My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 959: I won't let you die here

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Leng Zhiyu wanted to help and help Zhou Yao to take down the scorpion together. The scorpion is a dangerous person and should be given to the country to accept the most impartial ruling.

But she took a few glances to find that she couldn't get in. The two were the real masters.

Zhou Yao and the man in black had a few moves, and the two were of equal strength. Suddenly, the man in black sold a flaw to Zhou Yao. Zhou Yao saw it, but he also took advantage of the situation and directly struck the man in black. The man in black slammed into his chest, so the two took a few steps back at the same time.

Their feet stood still in the deep water, splashing.

Zhou Yao's mouth was so sweet, he reached out and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth wildly, his narrow eyes shone in the darkness, like the eagle hovering in the sky, finally found his prey.

He said, "Scorpion, I haven't seen you for years, and you finally show up."

The man in black coughed, and new blood came out of the corner of his mouth. His voice was processed and he was very hoarse. "Why, Major General missed me all these years?"

Zhou Yao raised his lips, "Think, I miss you even when I'm dreaming!"

"Ha, ha ha," the scorpion laughed, "coincidentally, so did I. I still remember the pain of a broken arm ten years ago."

"Since you remember why you didn't come to me, Scorpion, don't you dare? At that time, you were defeated by my men."

"Of course I dare not find Major General Zhou, so I waited for General Zhou to find me in the future, but I waited for ten years, and Major General Zhou did not find me. It was a woman who found me today." The man in black looked to the side Cold kite.

Zhou Yao narrowed his eyes and glanced at Leng Zhiyu. He slowly lifted his lips. "She is not an ordinary woman, she is my woman! Although her head is a bit better, but when she gets up, It's just a three-legged cat, and I can only play with you. "

Leng Zhiyu was a little ridiculous, he was the first person to say her three-legged cat effort.

But perhaps in front of him and Scorpion, her skills were really average, and could not be compared with any of them.

"Ha, it seems that Major General Zhou's life is very nourishing these years."

"That is, if I kill you, my life will be happy." Said Zhou Yao and Guang Yili, "Scorpion, take out your true skills and let me see if you have grown in this decade."

Zhou Yao attacked the man in black.

At the critical moment when the war was about to start, a sudden "bang" sounded, a wall on the side was breached, and a turbulent tide poured in.

The water that originally reached the knees instantly rose to the shoulders, and there was a tendency to rise sharply. Some people were unguarded and were immediately washed away by the tide.

"Be careful!" Xiao Zhi yelled.

Zhou Yao was lost for a second. At this moment, his eyes were dark, and the scorpion in front of him was gone.

"Abominable!" Zhou Yao was going to chase.

At this time, Leng Zhiyu quickly stepped forward, "Zhou Yao!" She stopped him.

Zhou Yao turned back, he pulled his leg toward her, reached out and touched the injury around her neck, he asked softly, "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay." Cold Kitty shook her head.

Zhou Yao's tense look relaxed, and Xiaozhi came, and said solemnly, "Major general, the situation is not good. I don't know where the water came from. If we go up at this rate, we will all be flooded. dead."

"Then we should go out immediately, I know where the exit is." Leng Zhiyan uttered.

Zhou Yao pursed his thin lips. "It's useless. I guess the scorpion has blocked the exit. He will trap us all here."

"Major, what shall we do?"

Zhou Yao was silent for a few seconds, and then calmly commanded, "You are on standby, give me explosives, I know the other channel, I dive in now to see if I can blow it up?"

"Major, let me go." Xiao Zhi said.

Zhou Yao glanced at him, "You can't do it. You don't have to sacrifice, everyone will be buried."

"But Major General ..."

"Zhou Yao!" Leng Zhiyu grabbed him quickly, she looked at him worriedly, and whispered, "Underwater operation is very dangerous. There is no oxygen hood here. There will be many sudden situations. Can you ...? "

Zhou Yao ’s hair was full of water droplets, and those tiny water droplets dripped from his hair ends and bounced onto his tough skin. It was very wild. He looked at Leng Yi and showed a bright smile. Look down on me? "

He took the explosives in Xiaozhi's hands and tied them to his waist and went forward.

"Zhou Yao!" Leng Zhiyu held his big palm.

She has seen many people who haven't returned after going there. She's afraid that Zhou Yao too, she's afraid that this side is their last side.

Her palm was soft, Zhou Yao squeezed her little hand and turned around, holding her little face with two big palms, he raised her eyebrows and kissed her forehead, "Relax, I will come back, I promise you … I said I'd be good to you all my life, so I won't let you die here ... obediently wait for me to come back. "

Lilly's eyes were hot, and she closed her eyes and grabbed his shirt around her waist, then nodded slowly, "Well."

Zhou Yao let go of her and dived underwater.


All the survivors stood silently against the high ground of the wall, waiting, Leng Zhiyu watched the time elapse, and he had not returned.

She clenched her fists, nervous and scared.

Xiao Zhi stood beside her and comforted out loudly, "Sister-in-law, Major-General stands tall, and he will definitely do what he says, so rest assured."

Cold Kite ripped the corner of her mouth, she looked at the cold water and said, "I'm not your sister-in-law anymore. It's misleading to call you like this."

"No, sister-in-law, you will always be our sister-in-law, and this will never change."

Leng Zhiyu didn't speak, what about Han Xuan?

What is Han Xuan?

"Sister-in-law, since you left, Major-General has become a different person. He used to like to scold us or kick us, but now he has become dumb. He doesn't talk to us and returns every time after training. In our own house, we all feel uncomfortable looking at Major General like this. "

"Although Major-General and Ms. Han Xuan received the certificate, the Major-General's heart is on you, and Major-General rarely goes back. She now sleeps with Miss Han-Xuan, and Major-General has been thinking of you."

He and Han Xuan ... sleep in separate rooms?

Leng Zhiyu didn't know what she thought, and suddenly she felt ... full of sweetness, he could treat her like this, and didn't let her love him for a while.

At this time, the sound of "boom" came underwater, and the water surface stirred up a layer of ripples.

Lonely kite was so happy that she heard Xiao Zhi shout, "Sister-in-law, Major General is back."

She looked up and saw a tall figure coming out of the water.

"Wow," he was dripping water all over him, and he did not mind touching the drops of water on his face, then looked up and smiled at her.

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