My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 923: How are you

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This door can't stop me ...

He was right, he wanted to enter a place, and a door was not a problem at all.

The cold kite let go.

She walked into the living room and lifted her feet upstairs. The footsteps behind him followed him. He was always behind her. Leng Zhiyu thought for a moment that if she couldn't avoid it, she would say it all at once, so she went in. The room did not close.

Zhou Yao followed into the room, and he closed the door with a slam.

Cold Kitty stood in the middle of the room and looked at him, and he also looked at her quietly. It was already afternoon, and the gorgeous sunset outside the window shone in through the layers of veil, and those warm haloes spilled on him His face illuminated his increasingly thin but handsome face.

Today he wore a black T-shirt with black trousers underneath. Although he was a lot thinner, the man's skeleton was inherently strong. His tall legged pestle still looked like a door **** at the door.

His handsome features were cut off, and the profile of his face became tougher and sharper. He looked very bad, and those deep, bottomless eyes were staring at her like a beast staring at his prey.

"Are you ... okay?" She asked.

Hearing this question, Zhou Yao's cool lips ticked up, "Well ... thanks for your gift."

He has resentment, she knows.

"Now that you are here, what are you doing here? I think we both have made things clear. We ... we have nothing to say ..."

"Oh," he still laughed. "Nothing to say to me, I have with Ye Ziyi? Only a few days ago, you pretended to be strange to me?"

His words were sharp and somewhat embarrassing for her. She did not intend to explain her and Ye Ziyi's affairs. It should be enough for Han Xuan to be busy.

Leng Zhiyu turned around, she took the bag off her body and hung it on a hanger. "Whatever you say ... Zhou Yao, after all, we had a good time, and now we are all together ..."

Before she could say anything, Zhou Yao had come behind her. A large, slender palm pressed against her shoulder and turned easily and then pushed, and her back hit the wall directly.

In front of her was a furious face, Zhou Yao stared at her with scarlet eyes, saying word by word, "I am cold, I really want to dig out your heart and take a look!"

Leng Zhiyu couldn't bear looking at him. Long pain was better than short pain. She said coldly, "Let go! This is Leng's house, not where you want to do it!"

Seeing her eyes more red like this, Zhou Yao sneered at the corners of his lips and lowered his voice only enough for her to hear, "Do you? I really want to strangle you now!"

His big palm moved up, pinching her fragile and graceful neck.

Leng Zhiyi suddenly felt difficulty breathing. She looked at him, just watching quietly, his palms were pulling, her little face was gradually red, but she didn't say a word or ask for mercy.

If he can feel better this way, let him.

Zhou Yao's surging black eyes gradually cracked, like a broken net. Could she be so quiet that he couldn't bear it?

He was really reluctant.

Her neck was in his hand, and as soon as he tried hard, she would die, but he didn't dare, and every time his palm was forced, his heart hurt.

He never knew that love would be so painful.

He took back his hand with a smile, and stretched his tongue out to lick his dry thin lips. He laughed at himself, "The first time I opened my eyes I was looking for you, but they said you didn't come, for eight days, you see Did not look at me. "

Leng Zhiyu covered her neck and stepped aside a few steps away from him. She was carrying her back and letting tears slide gently in the corner of her eyes.

"I do n’t believe what they said. I pulled the needle and went out to find you. I ran down from the sixth floor, the fifth floor, the fourth floor, the third floor, the second floor, and the first floor. I looked one by one. I think you must Where is he hiding looking at me secretly? Those passing by look at me and point me, they say I'm crazy ... "

"I think I'm really crazy. You pushed me away with your own hands. I still remember that you didn't come back that night when you went out of the door. Then, I was deceiving myself. Why am I still thinking about you? Will come to see me? "

"Oh, when I ran out of the hospital hall and stood outside, a cold wind blew at me, then I was really awake, you really didn't come."

"I still don't understand why you can be so cruel. You know what Han Xuan's rescue meant to me, but you still pushed me away. I want to ask today, why, why?"

Leng Zhiyu reached out and wiped the tears on her face, was that so? He opened her eyes and looked for her like this?

She could imagine that picture, he was wearing a blue and white hospital clothes, his face pale and impatiently searching for her figure in the crowd, he was really a fool.

"In prison that day, I said there was no big deal with death. The separation of two hearts is the most terrible thing. I can bear anything, but when I watch you suffer torture from time to time, I find that I have not So strong as you think ... "

"I'm scared. I'm afraid the first time I opened the door, I saw you falling in a pool of blood and closed my eyes ... I'm scared. I'm scared to see my grandpa and my parents grow older. If that day really comes, how do you tell them to bear it ... I'm even more afraid to see Big Brother and Xiao Tao coming, they are all smiling and laughing, they are obviously sending you the last trip but they say nothing ... "

"I was gradually afraid of a lot of things. I would have nightmares every night for a few days. I slept next to you, but I would get up from time to time to detect your breath with my index finger ..."

"I didn't realize until then that living was the most important thing, and that there was hope ..."

"So you pushed me to Han Xuan?" Zhou Yao interrupted her.

Leng Zhiyu slowly looked back at him, "Zhou Yao, actually ... what's wrong with Han Xuan, if you don't meet me, you will definitely come with Han Xuan ... Think about it, if you don't have me, you If Han Xuan can save you again, you will definitely accept her help ... Zhou Yao, just look at what is not possible, and you will take it as ... you never knew me. "

Zhou Yao stared at her with narrow eyes, and he reached out his finger and pointed at her, "You are just putting p, are you me? How can you conclude that I and Han Xuan will come together? What is Jiang Jiu, I never had these two words in Zhou Yao's life dictionary! "

After he roared, Leng Zhiyu was silent. She turned around and looked at the balcony in front of her, her vision began to blur, and she reached out and covered her mouth, refusing to cry.

It's too late to say anything now, and the ending is doomed.

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