Lin Chuan just wanted to see Xie Hongchen's good image, and the image of this guy couldn't be brought up on the scene.

He grinned, with a socially vulgar look on his face.

There is no cultural literacy at all.

"Everyone came to cheer me on today. I am very happy. As the manager of a textile factory, I am usually very busy. I just took the opportunity of today to gather with you.

Let's have a seat later, everyone eat and drink well, that manager, let's have a seat! "

The manager finally waited for this long-awaited sentence, and immediately started calling the waiter to serve the dishes.

Such a good hotel, Lin Chuan thought that he could eat some special dishes.

As a result, when the dish was brought up, Lin Chuan's first thought was, what is it?

Ten dishes, two meat dishes, the rest is either tofu or green vegetables.

No soda, just a bottle of beer per person.

Even the rice was a bit raw.

The whole table was full of discussions.

"What kind of banquet is this? There isn't even a single fish. That Xie Hongchen is still the factory manager. He's just stingy!"

"Our table broke at least 200 yuan, and this dish is only a few dozen yuan. I'm really angry!"

"Who said it wasn't, if I knew I would eat these, I wouldn't come!"

However, Shang Jiaxiu kept giving Lin Chuan the two meat dishes, but she herself ate very little.

The fifty-year-old aunt smiled and said, "Look at this little daughter-in-law, how much she loves a man, young man, you have to be nice to your little daughter-in-law!"

Where are all these.

Shang Jiaxiu blushed, and Lin Chuan was full of tears and laughter.

At this moment, Xie Hongchen brought the foreigner and translator to Lin Chuan.

It was as if he was saying that everyone should be quiet, he was about to start pretending.

He also smiled and said: "Boss Lin, I haven't seen you for three days, I'm impressed. I used to be in my textile factory, and I used a tractor to wholesale fabrics. Now I've set up such a big clothing factory.

I also got a textile factory. I heard that the fabrics produced by your textile factory seem to be bought by no one, right? In fact, you don't have to worry, it's normal, young people want to do something, they are all flies.

If you don’t understand anything in the future, just come and ask me, how can I say that my textile factory has been working for decades, and it has been very successful in all aspects. Recently, I invited an international dip dyeing expert to guide my textile factory. ,

Come, let me introduce to you. You also broaden your horizons. Usually, you have little chance to know foreigners, and it is even less likely to have any contact with foreigners.

You don't have to thank me, we are all peers and should take care of each other! "

Lin Chuan's expression was calm and unwavering. He had really seen a lot of this kind of person.

The pretense is very superficial.

At this time, Xie Hongchen solemnly introduced the foreign man in his forties to Lin Chuan.

"Boss Lin, this is Mr. Willis, an internationally renowned expert in fabric dip dyeing!"

After the introduction, Xie Hongchen's expression became even more proud.

In particular, people around him looked at Willis curiously, which made Xie Hongchen feel particularly proud.

After all, foreigners are rare in this era.

Some people had never seen foreigners at all, and looked at Willis like a monster.

And Willis shook hands with Lin Chuan in a very gentlemanly manner.

For Willis, who has only been in this country for a few days, he doesn't know much about the society in this country.

He also asked the translator to say to Lin Chuan, "Sir, your suit is very beautiful. Who designed it?"

However, Lin Chuan speaks a standard and fluent foreign language. In the eyes of everyone who is extremely shocked, he smiled and said, "This is my own design!"

Willis was particularly shocked by Lin Chuan's foreign language proficiency.

In this era, foreign languages ​​are unpopular, and only a small number of people can learn foreign languages.

Just like his translation, he can only translate some simple words, and he can't do complicated ones.

However, Lin Chuan actually said such a standard.

Willis was even more surprised and said: "Mr. Lin, your foreign language is very good, which makes me feel very surprised. I have never met such a good foreign language person in this country!"

Lin Chuan immediately smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment. I have read your insights on dip dyeing technology in some magazines. I have to say that this will have a great influence on the future textile dip dyeing technology!"

"Oh my God, you have actually seen these, I heard Xie Hongchen say that you also do textile dip dyeing, I think we have more things to study,

Xie only cares about how much his fabrics can sell for, which makes me feel very helpless. If he likes money so much, why not dig for gold? "

After all, they both laughed.

In fact, most of Lin Chuan's good impression of Willis comes from the memory of his previous life.

Willis has made outstanding contributions to the dyeing technology of textiles.

But Xie Hongchen next to him couldn't laugh.

He was shocked that Lin Chuan could communicate with Willis without a translator.

And the two seem to have a good time talking, and they have a lot to say about seeing each other late.

Let them go on like this, it is estimated that Willis will have to go with Lin Chuan.

So Xie Hongchen hurriedly interrupted the conversation between the two, and smiled humbly at Willis: "Mr. Willis, I'll introduce a few more friends to you, please come with me!"

Willis smiled helplessly at Lin Chuan: "Mr. Lin, if you have time, we must have a drink. I appreciate you very much, but today, I have to deal with Xie Hongchen!"

"It doesn't matter, go ahead and do your work first, and I'm leaving this very helpless reception!"

The two shook hands again, and Willis reluctantly left.

Lin Chuan was seated here, and those people all cast a surprised and envious look at Lin Chuan.

In this era, if you can speak foreign languages ​​so well, it is estimated that even college students can't do it.

Shang Jiaxiu, in particular, looked at Lin Chuan with admiration.

In my heart, I feel that this man is really too good and too handsome.

Xie Hongchen, who returned to his desk, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and whispered to Wang Kaizhe, "This Lin Chuan can actually speak foreign languages ​​and chat with Willis very speculatively. What is the origin of this guy?"

Wang Kaizhe glanced at Lin Chuan's back with disdain, and said in a low voice, "What can I say, I'm just a tailor who can speak a foreign language,

As long as you take care of that dead foreigner and get all his skills, then Lin Chuan will meet again, so what can he do? "

Xie Hongchen rolled his eyes and said coldly, "I have a better idea!"

When he was talking, Xie Hongchen was right next to Wang Kaizhe's ear, squinting his eyes and saying something.

After listening to Wang Kaizhe, he immediately smiled and said, "Very good, very good!"

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