My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 107 Advanced Concepts

What Lin Chuan thinks is not as simple as producing ordinary red bricks.

What he wanted to fire was real building bricks, even non-fired bricks.

Now the person in charge of the management of the brick factory is a master specially recruited by Zhao Nianshun, who has more than ten years of experience in burning bricks.

Lin Chuan said to the simple and honest old master, who is in his fifties: "Master Sun, our bricks must be burned for 80 minutes, and the temperature must reach over 1000 degrees.

Usually I'm not here, so I work hard for Master Sun to help me and watch it more! "

Sun Delin is a very down-to-earth person.

He would say what was on his mind.

"Boss, if you burn it for 80 minutes, it's fine, but it uses a lot of coal, so the cost can't be calculated. Ordinary red bricks are enough to burn for 60 minutes!"

Lin Chuan also knew that he was saving money for himself.

But an 80-minute brick is completely different from a 60-minute brick.

"Master Sun, let's do the best we can. Only 80-minute bricks meet our standards. Later, I will give you some other brick-burning techniques. After the red bricks are burned, I will burn a batch of hollow bricks!"

Sun Delin was a little surprised.

"I've heard of hollow bricks. They are special bricks for exterior walls, but I haven't burned them before. I don't know the ingredients. Boss, do you know the ingredients?"

Lin Chuan said with a smile: "Not only hollow bricks, but also wall tiles, floor tiles, landscaping tiles, pavement tiles, etc. Just listen to me and let the fire burn as vigorously as possible!"

"Okay, then I'll make the fire for you!"

Although I had never heard of these bricks, Sun Delin felt that it was right to follow Lin Chuan.

This huge and decades-long industry is the beginning of Lin Chuan's future development.

As long as he can burn it, he is not afraid of not being able to sell it.

Back to the garment factory, it was already evening.

Qin Mengying and others gathered around the TV in the conference room, pinching their fingers and waiting to watch the advertisement.

At 6:30 on time, the dress advertisements of the provincial and main stations were broadcast at the same time.

When that sentence, Love is Never Ending, was broadcast on TVs across the country, everyone burst into warm applause.

Especially Xi Xiaolei.

At this moment, my heart beat faster, and it almost jumped out of my mouth.

The ad promotes the clothing, but also makes her a star-like figure.

Even though there was no so-called star chasing concept in that era, everyone who saw the advertisement was deeply impressed by the woman whose expression was sad and longing, gentle and firm.

Yu Meiling was envious to death, she turned her head and made her request to Lin Chuan.

"Lin Chuan, let me shoot the next commercial, and I'll be on TV too!"

It's a pity that Lin Chuan didn't think of this, and even his expression was very serious at this time.

"Everyone is here, I have an urgent meeting for everyone!"

In everyone's mind, Lin Chuan has never been seen so serious.

The meeting room fell silent for a moment, including Qin Mengying, all took out pen and paper, ready to start recording the content of the meeting.

At this time, Lin Chuan said calmly: "Now our advertisements have covered the whole country, and a large number of orders will arrive soon, so I will now announce a few decisions,

First of all, we only develop one dealer in each province and each city. The dealer needs to pay 100,000 brand distribution franchise fees at a time, and at the same time, it needs to pay 500,000 brand deposit.

Secondly, all the clothing and products under the Mengying brand, including the products around the brand, adopt the national unified retail price.

Finally, the human resources department immediately created a customer service department, recruited 50 special operators, and Xi Xiaolei gave them special training. Do you have any questions? "

When the voice fell, everyone was overwhelmed and looked at each other.

I dont understand.

What is a dealer, what is a customer service, there is no such concept at all.

Even Qin Mengying, who has been specially trained by Lin Chuan, has never heard of this.

From everyone's expressions, Lin Chuan already knew why they didn't speak.

After all, the concepts of these business operations he mentioned will only appear decades later, and it is indeed very reluctant to let them understand now.

Therefore, Lin Chuan had to go from the simple to the deep, and carefully explain the concept of this business to everyone.

Just a dozen pages of notes.

Xi Xiaolei was the first to comprehend.

After all, among the crowd, she has the highest level of education, and she is able to think from the perspective of Lin Chuan.

When Yu Meiling asked, "The customer service is nothing but answering the phone and telling people how to become a dealer, right?"

Before waiting for Lin Chuan to speak, Xi Xiaolei said slowly: "No, at the same time, the customer service also needs to have records, feedback, and problem solving functions. For example, if our products have any quality problems,

All can be solved through our customer service. At the same time, the customer service also has the role of maintaining the company's image, etc. Therefore, this department is very important! "

Lin Chuan smiled with great satisfaction.

His appreciation for Xi Xiaolei was all displayed in his eyes.

Xi Xiaolei just wanted to see Lin Chuan affirm her gaze, which made her feel that her weight in Lin Chuan's heart would become heavier and heavier.

It's just that their eyes crossed each other, but they were stuck in Qin Mengying's heart like a needle.

Before the meeting was over, Qin Mengying suddenly got up and said coldly, "Go on, I'm going home to cook for the children!"

After that, she closed the notes heavily, and stubbornly left the conference room despite Lin Chuan's obstruction.

Lin Chuan didn't want to make Qin Mengying angry, so he also got up and said: "Okay, let's stop here, what should everyone do, Xiaolei, you have to hurry up on customer service, it's better to get it done tomorrow! "

Before Xi Xiaolei could speak, Lin Chuan left in a hurry.

Even so, Xi Xiaolei was still very happy.

Still recalling Lin Chuan's eyes.

Instead, Yu Meiling glared at Xi Xiaolei coldly, and said to others as she walked: "Just show that she knows, as if we don't understand,

Even in front of the boss, flirting with the boss, what is it? "

On the way home, Qin Mengying always looked out the window and did not speak with a cold face.

Lin Chuan frowned and said: "You are very rude in the conference room today, I haven't said the meeting, you get up and leave with a click, what do you want others to think?

Our business is getting bigger and bigger, and we have more than 1,000 employees. As the chief financial officer, your every move attracts attention. What can you tell me in private? Do you have to be like that in the conference room? "

Qin Mengying turned her head angrily, stared at Lin Chuan coldly, and said extremely irritably, "Why, you and Xi Xiaolei are frowning in front of me, I can't be angry, can't talk?

I also have to bless you for a long time in love, bless her success in snatching my man, right? "

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