“I’m okay with that.”

“That’s it.”

“Let’s settle it like this.”


All five agreed with this approach.

Over the years, they have more and more enemies, pirates, revolutionary troops, and so on.

Although the navy is only a subordinate department of them, they also have CP, army and other subordinate departments, but the navy still occupies a large part of the combat effectiveness.

The strength of Peach Rabbit, staying in the navy, helped them a lot.

It is not advisable to offend.

The main thing is that they are worried about provoking Peach Rabbit, worried that Peach Rabbit is on the opposite side of their world government.

It would not be good to give them another strong enemy to their world government.

At the moment, they have enough enemies, there is no need to provoke strong enemies anymore.

If you can dilute it, try to dilute it.

It’s just an internal fight.


“Move that Sakaski idiot to Mary Joa Hospital for treatment… Tell him to reflect well, what a waste, say such things as quitting the Navy…” The old man in the dark green suit rubbed his temples.

The headquarters of the Navy is about to publicly execute Ace, and the Navy is exactly when it needs high-end combat effectiveness.

In addition, they are very optimistic about the red dog, and naturally let the red dog recover as soon as possible.

They intend to train Akainu to be the next successor of the Navy headquarters.

The standard of treatment at Mary Joa Hospital is even higher than that of the Navy headquarters.

It is home to some of the world’s top medical experts.

The treatment methods are also the most advanced and abundant.

This is what their world government is all about.


The incident with Justin, the 778th Branch of the Navy, alerted the Sengoku.

The Warring States immediately inspected all branches!

Of course, the members of the Ministry were dispatched.

Those evil deeds of Justin are absolutely intolerable to the Warring States.

As the marshal of the headquarters, he immediately ordered the inspection team to leave.


Navy headquarters, residence of Vice Admiral Zuos.

Zos took the phone worm and called, his injuries were not yet good, and he was wrapped in a thick bandage.

Justin, it’s for him.

And he, in fact, is helping others to do things.

Collecting those girls was asked by a family on the Red Earth Continent to collect them.

He and that family are in a cooperative relationship.

Lieutenant General of this department, there are many conveniences.

That family needs a batch of girls every year.

He provides convenient cover from it.

Zuos called the people there to tell them that it was impossible to stock them recently, and the headquarters began to strictly investigate the local branches.

“You’d better not make a move lately.”

Zuos reminds.

Not only the strict investigation of branches, but also the recent efforts to catch pirates who invade ordinary people have increased again.


Because of Peach Rabbit, and Zhao Hao attacked the branch because Justin did evil first… The main thing is that the Warring States gave face to Peach Rabbit and Crane, plus the public execution of Ace was imminent, and the Warring States did not want to cause more trouble, so they did not want Zhao Hao, the mysterious person who attacked the branch.



The sea breeze blows.

On the small boat, Zhao Hao looked at the familiar scene in front of him and smiled.

“I actually got here…” Zhao Hao didn’t know that he would come here in advance, he just rowed at random.

“Susan, let’s land on the island.”

Zhao Hao took Susan to the island.

Susan has suddenly matured a lot these days, and she doesn’t cry anymore.

The loss of her father and mother made her grow up in a short time.

Such a little girl of twelve or thirteen, Zhao Hao temporarily took it with him, first with it, he didn’t think much about it.

“Righteous Father, what is this place, there are so many bubbles…”

Susan was a little curious.

“This is the Chambord Islands. The island is made up entirely of a plant called the yalchiman, and the ground is the roots… The roots of the Yarchiman mangrove can secrete special natural resin due to respiration, and these bubbles are the resin of the Yarchiman mangrove tree formed by air expansion…”

Zhao Hao explained.

Susan’s eyes were slightly bright, a magical place.

The Chambordi Islands, full of bubble culture, bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles…

Zhao Hao took Susan and played all kinds of things.


Suddenly, Zhao Hao saw several familiar figures.

Exactly the Straw Hats.

“The Straw Hat gang is also in the Chambord Islands, at this time, is the Draco incident about to happen?” Zhao Hao immediately became interested.

Zhao Hao led Susan and walked past Luffy’s group.

I heard Luffy muttering that he was hungry.

Robin saw Zhao Hao and was stunned for a moment.

She felt that Zhao Hao was very familiar, and seemed to have seen it somewhere, déjà vu.


Robin stared at Zhao Hao’s back, frowning slightly, searching his memory.

“Where the hell have you seen this person? Very familiar… Very familiar feeling… Should have seen more than once or twice … This familiar feeling? But why can’t I remember it, shouldn’t it…”

Robin couldn’t think of it for a moment.

“Robin-chan!!” Sanji followed Robin’s line of sight towards Zhao Hao.

Seeing Robin looking at a man like this, Sanji was a little taken aback.

“Does Robin-chan know that person?”

Yamaji saw Robin’s eyes and asked curiously.

“Robin, do you have an acquaintance?” Nami was also curious.

Robin’s eyes were obviously recognized.

“It seems like I’ve seen it somewhere before, but I can’t remember it… Forget it, don’t think about it…” Robin smiled gently.

“Huh?! That idiot green algae head is gone!! Sanji suddenly exclaimed.

“Huh??!!” Choiba looked terrified, he knew Sauron’s road idiocy very well, he was completely a lost king, and he could go in the wrong direction when someone led the way.

“Is Solon gone?” Luffy picked his nostrils, “What an unsettling guy, let’s go eat.” ”

“Find Solon first.” Nami rolled her eyes and muttered, “You’re no better.” ”


Zhao Hao led Susan and unknowingly came to Peninsula No. 1.

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