After the agreement was signed, 1,500 sets of the most advanced sewing equipment in the world belonged to Lin Chuan.

Of course, Lin Chuan will also provide Brooke with textiles worth 1.5 million in the next three months.

Including high-quality cotton threads, as well as pure cotton fabrics.

For Lin Chuan, the pressure is not small.

Existing textile machines cannot produce these fabrics at all, unless there are five more sets of machinery.

But the machinery factory in the province could no longer supply him.

Even if he could, he didn't want to go again. The best way is to buy a machinery factory in Hui City, or directly open a machinery factory.

But neither is likely to happen now.

The root cause is money.

All the new equipment has been installed in the new factory area, and the workers are all around the factory, looking at the brand-new equipment, tsk tsk amazement.

"These sewing machines are all imported. It is said that they don't need pedals, they can move them by themselves!"

"There's also that edger, I've seen it on TV, you can edge it yourself, much faster than we do it manually!"

"Who do you know what kind of machine it is? I've never seen it before!"

Lin Chuan found a few female workers who were relatively young and somewhat literate, and taught them how to use the sewing machine and edging machine in detail, and then let them hand it over to other female workers.

The busy people here are full of enthusiasm and bursts of laughter.

On the other hand, Yuan Hedong assembled the machine.

This is a moment worth celebrating. Yuan Hedong came to the factory building in a round of applause.

Song Hua also specially invited Yuan Hedong to tell everyone a few words.

Yuan Hedong was also very excited when he saw the brand-new textile machine.

"Today, Yuan Hedong, I am standing here, and soon I will lead everyone to occupy a place in the textile market, and even become the world's largest textile factory,

Everyone follows me and works hard. I, Yuan Hedong, will definitely not treat you badly. Now I announce that the mechanical group of Hedong Textile Factory has officially started! "

In the warm applause, Song Hua immediately handed the machine switch to Yuan Hedong.

He pressed it down without hesitation.

But then, the motors of a group of equipment suddenly made a muffled sound, followed by a fireball that suddenly burst in the eyes of everyone's astonishment.

Immediately, a pungent smoke billowed up, and the wires connecting the other units caught fire at the same time.

The entire factory suddenly fell into a commotion, and everyone turned around and rushed outside the factory.

Song Hua and Fu Xinan were shocked and overwhelmed.

Yuan Hedong was still calm, and immediately called someone to cut off the power.

However, in the noisy factory, who can hear his voice?

At this moment, the motor of another unit suddenly made a loud noise, and the entire motor exploded under the scorching of high temperature.

Even the door of the chassis was blown out, almost hitting Yuan Hedong on the head.

Seeing that the unit exploded and was destroyed, Yuan Hedong's heart was like a cracked case.

It wasn't the machinery that blew up, but his money.

A set of machines is worth 200,000 yuan, and 400,000 yuan is gone in the blink of an eye.

It has become the largest textile factory in the world.

Song Hua finally found Yuan Hedong's figure in the billowing smoke, and hurriedly dragged him out of the factory building.

At this time, a worker finally turned off the power of the plant, which prevented the fire from spreading further to other units.

Yuan Hedong grabbed Song Hua's collar, gritted his teeth, and asked angrily, "What kind of machine did you buy me back? Why did it explode when the power was turned on?"

Song Hua was also puzzled. When he was in the machinery factory, he carefully inspected each set of machinery and found no problems.

How do you get it back to explode?

He hurriedly said: "Mr. Yuan, this must be a problem with the machinery itself, and it has nothing to do with us. We should call the machinery manufacturer and ask them to explain it to us!"

Yuan Hedong pushed Song Hua away and immediately went to the office to call the machinery factory.

However, the answer is that every machine that leaves the factory has a quality assurance.

And so many machines have been shipped from the factory, and none of them have ever exploded.

It is very likely that they installed it by themselves. The machinery factory does not care. At most, they will ask their technicians to take a look and determine the reason.

Yuan Hedong could only accept this solution.

But the machine on Lin Chuan's side works perfectly, and the finest fabrics are continuously produced.

The dip-dyeing workshop produces fabrics of various colors under the guidance of Lin Chuan himself.

Even the dresses, overalls and cropped trousers produced are in complete colors.

This made the first batch of dealers who came to the factory for inspection very satisfied.

The only thing that made them unacceptable was the 500,000 guarantee.

The boss of the Kim family said: "Manager Xi, we are very satisfied with everything, that is, the deposit is really too much. Think about it, although the deposit will be returned to us,

But this is also tantamount to putting our money in your hands, and it is also tantamount to backlogging our funds in disguised form. How long will it take us to earn the franchise fee back?

How long will it take to earn the deposit back? If the deposit is still 500,000 yuan, then I will not make this brand, I really can't afford it! "

Another dealer also said: "Yeah, the franchise fee, the deposit, and the money to get the goods add up to one million, and you only have three kinds of goods now, and you can't earn them back!"

Xi Xiaolei smiled calmly and said, "I understand everyone's mood. Well, I'll pass everyone's thoughts on to the boss. Let's go to the cafeteria for lunch first!"

Lin Chuan listened to Xi Xiaolei's report, and did not make a statement immediately, but asked indifferently: "I want to hear your thoughts!"

Xi Xiaolei nodded slightly and said slowly, "Mr. Lin, I think the deposit of 500,000 yuan is indeed a bit high. If you calculate the basic cost,

A deposit of 500,000 yuan is not something that anyone can take out, and there is also a franchise fee of 100,000 yuan. To put it bluntly, this 100,000 yuan is free money.

They are all businessmen, and all they think about is making money, not spending money, so I think a 100,000 franchise fee and 50,000 brand deposit are acceptable! "

Hearing this, Lin Chuan laughed.

Although Xi Xiaolei has enough brains, she still lacks experience.

He said indifferently: "Then what if the dealer takes 500,000 goods at a time, and then ships it to other cities after returning?

Now there are 25 cities with a population of more than 1 million, more than 100 secondary cities, and more than 600 with a population of less than 200,000. For those cities that have not applied for distributors,

For those dealers who have applied for it, that is the fat meat. Whoever grabs it will definitely have a price and even market competition. At that time, how will you get it? "

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