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Yin Zhihan took a close look at the expressions of these people, and he lifted his thin lips. "Lu Ning is Lu Jinqian. Even if she puts the identity of Princess Zhu in front of her, she will not see it. In this leak case, Here, some of you in the field made a wrong calculation and wanted to push Lu Ning as a scapegoat. Why did n’t you investigate her life first? Why, now that you know her life, is it surprising? "

The shareholders were shocked. It turned out that Lu Ning really was!

I did not expect that Lu Ning was!

Their eyes were almost blinded.

This Lu's Qianjin has never exposed her identity whether in good times or adversity, and it really is ... extremely capricious.

Shareholders are even more shocked that there are some people present?

Does Yin Zhihan suspect that there is an inner ghost among them?

"From now on, the company will form an assault investigation team, and the team leader will be named Ellis. In addition to Lu Ning's seeing the bid, the three of you present also watched, and now the key investigation target is locked on the three of you. You better not let me find out, once I find out, I will never give you a chance to cry. "Yin Zhihan glanced darkly.


In the police station.

Lu Ning heard "Grunting", she reached out and hugged her little belly, ah, hungry.

She has been held here for a day, and it stands to reason that she can eat food for free, but the police officers seem to have forgotten her and no one gave her food.

She has not eaten rice for three meals, and she will be hungry after this.

"Asir, Asir!" Lu Ning wanted to call someone and protested.

But nobody ignored her.

Lu Ningchi shut up, she offended the little superintendent. You don't need to guess that it must be the little superintendent who didn't let her eat. It really couldn't offend the little man.

Lu Ning obediently sat back in the corner, she turned to look at the next cell.

There was a fat aunt next door. Her aunt's family had just seen her and gave her two buns. The aunt was eating buns.

Looking at the white fat bun, Lu Ning was about to drool.

"Hi, hello." Lu Ning took the initiative to talk to her.

The aunt bite a **** and looked at Lu Ning. She looked a little demented. Perhaps it was because of the language barrier. The aunt seemed to be unable to understand her English.

Lu Ning gestured with her fingers, so embarrassed, so her little face turned red. "Well, can you give me a little hoe? My stomach ... hungry."

"Just a little is enough, I will return it to you later." Lu Ning smiled pitifully.

The aunt looked at her, hesitated, then pulled a half of the **** and handed it to her.

Lu Ning connected in his hands, and quickly smiled with a frown, "Thank you."

She put her **** in her mouth and bite, and finally she could fill her belly.

But before eating it, a low-alcoholic laughter sounded in the ear, "Oh."

Lu Ning stagnated, then raised her eyes, standing outside the cell was a straight and tall figure. Yin Zhihan was wearing a thin black coat, and was looking at her with a soft smile on the corner of her mouth.

The **** in Lu Ning's hand fell to the ground.


He is back!

At this moment, a series of footsteps hurried over, and the chief of the police department smiled humbly and diligently, "Mr. Yin, I don't know if you're coming here, it's really a far cry."

Yin Zhihan looked at Lu Ning in the prison, and then said, "Open the door."

"Okay, hurry up and open the door!"

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