My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 1429: Be my woman

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Zhou Pingping touched her hair and said softly, "Linger, I was in a hurry just now, so I yelled at you, I said sorry to you, but you dress like this for my colleagues to see, I really want to They are blind. "

"Woohoo, it's all your fault. Whoever asked you to bring your colleague back doesn't say a word." Yin Linger choked.

"Then why are you calling and saying you're not home?"

Yin Linger looked up and looked at Zhou Ping'an waterily, "Woohoo, you're fierce me!"

Zhou Ping'an, "Sorry."

"I'm not trying to surprise you yet, you should be secretly happy, but I want to please you on my birthday and make you happy, oh ..."

Zhou Ping couldn't refute this, he sighed, "Little fool."

In fact, he also wanted to surprise her. On her 20th birthday, he wanted to open up the relationship with each other aloud, this is my girlfriend!

"Woohoo, forget it, I will never wear this clothes again ..."

"Don't," Zhou Pingyan frowned, "in the future you secretly wear it to me alone."

Yin Linger stopped crying. She looked up at Zhou Ping'an, a little shy. "Ping'an Gege, am I so pretty?"

"Pretty!" Said Zhou Ping'an holding her little hand on his heart. "You touch it yourself, you have stolen my heart."

That's pretty much it!

Yin Linger thinks it is worthwhile to go out today.

At this time, the dense kiss fell from her hair to her cheek, "Linger, Guilinger, Howling, my little baby ..."

Yin Linger's body was weak, and she had gradually explored her experience. Every time he wanted to be close to her, she called her like a mouth.

In the past, she didn't dare to think about Pingge Gege being so nauseous. Now, it seems that Pingge Gege is just like those men.

"No, your colleagues ..."

"I was carried away!"

"What? It's so rude ..."

"You're dressed like this, my pants are almost torn, how can I entertain them?"

Yin Linger was so ashamed, "Peace Ge Ge ..."

Zhou Anping put her down on the big soft bed, and kissed her lips tenderly. The eyes of the two were bright like stars all over the sky, and sweet juice soaked in peony petals. All Love and excitement are in it.

"Linger, my Linger, tonight I want to make you my woman." Zhou Pinggan touched her leg.

Yin Linger's whole body was tense. "Ping'an Gege, I'm scared. I hear it will hurt."

"It hurts a bit the first time, and I'll be happy later, I will let you get it."

Yin Linger shyly covered his mouth, Ping'an Gege's speaking scale was getting bigger and bigger, and she couldn't stop it.

"Linger, call my name."


"Zhou Ping'an."

Yin Linger chewed the name in her heart. This name has been with her for twenty years, and she is destined to walk with her for a lifetime. Her life is simple and happy.

"Zhou Ping." Yin Linger called his name sweetly.

That night, she became his woman.


Later, Yin Linger went to the hospital to pick up Zhou Ping from work when he was free.

She is thoughtful. Zhou Ping'an has gone further and further on the road to medicine, and she is highly respected and admired. Every year in the hospital, many intern nurses and doctors come. They graduate from prestigious universities. They are all young and beautiful. They put together on Zhou Ping's body.

She now let him succeed. The men are all the same thing. At the beginning of sowing, she tossed her every night. She was afraid that the freshness would pass, and he dazzled the flowers and butterflies outside.

She came to the hospital to stare at those women and tell them that Zhou Ping was hers!

A colleague in the hospital would tease Zhou Ping'an when she saw Yin Linger coming, "Dr. Zhou, your little daughter-in-law is here, urging you to go home."

Colleagues raised an ambiguous eyebrow at Zhou Ping'an.

Zhou Ping smiled quietly, and Ma Liu packed her things and took Yin Linger's little hand home.

The young nurses who just arrived envy, "Our Dr. Zhou really cares for the family."

Informed colleagues echoed the sentence, "That's, haven't you heard a word, it's the hardest thing to accept the beauty, our Dr. Zhou is alive, I can tell you, don't fight Dr. Zhou's idea, you didn't Look at Dr. Zhou's eyes are not on you. "

The little nurses looked at the back of Yin Linger, and it was an envy. If they were men and met such a beautiful woman, there would still be eyes for others.

Time flies, Yin Linger is like a flower and bones that finally blooms into a delicate rose, a delicate, white face, and a rosy and charming moisturized by Zhou Ping at night. When the real rays of light are taken by people, people can't move away. look.


In a flash, Lu Ning was 22 years old.

This year, she has spent four years obtaining a double master's degree and has become a talented woman known by X Dayuan.

It was also this year that she made the first choice in her life.

Many Las Vegas companies threw olive branches at her, but she declined all high-paying offers and started her own business.

She set up her own studio, a designer Xiaochun, a planner Xiaoqiu, plus a few marketers. She used the advanced model of the entire online and offline network to simply and cleanly create her own brand of high heel KEE.

In the past six months, KEE broke into people's horizons with an unstoppable niche attitude, and she became famous. The inevitable result of this was that she suffered deliberate sniping and acquisition by big brands.

"Lu Ning, today CHELL has sent us an acquisition plan again. This is already the third acquisition case sent to us by a brand company this month." Xiaochun said.

Xiao Qiu angrily threw the acquisition case into the trash can. "KEE is the crystallization of our creation, just like our children. How could we sell our children?"

Lu Ning twisted her eyebrows and said, "CHELL and other big brands have joined forces to block our raw material channels. We are too weak now. They are very easy to crush us. The reason they didn't do it was because they all wanted to acquire KEE, so if we insist on not selling KEE, KEE will be destroyed sooner or later. "

"Lu Ning, what should we do?"

"Let me think about it."

Lu Ning walked out of the office with a lot of thought, and then came a Sven white-faced scholar, "Miss Lu, hello."

"Who are you? I don't seem to know you."

"Miss Lu, it doesn't matter if you don't know me, the president of my family has invited me."


"I don't know your president. I still have something to do. Let's go first." Lu Ning turned and left.

However, it didn't work out because two black bodyguards blocked her way and made a "please" gesture.

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