My Dangerous Billionaire Husband

Chapter 972: Do you sleep alone or two?

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When she noticed Zhou Yao approaching her, Leng Zhiyu stepped back quickly, guarding her belly with one hand, and then coldly warned, "Do not touch my belly!"

She looked like a hedgehog at the moment, as if if he really moved her belly, she would desperately fight him.

Zhou Yao felt soft and painful in his heart. He felt that every breath was painful. His voice was dumb. He stood softly and coaxed. "Okay, I don't touch, don't be nervous."

At this time, the door of the room was opened, and Ye Ziyi appeared, and his men surrounded the whole room with a gun. Ye Ziyi smiled warmly, "Major General Zhou, don't come here."

Zhou Yao turned around and looked at Ye Ziyi. The man was one meter tall and his waist rod was very straight. He tickled his lips and replied, "Yeji, I said, I will definitely find you of."

"Well," Ye Ziyi raised an eyebrow. "I have no opponents in my life. The words opponents were born for Major General Zhou, and Major General Zhou did not disappoint me."

"Oh ..." Zhou Yao laughed, and he glanced at Leng Yiyu.

Leng Zhiyu didn't expect that he was still looking at her at this time. The man who broke in suddenly didn't give her a good impression. He moved and acted on her, and became a disciple.

But now take a closer look at this man who is really handsome, with his sharp eyebrows, lacquered narrow eyes, and thin lips, it goes without saying how straight the waist rod is, the black clothes on his body are all wet and sticky On her body, she didn't have to lift her clothes to see that the man had eight pack abs, muscles such as barriers, and his back was showing a strong tension.

Looking at this superb figure, he really doesn't look like an apprentice, but is Zhou Zhouzhengzheng, iron-boned.

Now he was staring at her, she didn't know what he was looking at, but his eyes were focused and serious ... gentle, sharp short hair lay on his forehead softly, his narrow eyes steamed unclear The warm tenderness settled on her face.

As if he hadn't seen each other for a long time, he wanted to see her features a little bit, and then remembered them.

Somehow, Leng Zhiyu felt that her heart was hit hard.

She reached over her head and had a headache.

Zhou Yao immediately noticed that she was wrong, "Kite ..."

He was going to her.

"Major General Zhou," Ye Ziyi said at this moment, "Ziyi is my wife now, and I advise you not to touch her!"

Someone aimed his muzzle directly at his heart.

Zhou Yao didn't move, he raised his hands and surrendered, "Okay, Ye, I listen to you."

"Major General Zhou, those who can bend and expand their husbands, I really appreciate you. We haven't seen you in such a long time. Since you have broken in, what do we tell the old?"

"it is good."


Zhou Yao was locked in a room, and Ye Ziyi stood in front of him. Zhou Yao lifted his thin lips and said directly, "Ziyi doesn't seem to remember me."

"Yes, she lost all her memory about you," Ye Ziyi admitted frankly.

Zhou Yao ticked the corners of his lips, meaning, "Did you do that?"

Ye Ziyi smiled and said nothing.

"I always thought Ye Si was a person who likes challenges. The more you can't figure out something, the more you want to get it done. Now it seems that Ye Si also likes to take shortcuts, but I'm curious. Do you have a sense of accomplishment? "

Ye Ziyi shook her head, "For Kitty, as long as she stays with me, this is achievement."

Zhou Yao nodded. "Is the child in her belly mine?"

"Major General Zhou, what you think belongs to you is yours, and what you think belongs to me is mine. Major General Zhou can go and guess for a lifetime."

"Oh ..." Zhou Yao chuckled.

"Major General Zhou, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, I don't know Ye Si believe it or not, one month after you took the kite away, I dreamed one night, and suddenly I dreamed of sending Guanyin."

Ye Ziyi's eyes flashed, "Major General Zhou really likes to joke."

Zhou Yao shrugged. "If Ye Si thinks this is a joke, it's a joke. Ye Si can also guess, I think the child in the kite's belly is mine."

Ye Ziyi's complexion changed. He converged all the smiles on his face, took a gun from his hands, and pointed at Zhou Yao's head. "Major Zhou, I have no time to circle with you. Your The reinforcements should arrive soon. "

"Smart." Zhou Yao glanced at the steel watch on his wrist. "My reinforcements will arrive in forty minutes. Ye Si, this time, you can't escape."

"Since I can't escape, I'll send General Zhou on the road first." Ye Ziyi pulled the trigger.

"Yesi, do you dare to make a bet with me?" Zhou Yao said suddenly.

Ye Ziyi's hand stopped, and he raised an eyebrow with great interest, "What bet?"

"Let me spend half an hour with Kitty alone. Didn't she forget me? I can make her fall in love with me again."

"Ha, ha ha ..." Ye Ziyi laughed, "Major General Zhou, would you be too confident?"

"Why, Ye Si dare?"

Ye Ziyi hesitated.

Then one of his men stepped forward and persuaded, "Master, don't listen to this man's fool. He is delaying time. We should kill him immediately."

Ye Ziyi looked at Zhou Yao.

Zhou Yao shrugged lightly. "During the time I was alone with the kite, Ye Si could monitor at any time and kill me at any time. Ye Si took a woman who hadn't been dealt for so long. You don't want to see how I am Get it done? Ye Si has always loved playing games, why is he so timid now? "

"the host…"

"Good!" Ye Ziyi agreed.


Leng Zhiyu was sitting on the big bed in the room. She thought about the man just now. Ye Ziyi seemed to call him "Zhou Major General". He was really a special soldier with a high level.

He seemed to know her, biting a daughter-in-law, but why couldn't she find a little memory about him when she searched the whole brain?

She felt strange.

At this time, her head began to hurt again, and she stretched out her hand and covered it.

With a squeak, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

Leng Zhiyu looked up, a handsome and stiff body appeared in her vision, and Zhou Yao came.

"You ..." She was surprised, why did he come again, Ye Ziyi and him seemed to be rivals, Ye Ziyi let him in?

Zhou Yao pulled out his long legs and came to the woman. He looked down at her and smiled, "What were you thinking? Miss me?"

Cold kite, ...

Zhou Yao raised his eyebrows. Zhou Zheng's eyebrows were bad and gentle. He stretched out his palm and rubbed her hair. "Forget it, just forget it, don't give yourself a headache."

With a slam, Leng Zhiyu slaps his hand away, and she stands up from the bed and stands back, "Who the **** are you?"

She got up, and Zhou Yao was not polite. He lay directly on her big bed, and turned to his side. He held up a strong arm and looked at her. "In this bed, do you sleep alone or two?"

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