My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 870: I want to be your woman

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Push the window open a slit and look into the cold kite.

Zhou Yao was gathering the materials on the conference table and holding the materials in his hands. He got up and wanted to leave, but at this moment the sound of the door closed and someone came in.

He looked up.

Han Xuan is here.

Zhou Yao glanced at her. Han Xuan was wearing a pink thin woolen coat with long hair over her shoulders.

He didn't speak, just watching her.

Seeing that he was quiet and quiet, Han Xuan stepped forward two steps and cried softly, "Brother Zhou, I'm leaving early tomorrow morning, can you ... accompany me tonight?"

What she said had deep implications, Zhou Yao's gaze was unshakable, and he looked at her eyes as if he could penetrate all the thoughts in her heart at this moment.

Han Xuan became nervous, "Brother Zhou, I already want to understand, you like ... Miss Leng, I can't change this, but Brother Zhou, I like you, like it for a full ten years, from the first time I was 14 years old I saw you when I saw you, and since we can't be together, can you meet my ... the last requirement, so I have no regrets. "

As Han Xuan slowly raised her hands, she unbuttoned her coat buttons one by one.

The last button was released, the coat fell to the ground, and the girl's fair and beautiful skin was exposed to the air.

Han Xuan was out of clothes, and she was wearing nothing in her coat.

She lifted her feet and walked towards Zhou Yao. Her eyes were obsessed with his handsome and tough face. "Brother Zhou, I am clean. I have been defending for you for years. I hope I can hand myself innocently to one day. On your hand, Brother Zhou, I want to be your woman. "

"Rest assured, I won't tell anyone about this, including Miss Leng, Brother Zhou, I like you, you want me."

Han Xuan stopped in front of Zhou Yao. She tiptoeed and kissed Zhou Yao's cheek.

But he didn't kiss, Zhou Yao avoided his side, and the man's voice with no emotion fluctuated lightly, "Han Xuan, don't you even lose your face like that?"

Han Xuan's entire body shook.

At this moment, a cold wind was blowing around, Zhou Yao pulled his long legs, opened the door and went out.

Leng Zhiyu saw clearly from the outside. She didn't expect Zhou Yao to come out like this, and she ducked to avoid the corner in case she was found.

Although she was frank, it was still low to peep at others.

The sound of steady footsteps drifted away, Zhou Yao had disappeared.

Leng Zhiyu quietly glanced into the conference room. Han Xuan had picked up her coat and put it on her body. She covered her mouth and ran out crying.


Leng Zhiyu returned to his house. Zhou Yao had already returned. He put the information on the coffee table in the living room and turned to the door.

Seeing her, he stopped. "Where did you go so late? I'm just going out to find you."

"It's so late for you to come back. I went out and took a lap. I just met Xiaozhi on the road. Xiaozhi said that you should be back soon, so I'm back." Leng Zhijie explained that she wasn't flushed.

Zhou Yao glanced at her and didn't delve into it, "Did you take a bath?"

"not yet."

"Then take a shower first. I have a military map to see."

"Are you going to work?"

Zhou Yao nodded. "Well, there's a tricky task. At sea, I'm going to start these days."

This is his responsibility and mission. Although the two love each other, she will always worry about his safety, but she will not show this worry. A soldier woman, the first thing to do is support.

"Well, well, I'll take a shower."


The cold kite came out of the bath, and Zhou Yao was sitting on the sofa in the living room. He was holding a military figure in one hand and a cigarette was pinched between the **** of the other hand.

The bright light shuttled into his black and hard short hair, and the lines of his handsome face became more and more tough and determined. He frowned, his eyebrows were already wrinkled into the word "chuan".

He rarely smokes, probably only when he is in a bad mood. Leng Zhiyu knows that he is in a bad mood. Han Xuan is essentially a very good and excellent girl. In the past ten years, she has made no mistakes, and her heart is delicate and intelligent. However, now Han Xuan looks like a person and is gradually going to extremes.

Han Xuan's change is all because of him.

Even if all these were not his wishes and beyond his control, it was him who indirectly destroyed Han Xuan.

He owed Han Hong a life, and now Han Xuan ...

With a sigh in her heart, Leng Zhiyu stepped forward, sat beside him, and then reached for half a cigarette in his finger, "Don't smoke."

He looked away from the military map and raised her eyebrows, "Don't like the smell of smoke?"

"No, smoking is bad for your health."

He smiled and said nothing, and continued to look at the military map.

Leng Zhiyu hurriedly glanced at the military map. This map is very complicated. It is roughly a maritime plan. She knows it, but she doesn't look deeply. He doesn't guard her.

It seems that this time the sea mission is not only difficult but also dangerous.

Leng Zhiyu's heart was full of pain, for him, everything was on his shoulder, man ...

She got up and went back to the room. When she came out again, she pinched a hawthorn fruit in her white fingers, stood behind the sofa, and sent him to his mouth. "Bite a bite."

"What?" He frowned, unable to look away from the military map, and took a quick bite.

After chewing twice, it probably felt too sour, and the taste was not good. The man swallowed it directly.

Leng Zhiyu laughed twice when she looked at her, she threw the remaining hawthorn fruit into her mouth, and turned back to the room in a happy mood.

Don't disturb him.

Her light laughter resounded in her ears. Zhou Yao couldn't help looking at her. The woman had gone two steps and took a bath. She wore a camouflage jacket and hung her loosely. It was the wideness that accentuated her graceful and enchanting curve, and a white under the thigh, with two long legs very eye-catching.

Zhou Yao's eyes darkened, and he couldn't help rolling his throat. He glanced at Han Xuan's body just now. He is also a woman. Although young and beautiful, Han Xuan can't compare with her. She is a martial arts figure, flexible, and folded like a willow Constantly, the waist was so thin that the honey hip showed him the urge to slap upwards.

At this time, he also felt that he was very pale. The inferiority of the man was not bad at all. He matured early, and the women around him wave after wave, but he didn't touch.


It's not that he doesn't have a bath, and is 27 years old, with a fleshy body.

But he had a high vision.

He didn't come across as eye-catching.

Later, when she met her, the two met when they met for the first time. She ignited the blood in his body, and he could not stand the friction during the fight, and bullied her a little.

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