My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 920: One last time i love you

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This loud "I love you" pours into Zhou Yao's eardrums, he wakes up for a while, and is painful, his body hurts, and his heart hurts even more ...

"Well ... woman ... child ..." he called her hoarsely and painfully.

Cold Kitty embraced his neck with both hands, she tiptoeed and kissed his thin lips.

There was a sweet smell of blood in their mouths, and the tears in the eyes of the cold kite flowed into their mouths, adding a bitterness, but she hugged him tightly and did not want to loose him. .

The moment she was kissed by Zhou Yao, the whole man was shocked, his handsome brows became a deep "Chuan", the smoothness in his mouth caused him to sway, and a feeling hit his brain and then quickly Paddling under him.

This kind of ignited **** accelerated the speed of the insect's devour in the blood, and the combination of these two feelings drove him crazy.

"Go!" He pushed her.

He really didn't want to hurt her.

Leng Zhiyu pushed him back until she receded into the corner. She kissed him and unbuttoned her clothes. She grabbed his palm and covered it directly.

Zhou Yao was stiff like a stone. His expression was painful, but his palms moved a little, and his throat knot rolled quickly. At this time, she was his best anesthetic.

Cold Kite ripped off his metal belt, and then jumped his legs between his waist ...

They were nailed to the wall.

Zhou Yao tilted his head back and his mouth was very dry. He was like a little fish out of the water. He was about to die of thirst. He closed his eyes tightly. His eyes were still moving in the thin eyes.

"Zhou Yao, I love you ..." Leng Zhiyu held his handsome face with two small hands, and then kissed him casually. She softly induced him and seduced him, "close your eyes, don't think about anything, put You give it to me, and I can make you live quickly ... don't you like it, I also like it, I like to be with you, to do this with you ... I just need to do this with you ... "

She spoke in his ear what he liked to hear.


The two of them fell on the big bed with sweat, and Leng Jiu was caught in his strong arms, and it was very sticky, but she was too lazy to move, and even tired to lift her eyelids.

Zhou Yao held her in one hand, fumbled for a cigarette and a lighter, took a cigarette and put it on his lips. He went to light the lighter.

But after pressing it a few times, the lighter didn't light.

The lighter in his hand was snatched by a small hand, the cold kite stood up, lit the lighter with a "snap", and then lighted a cigarette for him.

The cigarette was on, and he narrowed his eyes and took a sip, then turned his head and sprayed a spit of smoke on the woman's face in his arms. He laughed mutely, "The body has been squeezed out by you, even a lighter I have no strength. "

Leng Zhiyu's face flushed, as if blood was coming. She didn't speak, and lay quietly on his wide chest.

Zhou Yao smoked two more cigarettes, and when the impulse on his body eased, his right hand holding the cigarette touched her little face, "Look, where did you hit you just now?"

Leng Zhiyu patted his big palm, hiding from him, "I'm okay, what's the pain ..."

Zhou Yao's dark eyes stayed on her face. She deliberately hid. The three thousand blue silk was laid out in a mess and blocked her face, but he could still see her red and swollen right cheek. , A sharp slap print on her face, even the corners of her mouth were peeled.

Her well-behaved look coupled with these injuries was taboo and pathetic, looking at his sweet and sour heart, and at the same time the energy that had just calmed down began to restlessly.

"I still kick your belly ..." He rubbed her little face with his rough fingers, trying to lift the quilt to look at her injuries.

But the cold kite refused to let her cover her quilt. "It's all right, I haven't suffered any injuries before, and I'm not a coquettish person ... I ... I don't wear clothes, don't want to take advantage of me ... ! "

Her little mouth was covered by him.

The smell of tobacco in his mouth was very strong, and it was awful when pouring into her mouth, he kissed her strongly, she twisted her eyebrows, but indulged in his powerful and overbearing power ...

He pierced a few times before he let go of her reluctantly. He took a bite at her little earlobe and cursed, "I really want to die on you!"

Leng Jie took a quick breath and pushed him away with her fists.

The man's heavy body fell back to the head of the bed, his sturdy skeleton hit the head of the bed and even made a "squeak" sound, squinting his eyes, he continued to smoke.

Leng Zhijie's long forefinger drew a circle on his chest, and there was a charming color in his voice. "Zhou Yao, you said you were a bad boy when you were young. Why are you so bad?"

"Oh," Zhou Yao smiled, "I don't know ... maybe the old man from my childhood had too high expectations for me, but he always controlled me, but the more he controlled me, the more I wanted freedom, I always went against him. "

"Grandpa is all for you."

"I know." Zhou Yao glanced at her, "How about you? How were you when you were young?"

"Oh, I was very good when I was a kid. I listened to my father and my elder brother, but maybe because of my family, those girls did not dare to play with me, and I did n’t know how to communicate with them. Without friends, my temper becomes cold and ... withdrawn. "

"So how do you like Ye Ziyi?" He asked suddenly.

She originally wanted to talk to him and chat, but he wrapped around Ye Ziyi in less than three words. She had to roll her eyes and yell, "How did Han Xuan like you?"

Zhou Yao stared at her with lowered eyelids, which meant that she dared to give up?

Cold kite snorted with red lips.

Zhou Yao inhaled the last cigarette, then extinguished the cigarette **** in the ashtray on the bedside table, moved his body, and turned over to her.

Leng Jie blushed and stabbed him, "What?"

Zhou Yao leaned down and kissed her red and swollen right cheek. "Think again."

"You!" This was only a few minutes off.

"Just now, you are really charming." He praised in her ears without saying a word.

Leng Zhiyu's heart was sweet and full, and she no longer struggled to make the man on her body do what he wanted.

She looked at Zhou Yao. She portrayed his handsome features in a stroke in her heart. She thought she would always remember his appearance, including now, he exhaled the murky gas, and sweated on her. .

She closed her eyes lightly, and a soft, squiggly arc twitched the corners of her mouth.

Zhou Yao couldn't hold it. He kissed her red lips and called her hurriedly, "Wife ..."

His brain was emptied at that moment, like a firework blasting, he pressed heavily on her, obsessed with her soft fragrance, her body temperature, all she had ...

He was really intoxicated, no defense, the man is the most vulnerable time to attack at this moment, so when there was a pain in his neck, he quickly woke up.

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