My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 891: You still have me

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Dad finally went home.

Leng Zhiyu stood outside the door and watched the doctors busy in an orderly manner. A quiet smile appeared on her face. At this moment, her shoulder was photographed and Lenghao returned.

"Brother," she called.

"Well," Lenghao nodded his head. "Relax, the affairs of father and the family of Leng have been settled. In the future, there will be professional caregivers to take care of father, and everything will be fine."

Lone Kite nodded in her heart, well, everything will be fine.

"Brother, you have worked hard this time."

"I'm the eldest son in the family, your elder brother, these things are things within my share, not to mention hard work, kite, although you are out of confinement, don't run around and rest for a few days."


Leng Hao glanced at the dad in the room, who was at ease, and turned to the side. He said to the servant, "Clean up the master bedroom. Madam Xiao will move here this afternoon."

"Mrs. Young?" The servant was startled. When did the Master get married, why didn't he have any information?

Leng Hao didn't have any extra words. He looked at Leng Jie, "Jie, my brother has something to deal with, let's go first."

"it is good."

Leng Hao raised his foot and left.

Leng Zhiyu looked at Lenghao's back. Since she learned that Dad was taken home, she knows that her brother has concluded a deal with Yejia, who really married Ye Xiaotao.

Ye Xiaotao will be her sister-in-law from now on.

She could n’t do anything about it. The elder brother had his responsibilities and considerations. Not to mention that he was doing a compromise for the cold family, let ’s say that Bai Lingyun. She does n’t agree with the elder brother and Bai Lingyun. The two people will never come together.

I don't know if it is good or bad that elder brother married Ye Xiaotao.

Just watch it change.


In the afternoon, Cold Kitty sat on a chair by the bed, and she looked at her father Leng Mu quietly.

Dad's blood is very pale, but his face is very calm. I can imagine that he didn't suffer much, but seemed to be relieved.

Leng Zhiyu held Dad's slightly cold right hand with both hands. Dad, don't worry, no matter who harms you, no matter what your troubles, I will find the murderer behind the scenes.

She made up her mind, but when she thought that she would never open her eyes to her and his loving father, she felt very sad.

It's her filial piety.

At this moment a sound of footsteps rang behind, and someone came in.

Her hair was rubbed by a big palm, and Zhou Yao stood beside her.

She looked up and saw Zhou Yao looking at Leng Mu on the bed, then looked down at her, his eyebrows were indescribably tender.

Cold Kitty felt her eyes moist and she lowered her eyelids.

"Here you are." At this moment, a thing broke into her lowered gaze, the man held it in her hand, and she looked down at it, a string of candies.

She was shocked.

"Big brother said you would like this ..."


Lonely kite slowly reached out to take over the bunch of candied gourds. When she missed her mother before, Dad gave her this bunch of candied gourds, now Dad ... she got this bunch of candied gourds again.

The tears in her eyes were like broken beads, and could no longer bear it.

Zhou Yao squatted on one knee. He clasped her back and let her lie on his shoulder to cry, patting her delicate back like a coup, and he said softly, "If you want to cry, just cry. Everything will be fine ... you are not alone, you have big brother, and me, we will be with you. "

She never shed tears since Dad's accident, now she can't help it anymore, her red lips tremble, and she cries out on the man's broad shoulders.

Zhou Yao stayed quietly with her and let her vent her emotions.

Leng Zhiyu cried for a long time, until she felt that she was crying enough, and she was in a better mood, then she slowly got up straight, a rough palm held her face, and her fingers gently wiped her tears, Eyes are crying red. "

His voice was full of pity.

Leng Zhiyu looked at him with tears in his eyes. The handsome face of the man was blurred in his sight. At this moment, his forehead was warm, and he kissed gently.

It is said that it is the highest pity for a man to kiss a woman's forehead.

Cold Kitty reached out and gently hugged his exquisite waist.

Zhou Yao's eyes brightened when she took such an initiative, and wiped her tears, and his fingertips slowly moved to the corner of her lips, rubbing gently.

He had hints of temptation. Kite of cold fluttered long lashes and opened his head sideways.

There was a strong masculinity in the nose, her red lips were touched gently, and the man had leaned forward and kissed.

He didn't close his eyes, the lacquered black eyes carefully looked at her to see if she had any conflicting emotions.

I saw the woman in the field shaking her butterfly-like cicada-like slender eyelashes, and her white face was gradually stained with pink, and she closed her eyes a little with obedience.

Zhou Yao took a heavy breath, and his long arms stretched out to hold her thin waist, trying to hold her in his arms.

But at this time, the knock of the "叩叩" sounded in time. "Miss, aunt, and Madam come."

Young lady?

Both opened their eyes.


Leng Zhiyu stepped out of the room door, and saw that the door of the villa was open, and on the steps outside the door stood a petite figure, Ye Xiaotao.

Ye Xiaotao looked at a luxury business car on the lawn and cried with tears and a nose, "Daddy, do you really want to leave me here? Are you my dear? Oh, oh, I don't want to live anymore, my mummy is gone, now you even bully me ...

Ye Xiaotao didn't finish crying, and the luxury business car screamed away.

So the cold kite saw the petrified wind in Yexiaotao wind outside the door.

Leng Zhiyu lifted her feet downstairs. She still had a good impression of Ye Xiaotao, and now she is a family with each other. She wanted to comfort her.

As soon as she got down to the living room, Ye Xiaotao turned around and walked in. The girl with tears on her face showed a surprised and bright smile as soon as she saw her, "Sister Leng!"

For this girl who cried for a while and laughed, Lone Kite, "..."

Ye Xiaotao rushed over and hugged the cold kite. "Sister Leng, my daddy is too boring. I cried and shouted for a long time. He just ignored me and wasted my tears ... Fortunately Sister Leng is here, otherwise I would not have entered this ... the magic cave ... "

Said Ye Xiaotao let go of her, she glanced around the villa and noisy with her hips, "Leng Hao? Why isn't he here? I still have something to tell him. In advance, I live here temporarily. I Only 20 years old, still a college student, now I have no way to succumb to the threat of my dad's intimidation, but we are a hidden marriage, a fake marriage, and I will still be my youthless and beautiful young girl Ye Xiaotao. Big, hard rock. "

Leng Jie looked at her aggressive and energetic back and shook her head. She stepped forward, "Little Peach."

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