My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 864: Really looking for someone, are you still jealous?

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"Don't ..." She hid so hard.

At this moment Grandma's voice sounded, "Girl, have your husband woke up?"

Grandma came in.

Leng Zhiyu quickly pushed him away, and Zhou Yao did not insist this time. He bent his right long leg, put his right wrist up, leaned back against the wall to see her panic and get out of bed.

Leng Zhiyu glanced at him, irritated with anger, and looked at her joke in an evil manner, but she seemed to steal someone.


Seeing Zhou Yao awake, Grandma quickly clapped and laughed, "Sir, are you awake?"

Zhou Yao glanced at Grandma, then nodded politely, "Thank Grandma."

"No need to thank you, sir, you do n’t know how worried your wife was when you were unconscious. She just woke up and asked to find her husband, and she stayed by your bed ..."

Zhou Yao's eyes brightened and he quickly and accurately captured the two words, "Husband?"

He looked gazeily at the cold kite.

The cold face of a kite was instantly red like a steamed prawn.

Grandma still said to herself, "Yeah, this girl says you are her husband, and we can see it at a glance ..."

Cold kite, ...

She stepped out of the door and quickly went out. It was so embarrassing that the grandma didn't open the pot, which was so embarrassing. She could also hear the laughter of the man inside. He should be so proud.


Near noon, Uncle had not returned, and no ingredients for cooking. Zhou Yao and Leng Zhiyubai lived in the house, so he asked, "Ah, what can we do for you?"

Grandma glanced at the clock and watched, "Broken, it's almost lunch time, should you be hungry? There are no ingredients in the house for the time being. So, you go catch a few fish in the stream by the river, and we grill the fish at noon . "


Leng Zhiyu chose from a large push fishing tool piled up by the door. She took a fishing net, a fishing rod, and a little fish food ... what a mess, there were so many things to take, she couldn't hold it.

At this time, listening to Zhou Yao laughing behind him, "Mrs. Zhou, are you going fishing?"

Leng Zhiyu turned her head and glared at him, "Will you come?"

Zhou Yao came forward with long legs, he took down everything in her hand, then bent over and took a harpoon, and took a small plastic bucket in her palm, he took her little hand forward, "that's it."

Leng Jie looked at the harpoon in his hand, could she just rely on this?

The two came to the stream, and the water was very clear. At a glance, you can see the pebbles below, and there were many small fish swimming in it.

"Wow, a lot of fish." Leng Zhiyu took off her shoes and socks and stepped into the stream.

Zhou Yao looked at her little jade foot, frowned and asked, "Is the water cold?"

"It's not cold, it's warm." Leng Zhijie didn't reply, her attention was attracted by the little fish near her feet, holding a harpoon in her hand, and she saw it. Poke down.

But I didn't poke, the stream splashed and splashed on her face.

"Yeah," she shouted cheerfully and turned to hide.

At this time, a warm and thick chest was pasted from behind, Zhou Yao reached out her right hand and pulled her in her arms, and raised her left arm to block her face.

The stream fell, and there was no water drop on Leng Zhiyu's face. She opened her eyes and saw that the sleeves of his left hand were wet a lot, and the stream was blocked by him.

She was sweet in heart.

"Now the water is cold, don't be playful, but catch a cold." He made a rare opening and touched her face from top to bottom with his left hand to see if there were any drops of water on her face.

She slapped him on the big palm, and said, "Why are you so rude that you can't just tap? I'm blushing."

"It's so tender?" He held her in one hand, took the harpoon in her hand, and poked at the little fish underwater, "No wonder I went in a little bit at that moment, you I went to the hospital to see what gynecology, how the medical record was written, what was torn ... "

Leng Zhiyu turned her head and covered his mouth. "Zhou Yao, don't say any more!"

At that moment, she met him for the first time. At Lu Shao, the two broke up on the lawn outside without a word. The **** pressed her and bullied her ...

Later, she did feel pain and was very unwell. She went to the hospital for another oolong, and her dad was responsible for the man with her medical records.

It's too embarrassing to remember now, but it's also ... fate.

Can't escape fate.

"What's that pain, Mrs. Zhou, let you see tonight for real." He evoked a charming smile.

Where would Leng Zhiyu not know what he meant? The narrow eyes he fixed on her face were black and bright, and his moving thoughts were written in his eyes.

Not to discuss with her, but to decide.

Even such things, he can be overbearing.

"Be beautiful! Go find someone!" She refused.

Zhou Yao clutched her slim waist and kissed her cheek, "Is it true that you are looking for someone else? The man in black who was torn down, I don't want to be like him."

Leng Zhiyu didn't know what to say, she pushed him with her elbow, and she refused to welcome it.

"Here." Zhou Yao passed her the harpoon in her hand.

Leng Zhiyu stared at her eyes. There were two small fish on the harpoon. He struck two of them at once. She looked at him with a smile and smiled, "I never thought you were a master."

"That is, we are out on a mission, and sometimes the conditions are very difficult. It is too common to catch fish. It is you. I really can't imagine how you do the mission outside."

She's a little idiot in her life, and a little picky.

"We are not like you. My dads who are in difficult conditions will not let me go. Even if they are going to go, they will be my elder brothers. When fighting in the march, the rear resources must be adequate. "

"Well," Zhou Yao snorted, and whispered in her ear. "How did your father support you before, how will I support you in the future."

This is probably the most serious rhetoric he has ever said.

Women like to listen to rhetoric. Before, she thought those women were stupid. Now she heard him say that, she suddenly felt happy. It turned out that she was no different from those stupid women.

"Be touched?" He rested his determined jaw on her incense shoulders.

Leng Zhiyu shoved her shoulders and pushed him, coughing, and said, "Hurry up and catch two more fishes, Grandma is still waiting at home, we're going back soon."

"What's the matter, catching the fish is a matter of a minute!" Zhou Yao shoved the harpoon into her little hand, then stretched out her right hand and touched her two small faces, tender and slippery.

"Stop it!" She turned her head to get rid of his big palm.

"Who made trouble with you, kiss me!" He forced her little face back forcibly.

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