My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 882: Don't embarrass him

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The doctor sent Leng Mu to the ward, and Leng Zhiyu stood outside the door and watched quietly, her ears kept echoing the doctor's words ...

Vegetative ...

I will lie on the bed all my life ...

She still feels that all this is a joke on heaven with her. Everything was fine yesterday. Dad was sitting in an office chair that night in the study. Dad said he had no requirements for her, as long as she was happy. Peaceful, Dad also said that he would not have worked hard at all in this life, as long as she and his brother ...

But in the blink of an eye, Dad was lying on the cold bed like this.

Dad wo n’t open his eyes anymore, he wo n’t smile at her anymore, Dad has become a vegetative, in fact, what ’s the difference between ... dead ...

A cold layer of water vapour quickly condensed in the cold kite's eyes, and maybe her tears would fall in the next second.

At this time, there was one more person around. Zhou Yao passed the tissue in his hand and said dumbly, "If you want to cry, just cry."

Leng Zhiyu quickly opened her side and closed her eyes. She didn't take a tissue, she couldn't cry, she couldn't cry, she had a lot of things to do.

"What will happen to my father?" She asked.

Zhou Yao's hand was still stiff in the air. In fact, he didn't want to hand over a tissue. He wanted to reach out and touch her face. He wanted to hold her in his arms and let her lie on his shoulder to cry, but he didn't dare. .

The paper towel was lonely closed back, and he lifted his thin lips. "The appearance of Dad was an accident. Now the situation is very bad. When he returns to T City, Dad should be put into the National Medical Center. Next is a series of investigations. Neither the Leng family nor the Zhou family can avoid it. "

National Medical Center ...

Leng Zhiyu knows that place, there is no sunshine all year round, there are police guards on the inner and outer floors, and many of them are mental patients.

Leng Zhiyu dropped her eyelashes, she said gently and firmly, "I won't let my dad live in that place."

Raising children is to prevent old age. Dad is almost 60 years old. She will never let Dad live there for the rest of his life.

As for these surveys ...

"When are we going back?"

"Maybe the day after tomorrow ..."

"Oh, the sooner the better." Leng Zhiyu turned and left.

"Kite!" Zhou Yao reached out and clasped her slender wrist, "Let's talk ..."

Leng Zhiyu closed her eyes, and her forehead suddenly lost a layer of cold sweat, her legs were soft, and she went straight down.

Zhou Yao quickly dragged her into her arms, so that the iron-clad tough guy flashed panic in such a moment, "Zui, Zi, what's wrong with you?"

Lonely kite slowly opened her eyes, and her discomfort caused her eyebrows to tighten. "I'm fine ..."

She struggled to get up.

Turning around the next second, Zhou Yao had already hugged her horizontally.

After kicking the door of the lounge, Zhou Yao put her on the soft bed. Leng Zhiyu felt a pain in her stomach and felt falling, she reached out and touched it twice.

"I'll call the doctor."

"No need!" She said quickly to stop, "I'll just sleep."

Zhou Yao stopped, and he sat in a chair on the side, "You sleep, I guard you."

Leng Zhiyu was silent for a while, then turned around and slept with his back to him.

Zhou Yao looked at her back and licked her dry lips. He slowly said, "The kite and dad have already happened, and no more explanation is possible. I didn't explain it, but sorry ..."

Leng Zhiyu didn't speak, she seemed to be asleep.

It was already late at night. Zhou Yao got up. He pulled the quilt over the bed to cover her thin body. The woman's face was pale and pale, and a few strands of hair fell behind her ears on her delicate and delicate cheeks. Weakness and misery.

Zhou Yao stared deeply at her, his eyebrows filled with pity. He slowly reached out his hand, trying to touch her face with his fingertips.

But I didn't feel it, and Leng Zhiyu with her eyes closed avoided it.

Zhou Yao's hands stiffened, and he quickly fell back, "Sleep well, good night." He retreated to his chair.

This night was much longer than in the past. They were all alone in bed and on a chair. They were so close, but they seemed to be far away.


The next afternoon, a crowd rushed back to T city.

Upon entering the airport lobby, Leng Zhiyu saw Leng Hao standing in front of him. Leng Hao was dressed in black, followed by A Chen and a group of people in black.

"Brother." She stepped forward quickly.

Leng Hao glanced up and down at his sister, "Are there any injuries?"

Cold Kite shook her head, "No."

The staff carried Leng Mu over, Leng Hao stepped forward quickly, he bent down, and whispered twice, "Daddy! Daddy!"

"Brother," Leng Zhiyu said softly, "Don't cry, Dad ... won't wake up anymore."

Leng Hao slowly stood straight, his three-dimensional mixed-featured features sank, and there was not much emotional ups and downs on his face. He said to Leng Zhiyu, "Relax, now that medical technology is so developed, I will cure my father. Ah Chen, send Master to the hospital first ... "

At this moment Zhou Yao stepped forward, "brother."

Leng Hao looked at Zhou Yao. He tickled his lips. "Why, Major General, I can't take my dad away?"

"Brother ..."

"Don't call me Big Brother!" Leng Hao snarled in his voice, his blue foreheads protruding. "We have such a saying that we can't kill relatives when we run the river. Have you ever thought about it when you started with my father Kite? "

Zhou Yao ’s handsome eyebrows were tightly locked. Still, he did n’t have any explanation. The shot was shot by Xiao Zhi, but if Xiao Zhi did n’t shoot, he and the Red Flame Soldier would have to die. Will do it.

But Leng Hao was right that his father-in-law was his close relative, and he felt heartache and guilt.

When justice and emotion became the two ends of his balance, he actually had no choice.

Leng Hao glared at him, and then commanded, "Achen!"

Zhou Yao took another step forward, "Brother!"

The eyes of the two men suddenly collided in the air, the flames were splashing, Leng Hao was sinister and fierce, and Zhou Yao was restrained and painful.

At this moment, Leng Hao turned his gaze and was ready to start.

"Brother!" Leng Zhijie immediately stepped forward, and she was standing between the two men. "Don't embarrass him, this is his duty!"

Leng Hao quickly looked at her younger sister. It was this time. She still guarded the man?

"You're just fine with this?" He hated iron and steel.

Leng Zhiyu avoided her brother's eyes, she said quietly, "Now we can fight, we can't get half the benefit. We can't give our father to others, but the way is not to grab, but to send them back. The situation is very tense now Dad's identity is sensitive. Leng Jiashi must be implicated. Brother, you have a lot of things to do. Don't leave a thing alone, put yourself in first. "

Leng Hao squeezed his fist before recovering the anger in his chest. The Leng family would experience a catastrophe. At this time, he really couldn't go wrong.

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