My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 812: Where to wipe

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Wash it ...

Wipe it ...

Leng Zhiyu stared at him dumbfounded and cursed, "Your uncle!"

She is so long that others are serving her, and she has never been serving others!

How old is he?

Zhou Yao looked at her small face that looked unusually tender after she took a shower, and raised her eyebrows slightly. "You look at me like this, without any dust and blood on her body, it's impossible to take a bath, so I have to trouble Mrs. Zhou Help me clean it. "


"Oh, of course you don't have to agree, but there must have been a lot of people who came to see me in the past two days. There were a lot of old men in the team's eyes and ears. At that time, there were rumors of a disagreement between our husband and wife. You must think about the consequences. "

Leng Zhiyu was stiff and could not say a word, she blushed and stared at the brazen man severely!

"Mrs. Zhou, obedient, we have to love each other, don't forget to come for three months, and forbearance will come." Zhou Yao said blinking at her, unruly look.

Leng Zhiyu's two hands hanging on her side pinched and loosened, and she loosened and pinched, and finally she snorted heavily and entered the bathroom.

Zhou Yao heard the crackling sound from inside and knew how unwilling the woman was, she completely took the basins as him to suffocate.

He leaned back to the bed leisurely and contently, why would it make him so happy to provoke the little wild cat?


Cold Kitty came out soon, she put the basin heavily on the bedside table, and squeezed the towels out of the water. "Where to wipe?" She asked angrily.

"Well ..." Zhou Yao pondered his head seriously and thought, "Wipe your upper body first."

Cold Kite bent over, reached out to undress the camouflage jacket on his body, and opened the jacket, and his sturdy chest was exposed. He was right, there was blood on his body.

Dry the blood stains with a warm towel, and she wiped him elsewhere casually. She was energetic, but when her fingertips hit his hard muscles, her fingertips seemed to be electrocuted. Like, her eyes started wondering where to put it?

"Mrs. Zhou, do you wear this at night?" He said suddenly.

Leng Zhiyu glanced at herself. The black vest and black slacks were normal. No problem.

She raised her eyes and looked at him, only to see his eyes scorned across her body, and then stayed on her ... chest.

"Where do you look? Cut your eyes again!" She threw the towel from her hand to his handsome face.

Zhou Yao ducked his head, then evoked a playful smile, "Mrs. Zhou, what are you pretending to be, I have not only seen it, but also pinched." He proudly opened his five fingers.

The little face of Leng Jie burned, "Wang Ba Dan!"

She stretched out **** and poked at his eyeball.

Zhou Yao's eyes quickly blocked her **** and then pulled it hard. She ran into his arms unexpectedly. At this moment, his warm and flexible thin lips covered and kissed her little earlobe directly. "Mrs. Zhou, your figure is so good, your face is so pretty, it's the man who has to look at you twice. Don't waste it, hurry up and put on the skirt, and ... in the back mountain, you laugh so beautifully."

The man's warm and humid breath was completely spilled into her sensitive ears, and he was so ... wandering, fancy words!

Is he the same for all women?

"Go!" She reached his chest and broke his arms.

Zhou Yao was in a good mood. The smell of the woman's hair was still entwined in his sense of smell, and her figure was so soft, "Mrs. Zhou, you blush."

Not a question, but a direct statement.

Leng Zhiyu knew she was blushing, probably teased by him, and she snorted coldly, and was about to leave.

"Hey, Mrs. Zhou, you haven't wiped it yet. Hurry up, I'm going to sleep!" He said righteously.

Cold kite: ...

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then turned her teeth, "Where do you want to wipe?"

Ignoring her anger, Zhou Yao glanced down comfortably and glanced down at his pants, "Below."

Very simple two words, cold kite's eyes moved down.

The top was open, and his perfect inverted triangular mermaid line was revealed under his superb chest, as well as the powerful eight-pack abs. The abs were sorted one by one.

Below is his black belt, wide shoulders and narrow waist, below is ...

She felt her ears burn this time.

Although she is inexperienced in love, she is very clear about the structure of men's bodies. Before, she did not waste the life of men. Men are usually soft, but he seems to have been there ...

When is he ...

"Mrs. Zhou, have you seen enough? I want to make it clear that I take off my pants for you to take a closer look. I am most proud of it here. Born, I guarantee you like it." He said, and started to untie his belt .

"Ah!" Leng Zhiyu collapsed and screamed, threw the towel over him, and she turned away and ran away.

Zhou Yao's happy "haha" laughed. It felt better than destroying an enemy's castle. Little wild cat, could he not tame her?


Leng Zhiyu didn't sleep well, and she could not sleep on the sofa over and over again, and finally fell asleep. Her dream was all Zhou Yao's nasty handsome face, and he teased her with all kinds of ...

It was only early in the morning when she opened her eyes, she just got up and went for a run, and she was not upset to see that pesky person.

It was already two hours after running back. When approaching the living room, she noticed that a lot of people had come to the room, all of whom were visiting Zhou Yao. Among them, there was Xiao Zhi who was still unconscious yesterday.

When I saw Zhou Yao stretched out his left foot, he kicked Xiaozhi, "I heard that you just woke up, why did you get out of bed so fast? Do you think you have a big life?"

Xiao Zhi's face was pale, but his eyes were very red. "Major General, I thought I was dead yesterday. As a soldier, I was always ready to give my life to my country, but I did not expect that Major General risked my life to save me back. I…"

"Is your kid brainwashed? No matter what you dedicate, nothing will die when you die. Okay, don't cry, like a sissy, wait for your injury to strengthen your exercise, don't shame me next time! "

The others laughed, "Xiaozhi, Major General has been teaching us, alive is the number one, we red flame soldiers, no one is less!"

"Yes, Major General." Xiao Zhi grinned his head and smiled.

Leng Zhiyu stood outside the door and looked at it. Zhou Yao was still the look of unbridledness in the past, but somehow she felt that he was so different now.

It looks a bit charming too.

At this moment, a small soldier came in from outside the house, and he saw Leng Zhijie enthusiastically, "Sister-in-law, are you back? This is fresh vegetable, I just picked it up."

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