“Impossible, how can my golden fruit fail!!”

Gilder Tezzolo roared angrily, continuing to use the Golden Fruit’s ability to communicate the gold dust that had penetrated Kaido’s body before.

“Impossible! No way!! ”

Gilderezolo tried over and over again.

It is not only to communicate the gold dust in Kaido’s body, but also to communicate the gold dust in Zhao Hao and Shanks’ body.

But it didn’t work.

All the gold dust is invalid, invalid.

“Impossible to !!!”

Gilder Tezzolo looked horrified.

The Golden Fruit is his biggest hole card.

It didn’t work.

“It’s just some gold dust…”

Whitebeard and Shanks laughed and squeezed the gold dust out of their bodies.

The gold dust was compressed by them into a sphere.

Appears on the palm of their hand.

“Golden Fruit Ability, Gilder Tezzoro, your ability does not work for us.”

Shanks smiled casually.

In fact, the ability of the Golden Fruit is weird, of course, it is effective for them, but Gilderezolo’s level is not enough.

After all, they are the pirate emperors, if they can’t even solve this level of Gilder Tezzoro, there is no need to mix.

If Gildertezoro’s Golden Fruit ability was developed several times stronger, he would be able to deal with them.

At that time, if they had not known in advance, it would have been difficult for them to guard against Gilder’s Tezzoro’s abilities.

Gold dust into the body, then it will be difficult for them to deal with Gilder Tezzoro.

But that’s all hypothetical, the reality is that Gilder’s strength is far from theirs.

In the face of them, Gilder Tezzoro had only a share of the street.


Spencer hid to the side in trepidation, afraid to stand up and speak.



The armored wyvern arrived.

A characteristic dragon roar was emitted.

The dragon roar is very penetrating and travels far away.


The armored wyvern stopped on the top floor of the hotel.

Sengoku and Karp jumped straight down.

Kaido had already blasted open several huge holes in the roof of the Grand Hotel before, so Sengoku and Karp fell directly from the hole.

“Bang bang!!”

Two muffled sounds, Sengoku and Karp fell.

“Marshal of the Warring States!!”

“It’s the Navy, the Navy is finally here!! The navy of the headquarters, that is Marshal Sengoku, often read him in the newspapers! ”

“The one next to him is the legendary naval hero Karp!! It is said that he has long been able to be promoted to a general, but he has always refused to be promoted. ”


The arrival of Warring States and Karp made the scene full of discussion.

Before, under the coercion of Zhao Hao and his group, these merchants and nobles did not dare to speak out at all, and they were silent one by one.

For fear that Kaido would kill them directly.

Warring States and Karp appeared, and these merchants and nobles instantly had confidence.

Marshal of Motobu Sengoku, the famous naval hero Karp!

The two big men are next to them, and they are still afraid of a hair.

It’s full of confidence.

This kind of powerful character is here, and any villain can subdue it.

“Marshal of the Warring States!”

When Spencer saw Sengoku, he was so excited that he almost didn’t rush up and hug Sengoku’s thigh.

He was scared to death.

Gilder Tezzoro was beaten like this.

He may well be next.

Finally, the Sengoku arrived.

Seeing the Warring States, Spencer was instantly relieved, and a big stone in his heart landed.


With Sengoku and Karp here, his life safety is absolutely fine.

No matter how strong the other party is, can it still be stronger than the Warring States and Kapu?

Although he didn’t know how powerful Sengoku and Karp really were, but… There are many legends about Buddha’s Warring States and Tekken Kapu.

All prove how powerful Sengoku and Karp are.

Sengoku and Karp looked around, ignoring the others and directly ignoring them.

The two walked straight towards Zhao Hao.

“Your Excellency!”

“Your Excellency!”

Sengoku and Karp stood straight in front of Zhao Hao, and then saluted.

The attitude is very respectful, like two small soldiers who see the marshal.

This scene made everyone stunned.

This? What’s the situation?!

“Your Excellency, we’re not late, are we?”

“Your Excellency, this is already our fastest speed.”


Sengoku and Karp looked at Zhao Hao with a smile.


Zhao Hao said casually and smiled very casually.

It’s kind of interesting.

Patrick Saint, these dragon pigs really don’t know the height of the sky.

Call the Navy for support?

Mary Joa was destroyed by him.

The Draco was almost dead.

The Navy is now listening to him.

Draco is a fart.

Seeing Zhao Hao laughing, Sengoku and Karp also laughed.

“If your lord is satisfied.”

“Your Excellency, how to deal with this?”

Sengoku and Karp stood without paying any attention to the astonished and dull gazes of the people around them.

They need to ask for instructions on how to deal with it.


“What the hell is going on?!!

Spencer, the lieutenant general of the 789 branch, stood back with a confused expression, staring at Sengoku and Karp.


Why did Warring States and Karp treat Zhao Hao so respectfully?

These people killed the Draco!

Moreover, the attitude of Sengoku and Karp is simply the same attitude of a small soldier to his superior.

Spencer felt that his brain was a little out of went.

“Marshal of the Warring States, Lieutenant General Karp…” Spencer swallowed his spit and stammered, “They… Mutter…… They killed the Draco, but they were extremely evil criminals! Look what they’ve done to St. Patrick!! ”

Spencer pointed to Patrick St. who was half gone, kneeling on the ground like a dead pig.

“Shut up!”

Hearing Spencer’s words, the smile on Sengoku’s face instantly converged.

A face was instantly filled with chill.

The face is serious, as if it can kill people.

“Draco is a fart!”

Sengoku scolded, looking at Spencer coldly.


Spencer, who had just finished reporting, was directly stunned.

What do you mean?!

Shut up before, he thought that the Warring States were in a bad mood, and he could guess the meaning of the Warring States.

The latter sentence: Draco is a fart!

Spencer, on the other hand, was completely brain-wracked.


Oh, my God!

The marshal actually said that the Draco is a fart.

Draco are the nobles of the world, and they are the noble objects that the navy wants to protect.

It can be said that Draco is the top boss of the Navy.

If the Draco people do not want the Warring States to be the marshal of the headquarters, then it is a matter of a word from the Draco.

Because the world government is opened by the Draco people’s house.

The world government, from the five old stars to ordinary officials, is under the orders of the Draco.

“Marshal of the Warring States … This…… These are thugs who killed the Draco…” Spencer said incredulously.


Sengoku was instantly anxious.

He actually dared to say that Zhao Hao was a thug.


Sengoku slapped Spencer directly to the ground, and half of his face swelled like a pig’s head.

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