Shao Hongyi said in a very firm tone: "I can contract the machinery factory to you, and I don't need you to spend a penny. The premise is that the management department wants to take 55% of the shares!"

Conditions are normal, but very unreasonable.

The management department holds 55% of the shares. In the final analysis, everything is still up to the management department.

He provides technology, management, etc. In the end, he can only get 45% of the profit.

The most unacceptable thing is that nothing is what he said.

At that time, it may be necessary to produce a set of machinery, and you have to submit an application to see the face of the management department.

The reason why Shao Hongyi did this was to consider the interests of the management department first.

If the machinery factory becomes Lin Chuan's private factory, with Lin Chuan's technological innovation, the profits will be immeasurable.

At present, the financial aspect of the management department is in great need of funds.

Therefore, it is impossible for Shao Hongyi to let Lin Chuan put all the money in his pocket.

Secondly, after talking with Lin Chuan, Shao Hongyi found that this person is simply a business wizard.

If there are no restrictions, no one will be able to stop him at that time.

Lin Chuan's heart is very clear about this.

He can express understanding from an emotional point of view, but from a businessman's point of view, it is absolutely impossible to accept.

Therefore, Lin Chuan shook his head humbly.

He smiled indifferently: "Mr. Shao, I can't agree to your conditions. To be honest, no one can use technology, management, or even funds to help others with their work. This is human nature.

But as a thank you to the management department, I can at most promise Mr. Shao that I can help other technology industries in the management department and provide some technical support.

My premise is that these technical supports are not free. If we can't reach a cooperation intention, then I can only choose to give up and wait for the opportunity to open a machinery factory by myself! "

Lin Chuan's attitude is very clear, either contract to him or not.

It is absolutely impossible for him to be his subordinate.

Shao Hongyi fell into silence.

He was considering the stakes of the choice.

If rejected, then Huishi Machinery Factory will continue to be a financial burden to the management department.

With the development of the times, it will also be eliminated by the market.

If you promise Lin Chuan, you can at least turn a profit.

Even the profits and taxes are very objective.

Thinking of this, Shao Hongyi nodded slightly and said softly: "It's better for us to take a step back, we hold 80% of the shares, as the controlling party, the management department holds 20% of the shares, and does not participate in any decision-making management,

We only take 20% of the total profit, this is my last concession, you should also consider it! "

There's nothing to hesitate about this.

"20% profit is still acceptable, I have no opinion on this!"

Shao Hongyi immediately signed a permanent machinery factory contracting agreement with Lin Chuan.

From this moment on, the Huishi Machinery Factory belongs to Lin Chuan, and the management department enjoys a 20% profit share.

When the news of the contract was delivered to Huishi Machinery Factory, Wu Yaoxian was stupid.

The orders given to them were very clear in black and white.

'The Huishi Machinery Factory under the Management Department was officially contracted to Lin Chuan, and the relevant handover will be carried out immediately. From now on, the Management Department will no longer manage the machinery factory. ’

That is to say, the machinery factory has officially become a private enterprise, and Wu Yaoxian is no longer the factory director who stretches out his hand for clothes, opens his mouth for food, and eats the salary of the management department every month.

The news spread in the machinery factory in an instant. After more than 700 workers heard it, they all crowded in front of the office building.

They all shouted.

"The machinery factory is contracted to individuals. What about us workers? We are contract workers. Who will pay us wages in the future?"

"Contracting to individuals, can we still go to work?"

"Director, what are you doing? Come out and explain to us!"

At this moment, Wu Yaoxian was calling the management department with a frown.

"I don't accept it. You didn't even call me to say hello, and you contracted the machinery factory to someone else. How do you ask me to explain to the workers?"

Qiu Chenyuan said coldly: "Why do you want me to tell someone else? The machinery factory has been losing money all the time under your management.

The management department pays you salaries for free every month. I have told you more than once before, asking you to change the management and operation model, carry out technological innovation,

You are good, you have nothing to do as a whole, you know to make various requirements to the management department, this time Mr. Shao is also determined, you don't say anything, the agreement has been signed,

The machinery factory is now owned by Lin Chuan. Whether you are leaving or staying, then look at Lin Chuan! "

Wu Yaoxian's fat face was like being slashed by a knife, and it was burning hot.

He always thought that the machinery factory belonged to the management department, and that the management department had to keep them at all times.

Now the management department has directly contracted the machinery factory to an individual without even discussing it with him.

One can imagine how disappointed Shao Hongyi was with him.

But now he's talking about his own gains and losses.

Anyway, it is impossible for him to continue working as the factory manager, so he has to get some cheap money in the future.

"Secretary Qiu, what should I do? You contracted the machinery factory to an individual in one sentence, but you appointed me as the factory manager. Who will pay me my salary in the future?"

Qiu Chenyuan was so disgusted that he could not wait to call him a bloody head.

"You are no longer in the management department. You and the employees of the machinery factory are all going with the contract. Let's see Lin Chuan's arrangement.

If he uses you, you will continue to receive wages. If he does not use you, then you can make up your own mind. I have a meeting, so I will hang up first! "

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Chenyuan took a sip on the phone.

"What? As long as you are a little capable, you deserve to be kicked away!"

On the other side of the phone, Wu Yaoxian was completely helpless.

It is impossible to rely on the management department now, and you have to rely on yourself.

Thinking of this, Wu Yaoxian immediately threw away the phone and walked out of the office building with a face full of anger. Facing the angry workers, he fanned the flames.

"The management department has said that you and I all have to go home, and no one will pay us salaries in the future, whether it is life or death, and no one cares!"

Don't workers care about the bread and butter?

How can they live without a job in a machine shop? Are you all waiting to starve to death?

"I don't want to do it. I'm a contract worker. Why should we go home?"

"No, if you want us to go home, unless you step on us, I will fight with them if it's great, and I won't survive anyway!"

"If you don't pay wages, you won't let us live, then everyone will stop living!"

Wu Yaoxian kept his hateful eyes gloomy and continued to shout: "What's the use of shouting here, go to the management department and let them know that we absolutely do not agree with the acquisition of the machinery factory!"

This sentence completely ignited the anger of the workers, and everyone immediately went to the management department to ask for justice.

At this moment, Lin Chuan drove his Nissan and directly blocked the workers.

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