is she doing?


Yin family.

The maid opened the door of the villa, "Master Zhou, I'm sorry, my lady is not at home, you can come back someday."

not at home?

This listening was a pretext. Zhou Ping took out his mobile phone and called again, but there was a cold and mechanical female voice on the other end --- I'm sorry, the call you dialed is off, please call again later.

She turned off!

Zhou Ping'an stood on the lawn. He looked up at the window upstairs and shouted, "Yin Linger, come out quickly, I know you're in there, come out and say clearly!"

Why she broke up, he needed a reason.

He felt that he really loved her all these years, which led her to leave him so wayward and break up with him.

Is he and she in a relationship that they can break up at will?

No one responded to him, and Yin Linger didn't show up, so Zhou Ping'an waited from morning to night. Coincidentally, it rained at night.

The winter rain was bitingly cold, and Zhou Ping didn't leave. The cold rain poured relentlessly from his head, and he stood in the rain waiting for her.

When she comes out, he will leave.

Upstairs, Yin Muchen father looked at the young man downstairs through the layers of veil. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone. "Cold, let your sister answer the phone."


Soon, Yin Linger's voice came, "Hey, Daddy."

"Linger, Ping An has been waiting for you for a day, and now it's raining, Ping An is raining. Based on this rain, I guess he must not be able to survive for two days."

Yin Linger didn't speak.

"Linger, you really broke up with Ping An, don't you regret it?" Yin Muchen asked dad.

Yin Linger still doesn't speak.

"Linger, you have grown up. Daddy and mommy can't help you with your emotional affairs. Make your own choices. No matter what choices you make, don't regret it later."

Yin Muchen father hung up the phone.

"Husband, what's wrong with Linger and Ping'an, why did you break up for good? We Linger like Ping'an for so many years." Yin Shuiling's mommy looked sad.

Yin Muchen father stretched out his arms and held Yin Shuiling's mum in his arms. He kissed his wife's cheek and comforted softly, "Relax, it will be fine after the rain."


Yin Muchen didn't say anything wrong, Zhou Anping couldn't carry it the next night, and he fainted on the lawn.

Lu Ning was in class at school, and she was a little uneasy because she hadn't seen Yin Linger and Zhou Ping'an in the past two days.

Yin Linger took a few days off to recuperate. She didn't bother, but Zhou Ping also disappeared, which is unusual.

On this day Lu Ning met Zhou Ping's children's shoes. She stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, where is the senior Ping An now? I want to find him."

"Sister Lu Ning, took five days off safely. I just came to school today and he is going through the formalities of going abroad. In these few days, he will go to Britain."

"So fast? Didn't Ping An go abroad after a month?"

"Yes, but Ping An seems to be leaving early."

"Oh, thank you."

Lu Ning decided to go to Zhou Ping'an and ask for it.


Lu Ning found Zhou Ping'an in the classroom. Before she entered, she heard a sweet voice, "Senior Ping An, do you need to bring these books?"


"I like these books so much, can I give it to me?"


Who is Zhou Ping talking to?

Lu Ning walked into the classroom and saw Zhou Ping'an packing her things. There was a very beautiful girl around him. Lu Ning knew him, and she was a branch of dance in the dance department.

"Peace," Lu Ning said.

Shi Chun saw Lu Ning with a sweet smile and said, "Sister Lu Ning, you are here. I'm leaving now, Dean Ping An. Do I need to submit these materials to the principal's office?

"Okay." Zhou Ping nodded.

Shi Chun left.

Lu Ning looked at Zhou Ping'an. He disappeared for a few days. Zhou Ping'an had lost a lot of weight, and his complexion was very bad.

"Peace, are you going to Britain? Why do you remember going ahead?"

Zhou Ping'an lowered his eyes and fixed his own things. His smooth facial lines were tight and stern. "There is nothing to do here anyway, it's better to go to Britain earlier."

"But you left early and Linger was sad again."

"How can she be sad, she has broken up with me." Zhou Ping snorted coldly.

Lu Ning's eyes widened in shock, "What? Linger broke up with you, are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding, she told me personally."

"Then why don't you keep her, girls, you need to coax, Linger likes you so much, she won't break up with you."

"I just coaxed her so much, that's why she did this to me!" Said Zhou Ping, who coughed a few times, and two lines of blood came out from under his nose.

"Ping An, you have a nosebleed!" Lu Ning quickly took out two paper towels and handed them over. Zhou Ping took over and covered his nose. His face was blue and bloodshot in his eyes.

"Peace, are you okay?"

"It's okay." He was so anxious that it was so.

"Then you and Linger ..."

Zhou Ping'an held things and got up and walked away. "Just do whatever she wants!"

Lu Ning, ...


Lu Ning called Yin Linger's phone, but it was turned off. There was no way. Lu Ning called the mother of Yin Shuiling.

"Hey, aunt, can you tell me where Linger is now, I want to see her."

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