The snow stopped.

Chang Qian fried the medicine for a whole morning. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a Chu holding his face, which was indistinguishable between male and female, looking at the two demons outside for a long time.

He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of achu's eyes. When it was the third time, achu suddenly reacted and turned to look at him.

"What's the matter with you?" Chang Qian put the medicine bowl aside to air. After sitting down, he looked out from his angle and said, "I don't see anything. Why, you're in love with the demons?"

Ah Chu shook his head and said with a complicated look: "yesterday, the devil in red came to borrow several books from his brother."

"What book?" Chang Qian took a sip of tea.

"Hegemonic devil falls in love with me", "devil's forced love for me", "devil's wife runs with the ball"... "

Chang Qian suddenly chokes and almost sprays the tea out of his mouth. He really can't figure out the taste of these adults. Even if the immortal brother likes to read it, why do these evil people like to read this kind of vernacular script!

Just when the snake's heart was shocked, he heard the deer saying: "and they have been sitting at the door studying books all morning and taking notes."

Chang Qian

"The more I look at it, the more I feel that," achu Mou Guang is complex and hard to say, "there is a big problem in the education system of the demon world..."

The two demons were concerned about the country and people of other races for a while, and then achu took the medicine bowl and went up to the second floor of the pine house.

There is a small candle burning on the second floor, even in the daytime. Jiang Zheliu sat reading a book. He was wearing a thin white shirt and a plain Taoist costume. The pipa button was not very tight.

His hands holding the book are slim and good-looking, and the hair hanging from his ears and temples is cold and moist. Sitting there quietly, he is so beautiful that he makes people happy. He likes it very much.

Ah Chu sighed again, feeling that the protagonist was the protagonist, which was too lethal. He slowly approached and was caught by the breath of the heavenly body. Finally, he swallowed his saliva and settled down. He sat down next to him and put the bitter medicine in his hand.

Jiang Zheliu has just recovered. He put down the book and took the medicine bowl: "hard work."

Ah Chu's face turned red. He felt that his strange physique was becoming more and more attractive. He couldn't help saying: "brother Zheliu, how can I feel that you... Are more and more fragrant..."

Jiang Zheliu himself can't smell it. When he read the secret book he gave him before the year of Ember, he studied his constitution with a dedicated and serious attitude, but there was no change in his mood. He looked down at himself and asked, "what's the smell?"

"It's just... I want to knock you down. Like... Like that... "

Ah Chu swallows back the "human form self-propelled spring medicine" from his mouth. He goes through all kinds of strange settings such as abo, sentinel, Orc and so on in his mind, but he doesn't find a suitable type... When he reads this book, it's a famous no CP sadistic essay. In the end, it's a he ending, but in the process, it's really sadistic, but because the protagonist's body is very poor at the beginning, So there is no plot that Jinjiang does not allow.

A Chu has been here for a long time. He has realized that everything in front of him is different from the setting of the book he once saw. He has never seen many plots before, so he really doesn't know whether the constitution is good or bad. He held his face for a long time, then hesitated and said: "brother, did the interval between your two fever become shorter..."

Jiang Zheliu's hand stopped for a moment.

"Do you have any?"

"There seems to be." The more achu thought about it, the more he felt that he had developed into Begonia. "This may be the constitution of... The desire for survival..."

Before Jiang Zheliu's death, he had a lot of accomplishments and had no problems for more than a thousand years. Since he lived in seclusion, he has gradually become more and more serious. However, at present, there is no other influence except fever and sleepiness. There are not many books of this kind, and Jiang Zheliu can't verify what will happen in the future.

It's just that no one reminds me of it. I don't think it's going to hurt.

Jiang Zheliu pondered while drinking medicine, and heard a Chu ask: "why didn't you see the master of Wen Ren?"

"He went to pick up Xiao Yu." Jiang Zheliu said, "Xiaoyu sent me a letter saying that he would bring a patient over."

Ah Chu was surprised and said, "don't you never go out to see a doctor? There's also time to take the patient on the road. "

At this moment, half of the bamboo curtain outside was suddenly hit, and then lifted up. I saw a young man in a light blue Daofu with one hand in yuxiannian's hand. He lifted the bamboo curtain and looked at the two demons at the door. He was surprised and said, "what's the situation? Have you started mountain and water tourism in Zhongnanshan?"

Outside, Shi Bingchen holds his arm and pestles Yan Chuzhi, who is still taking notes beside the pestle. He is puzzled and says, "why can he enter the house?"

"That's a doctor." Yan Chu, the future teacher, did not raise his head.

They are like black and white evil spirits. They stay here every day to listen to the wall. They are like a pair of door gods. Since they came to Zhongnan mountain with the Lord to learn how to seize, the mountain spirits and wild monsters here all look and sigh. They even refuse to show off to Jiang xianzun. They have no chance to be adopted.

Especially in the semi prototype, it was like raising two vicious dogs. All the demons are thick skinned and tough. Every night, they listen to the cheering from the corner, and Yan Chuzhi says: "I don't want to be less, I don't want to be less..."

Shi Bingchen watched helplessly as his courtship standard dropped from a beautiful and sexy female devil to a female devil, and then to a devil. Recently, he seems to be living on the line, and there is no bottom line.

Although it was the first time for Yu Jin Nian to come to the pine cottage, he didn't see it at all. He took a look at the overall demon world style, appreciated the master's nesting skills, and finally found the most expensive one in the nest on the second floor.

He sat down with the little mute.

Wen renye is talking to two demons outside. I don't know what they are communicating with. Taking advantage of this gap, the year of Ember leaned over and asked in a low voice, "did you two try to repair the secret code?"

Hearing the word "Shuang Xiu", achu's eyes suddenly stare like a copper bell.

Jiang Zheliu coughed softly and said, "do you think I've tried it?"

Both of them didn't avoid others. Wang Moxuan on one side was dumb, and it was nothing to listen to. Ah Chu was young, and he didn't necessarily understand.

The year of Ember tut tut two times, stretched out his hand to feel his pulse: "the whole Xiuzhen world knows that Zhu Wuxin died, and you also took the Lingxiao sword, how about it? Do you have the idea of coming back

"No, I want to live two more days."

"Master Jiang is still self-conscious." Ember year carefully explored the pulse, a trace of spiritual power into it, the more comprehensive, the face became more and more strange, he thought for a moment, way, "you..."

Jiang Zheliu made full psychological preparation and said calmly, "how about it?"

The year of Ember turned around and glanced out the door. He saw that Wen renye stepped in and said, "it's OK."

"If there were no resurrection stone, your soul would have gone to heaven and earth now, and the true spirit would have dissipated." Yu Jinnian took out a pen from the storage utensil and wrote a new prescription on the paper. He said, "no way, just keep it. The better you keep it, the longer you live. Maybe you can live a long time if you don't find fault with it."

Jiang Zheliu saw the difference before and after him and knew that he could not say something in front of Wen renye, so he asked, "long life?"

"One hundred years..." one hundred years is just a flash for practitioners. Yu Jinnian took a look at him with his pen. "No matter how good it is, it's a bit reluctant."

Jiang Zheliu was not disappointed, which was expected. But he noticed that wenrenye's pace came over with a sudden pause, and then recovered as usual.

"It seems that I am destined to delay you."

Jiang Zheliu said this sentence to the little devil, with a calm tone.

Wen renye happened to come to him. He didn't answer. Instead, he looked at the medicine bowl half drunk on the table and leaned over“ Is it bitter? "

"Well Well... "

It's still this sudden feeding method. Jiang Zheliu was stuffed with a piece of sweet and greasy preserved fruit by him. He slowly chewed it for a long time before swallowing it. He took another sip of tea and said, "you do this..."

The little devil, with his invisible big tail, is like a happy dog squinting.

"... I can't drink the rest of the bowl."

The night of hearing people

He was suddenly silent for a long time. He was so angry that he grinded his teeth. Then he went to kiss him fiercely. His momentum was very frightening and his doubts were full of villains: "how can you get used to your coquettishness?"

One side of the year saw with relish, eyes quickly covered the eyes of the little mute, whispered: "don't look, in a moment we will not see."

Wang Moxuan raised his hand and wrote slowly on the back of his hand

"The devil?"

Ember year can't help but lip smile, close to his ear whispered: "habit is good."


There is a bamboo garden next to the pine house. It was built at the beginning of the night when Wen Ren came. It was just left for Yu Jinnian and Wang Moxuan to live in.

However, due to Jiang Zheliu's physical reasons, most of the year of Ember still stayed in the pine house. He sat next to him, watching the little mute respectfully play chess with master Jiang. They played chess silently. You come and I go, playing games, but it's so quiet that there's not even a sound left, only the clear sound of the pieces beating on the board.

Wang Moxuan couldn't speak, and Jiang Zheliu was cold and speechless. No matter how wonderful they were, they didn't have the same level of education to watch in the year of embers. On the contrary, they felt very bored.

He was yeluzi. Watching the two orthodox monks coming out of the four immortals playing chess, he couldn't understand anything except the beauty in front of him. Finally, he couldn't help saying: "you killed me yourself, I wish you didn't want to?"

It's really a minefield. You can't open any pot.

Jiang Zhe Liu Luo Zi's fingertips gave a slight meal and said faintly, "well."

"It's more decisive than I expected." Yu Jinnian said, "when Wang Wenyuan negotiated with me, he said," I wish you no intention is dead. His news seems to be faster than others. Maybe he has been watching Lingxiao sect closely. "

In terms of Wang Wenyuan's ultimate goal, it's not surprising to watch Lingxiao school.

Jiang Zheliu gently turns his chess pieces between his fingers, and suddenly thinks that with his unintentional age and experience, it's hard to find a way to enter the bottom of the Styx and wake him up.

Wang Wenyuan may have played a role in it. When all the sects came to visit him that day, neither of them arrived.

He divided some spirit, the line of chess is not as steady as before, was blocked by the opposite Youth Road, carried away three white.

"This man is very cunning. He can't be taken by brute force." Yu Xiannian stares at the chessboard and pretends to understand it even if he can't understand it. "Besides, he has a lock curse in his hand. I have to think of another way..."

"His purpose has been achieved." Jiang Zheliu said, "once my younger martial brother dies, Lingxiao sect..."

"Don't worry about that." The year of Ember frowned, "you can't think much about this situation. The loss of mind is the most important thing. At this point, I'd like to ask you -- "

As soon as he stopped talking, he glanced out, and saw no one. Then he heard the voice of Jiang Zheliu.

"The little devil and Shi Bingchen go back. How can the Lord of the first world keep in such a desolate place all the time?" Jiang Zheliu took a sip of tea and said, "what is it, so you can't see people?"

As soon as Yu Jin Nian heard that he was away at night, he laughed and looked up and down at him. He said, "it's not a big deal. It's just that you have no cultivation to suppress. You're thirsty for a long time."

Jiang Zheliu almost choked on this cup of tea. He turned his head and coughed twice. He held the tea cup with his fingertips very hard, and his fingertips were slightly red.

The little mute on the opposite side also stopped his hand, and his eyes fell on the chessboard attentively, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

"I didn't think it was right before. Even the heavenly spirit can't poison people to this degree."

The year of Ember smelled the faint smell in the air, and felt that the air around was sweet. This is not a real sense of olfactory stimulation, but a pseudo olfactory effect on the spirit. Therefore, the degree of sweetness should vary from person to person.

"I didn't find it until I felt your pulse again." The year of Ember held his chin with one hand and said, "the resurrection stone is full of vitality, which urges your constitution. And your constitution has no cultivation to suppress, now... It's more and more difficult to clean up. "

Jiang Zheliu's finger rubbed the teacup, and his Mo Mou calmly looked at the chess player in front of him. He couldn't see what he was thinking. After a long time, he slowly asked: "the resurrection stone..."

"Don't try to take it off." The year of Ember completely cut off his train of thought, "what do you rely on now? I know it in my heart. Take this thing down, unless you want to die in half a month. "

The great change in the netherworld has already spread all over the world. In the year of Ember, you can guess with your heel that it's not easy to find him at night. What's more, his younger martial brother must have done an extremely stupid thing to let Jiang break Liu's knot and wish him unintentional life.

Jiang Zheliu sighed softly.

On the chessboard, black and white crisscross, just like a pair of dragons tied, this step, it is a deadlock.

"Tianlingti is not a cauldron constitution. All its characteristics are for your sake." In the year of Ember, I read a lot of yellow books. I don't know much about this kind of constitution, but I will never say anything about it“ It's just your body... "

The deadlock is here. Even if they both want to, Jiang Zheliu's physical condition is also a big problem. What's more, he hasn't consulted the little devil's consent.

Two people with few words are watching chess in silence. One is counting how many pieces he can eat in the next few steps, and the other is observing the part where the other side is still. But Jiang Zheliu was distracted and thought about it. Some of them couldn't keep up with each other's rhythm.

"What if I didn't care about it all the time?"

The year of Ember exhausted his life-long medical experience and achievements in yellow literature reading. He felt his chin and thought for a long time. Then he said, "maybe it will be very mature soon."

Jiang Zheliu turned his eyes and looked at him like ice: "speak human words."

"Ah, this... I can't predict the final situation." The year of Ember was sobered by his eyes, and immediately turned from yellow to white, "but the breath on your body may expand and spread, and you can smell all the monsters in Zhongnan mountain."

"... that's nothing."

"It's nothing." Ember nodded perfunctorily, "at most, it's like the cat Mint fell into the cat group, being sucked by the demon clan, chewing a big mouthful."

Jiang Zheliu

"It's mainly the night of hearing people." The doctor saint was kind-hearted and worried for him, "the relationship of the demons is very complicated... I'm really afraid that he can't control it. Otherwise, you, you let him go?"


God has a good heart.

It's impossible to be in the palace. It's the next life

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