My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 930: I beg you begging you begging you

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"Sister Han, the wind is so strong here, are you cold? Let's blow it or go back quickly." Xiaoxi urged.

"Well, Xiaoxi, it's really windy here. I feel a bit cold. Go back and get me a blanket."

"But ..." Xiaoxi watched Han Xuan's face uneasily.

Han Xuan chuckled her lips and laughed, "Xiaoxi, I can't walk now, are you afraid that I can't run away? Come on, I'll wait for you."

Xiaoxi was relieved. "Sister Han, wait for me, I'll be back soon."


Xiaoxi turned and ran away, and soon disappeared into sight. The last smile on Han Xuan's face was gone. She reached out to push the wheelchair, and the wheelchair quickly slid to the edge of the roof.

She glanced down and glanced down. It was a 28-story building, and the houses and people downstairs were as big as ants.

If she jumped from here, she would die on the spot, right?

Without much pain, death will come quickly.

Han Xuan smiled pale.

At this moment, two rapid footsteps sounded behind him, Xiaozhi rushed in, "Miss Han Xuan, what are you doing?"

Han Xuan turned the wheelchair. When she saw Xiao Zhi rushed in, Xiao Xi followed behind Xiao Zhi with tears in her eyes. It seemed that Xiao Zhi had been severely criticized. Xiao Xi cried, "Sister Han, you are What's there, it will fall, come here! "

"Miss Han Xuan!" Xiao Zhi ran forward.

"Don't move!" Han Xuan shouted at this moment. She pulled back the wheelchair with her two hands and stepped back a little. The wheelchair hit the edge and shook it twice.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoxi seemed to be unable to breathe. Xiaozhi's eyes widened and he quickly raised his hands to surrender. "Okay, Ms. Han Xuan, I'm not moving, but don't move, your position is dangerous, the wheelchair is very Easy to turn over. "

"Turn it down? Of course I know. I was thinking just now, if I fell from here, I would be relieved, although this method of death is ugly."

"Miss Han Xuan, what are you talking about, do you want to ... commit suicide?"

"Well," Han Xuan nodded, a desperate smile on her face. "What's the point of my life? I'm already disabled! I can't accept that I can't walk in the future, I can't accept being in a wheelchair for the rest of my life I've never been able to accept that I will rely on others for food, clothing, and shelter in the future, which is more uncomfortable than killing me! "

Xiao Zhi saw that her mood was very unstable. He quickly said, "Miss Han Xuan, don't do this. Think about it ... Major General, do you still have Major General?"

"Brother Zhou?" Han Xuan's eyes filled with tears and tenderness, "Brother Zhou ... Brother Zhou ..." She shook her head, "Now Brother Zhou is full of cold kite in his eyes, he can't see me ... This is also good, I Everyone is relieved when they die, and I use them to fulfill them! "

After talking about Han Xuan turning the wheelchair, she jumped under the stance.

"Miss Han Xuan!"

"Sister Han!"

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xi screamed at the same time.

At this critical moment, a quiet and quiet voice sounded, "Han Xuan, do you really want to fulfill us?"

As soon as Xiao Zhi turned around, the cold kite had arrived.

"sister in law."

Leng Zhiyu didn't look at Xiaozhi, she just made a gesture to keep Xiaozhi from talking, and she let him go.

Xiao Zhi immediately understood that this was a delay for Xunzi, and Xunzi let him go by asking him to call Major General.

Xiao Zhi nodded, and then quickly went out.

At this moment, Han Xuan heard Leng Zhiyu's voice as if she had been clicked. She stopped jumping from the building and quickly turned sideways. She looked at Leng Zhiyu standing in front of her.

Leng Zhiyu stood calmly in place, and the strong wind blew her long hair. Her slender body seemed capable and free and easy on the empty balcony. "Han Xuan, do you really want to jump off the building? You have to think clearly Nothing can change your death. Once you die, there will be no obstacle between me and Zhou Yao. We will be together immediately, then we will get married and have children. Han Xuan, no one will remember you, Zhou Yao also Will soon forget you. "

Han Xuan's entire face was "brushed" with paleness. She looked at Leng Yi with trembling. The tears on her face became cold from scalding. "Ah" she screamed, and she reached over her ears, "You don't want to Besides, I do n’t listen, I do n’t listen! ”

When Xiaoxi heard these words, she looked at Leng Yijie incredibly. "Miss Leng, do you know what you are talking about? You are stimulating her! How can you bear to stimulate her again when she looks like this, she can't stand it, She will really jump off the building. You are forcing her to die! Miss Leng, how can you be so cruel? "

At this moment, a lot of people have gathered on the rooftop, doctors, nurses, patients, everyone is watching. Han Xuan's trembling disability has won the sympathy of everyone, and look at the sharp contrast of the cold and free kite, plus the sharp contrast, plus Her indifferent words, everyone pointed at her ---

"This woman's heart is poisonous. Even if she is a love rival, everyone is already disabled. She doesn't need to speak so sharply. I think she can't wait for her to die."

"Yeah, this woman seems to be ... Major General Zhou's lover, but she is not worthy of Major General Zhou. I don't know how Major General Zhou looks at her?"

"I heard that they were disabled in order to save Major General Zhou, and they didn't even need to die for Major General Zhou. What this woman paid is despicable." ...

Everyone, you made a verbal attack on Leng Zhiyu, but Leng Zhiyu never turned her eyes, she ignored it, and looked straight at Han Xuan. She continued, "Can I change it without telling the truth? Well, you know very well that your death is worthless ... "

"Enough! Enough!" Han Xuan screamed and looked at Lengyi with tears in her eyes. "You won, I admit you won, Brother Zhou gave you his heart, you are the big winner! What am I ... It's gone, now ... I'm a waste! "

"Miss Leng, I beg you, I beg you, I beg you, I beg you, I beg you ... I'm for the sake of Brother Zhou, I don't even want to die, I beg you for my disabled person, you leave Brother Zhou Will you ... give me Brother Zhou? "

"You promised me before the operation, you ... promised to leave Brother Zhou, you are breaking the contract now, you have no words! Brother Zhou and I first met, we ... have known each other for a full ten years, and you ... robbed He, oh ... "

Han Xuan was crying, she even struggled to roll off from the wheelchair, the wheelchair rolled over directly from the rooftop, everyone in the room took a breath of air.

Han Xuan was sitting on the ground paralyzed, her hands resting on her chest and begging for cold kite, "Miss Leng, I beg you, I was wrong before, I will never dare again, I will give you a hoe, I will You scratch your head, please let me go, please give me back Brother Zhou ... "

Han Xuan said that she really raised her head for Leng Zhiyu, and her forehead hit the ground, and she made a sound of "咚咚". She was already in the magic, looking stern and pitiful.

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