My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 138: Have Courage

Lin Chuan doesn't lose his mind because of anger.

Any problem, he will take a comprehensive measure from the perspective of commercial interests.

It is impossible for him to continue investing in the market.

Xie Hongchen is already preconceived. He wants to continue investing, but the management department will not accept it.

And from the perspective of Xie Hongchen buying cotton for 5 yuan, and investing at all costs to build schools and hospitals, it must be Wang Kaizhe who is providing financial support behind this.

Otherwise, with Xie Hongchen's stinginess, could he be so generous?

The money invested is not one million, but also hundreds of thousands, plus high-priced cotton.

This was clearly aimed at his supply channel, just to cut his neck directly.

They are playing so well now, he doesn't need to spend money and energy to play with them.

Avoiding its edge, it is the main thing to solve the problem silently.

Maimaiti nodded, but still said with some embarrassment: "I do know a farmer, and everyone here calls him Harrick.

He owns the largest cotton farm in the Western Regions, and now he has at least millions of tons of premium cotton in his hands, and he doesn't have any shares from the management department. "

Lin Chuan looked at Maimaiti's expression and knew that this farm was definitely not easy to win.

Adiri said coldly: "Buymat, don't say it anymore, it's impossible for Harrick to sell cotton to Lin Chuan, and he won't sell cotton to anyone!"

This is a bit strange, why do you have cotton in your hand but refuse to sell it?

Mamat explained: "Because Harrick has a very eccentric temper, he only likes to make friends with brave people, but in his eyes, there are no really brave people at all.

So he never had any friends, he just ran his farm, and the cotton he produced never sold much, unless he was short of money, he would sell some cotton,

But the location of his farm is very good. The cotton he grows is of the highest quality, and there are hundreds of thousands of tons of harvest every year! "

Hearing this, Lin Chuan asked bluntly, "Where is Harrick's farm? I want to meet him!"

Adele is very opposed.

"Lin Chuan, you don't want to see him, Harik is a lunatic. Once, a businessman came from afar and wanted to buy his products, but Harik took the merchant to hunt in the desert,

As a result, the businessman was so frightened by the wolf that he peed his pants. He also liked to do some strange things, and even once, his house was bombed, and he was a complete lunatic! "

No matter who he is, Lin Chuan is going to meet him.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the weather was also windy and sandy.

With the whistling of the wind, Lin Chuan jumped on the light truck prepared by Maimaiti.

Maimaiti covered his face and shouted, "Be careful on the road!"

Harrick's farm is 50 kilometers away from Maimati's farm, and most of them have no roads. With the wind and sand, it is easy to get lost.

Anyway, the driver is a person who is very familiar with the road section.

Even so, when the sandstorm is the strongest, you still have to rest for a while.

Fortunately, when it got dark, the wind and sand finally became smaller.

It was bumpy all the way, and finally at ten o'clock in the evening, I saw a dirt city lit up ahead.

Because it is too remote, it is still 50 kilometers away from the city of Pan, so there is no electricity yet.

Walking into the dirt city, Lin Chuan felt as if he had traveled through several centuries and returned to ancient times.

On the left and right sides of the road paved with blue bricks, you can even see torches for lighting.

But even so, you can still hear the faint sound of the piano and the melodious low singing.

It seems to be telling an ancient story, as well as that mysterious legend.

The driver said it was called Batuk City, where more than 5,000 people lived.

Just because it is too remote, the people here are also very poor.

And Harrick's farm is just behind Batuk City.

At the gate of the farm, the driver didn't want to go forward, Lin Chuan could only walk into the farm by himself.

When Lin Chuan saw the endless cotton fields through the cold moonlight, he felt particularly shocked.

In this era, it is still artificially planted. How many people can it take to grow such a large farm?

Just as Lin Chuan was walking and watching, someone suddenly shouted at the front door of the courtyard, "Stop for me!"

The voice is a bit special, with both nobility and a hint of teasing, just like the cry of a noble.

Lin Chuan followed the voice and saw a man in a colorful robe with a thin face and cold eyes, who was actually holding a flaming object in his hand.

"Please don't aim the thing in your hand at me, it's obvious that I'm a human being, and I'm not a wild beast rushing into your place!"

Lin Chuan also learned to speak in his tone.

In the end, Harrick really put the guy down, and said coldly and arrogantly: "But you look like a lost sheep. Now tell me why you came to my farm, are you trying to steal my cotton?"

Cursing is so noble and cold.

Lin Chuan is not only not angry, but thinks that Harrick is quite humorous.

"I'm not trying to steal your cotton, I'm here to buy your cotton, I know you are Harrick, but you are far from the Harrick I imagined,

To me, you look like an old man with something wrong with his pants, and are we going to stand here all the time, scolding each other? Shouldn't you invite me into the house, kill a sheep, and talk to me while you eat? "

However, Harrick gave Lin Chuan a disdainful look, turned around and entered the room, closing the door heavily.

I didn't want to welcome Lin Chuan at all.

But Lin Chuan kicked the wooden door, which was not very strong, and knocked it to the ground.

However, Harrick was not angry at all. Instead, it seemed that this place was not his home at all. He just sat quietly by the fire and looked at Lin Chuan blankly.

Lin Chuan raised the door with his backhand and sat by the fire.

It was only then that Harrick's face could be seen clearly.

I thought he was an old man, but it turned out to be a man in his thirties.

Lin Chuan looked left and right, and found that there was half a roast lamb in the cabinet next to him. He was not polite and put the lamb directly on the fire and roasted it.

"Any naan? Give me one?"

Harrick just snorted coldly: "Don't you want to buy cotton? Come with me!"

After saying that, Harrick got up and came to the door, kicked up his robe and kicked the door, then stepped on the door and walked out of the house.

Lin Chuan followed closely and followed him all the way to the warehouse.

The farm is large and the warehouse is also large, almost several times the size of the warehouse of Buymaiti. There are bundles of cotton, hundreds of thousands of tons, or even more.

Just when Lin Chuan was looking carefully, he suddenly heard the door slam behind him. He turned around and saw that Harrick had closed the door and plugged it directly outside the door.

Following Harrick sneered: "If you can come out, I'll sell you the cotton!"

Lin Chuan both laughed.

This Harrick is really interesting.

To actually play this trick with them?

Did he really think he could trap him?

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan said loudly, "Okay, if you don't open the door, I'll set fire to your cotton!"

However, Harrick said disdainfully: "You can burn it, don't forget, you are also in the warehouse, if it catches fire, you will also be burned to death,

Let's think of other ideas, but now I'm going back to eat roast lamb, or get some naan or something! "

Seeing that Lin Chuan couldn't scare him, he looked around.

There was no light in the warehouse, and he couldn't light a match. A spark would destroy the cotton here.

But he has the flashlight that the driver left him, which would really make a big difference.

He came to the wooden wall and pushed it hard. The wooden wall is very strong, and it is impossible to knock it open.

But Lin Chuan was neither in a hurry nor nervous.

Instead, he looked around calmly.

But found in the cotton pile, there is a special fork inserted cotton.

Lin Chuan smiled knowingly, picked up the fork, and walked behind the door, followed the crack of the door, and quickly pushed the door open.

In the house, Harrick was eating when the door was pushed open by Lin Chuan.

Harrick was not surprised at all, just continued to eat meat.

Lin Chuan felt that this Harrick was really calmer than himself.

There seemed to be no stimulation that could make him feel nervous.

And he also said humorously: "Then eat some meat, but you still don't want to buy my cotton, because my cotton is not for sale!"

Lin Chuan didn't ask those useless ones, and said directly: "If you don't sell it, then give it to me, and tell me your conditions!"

Harrick took a sip of wine and said, "Any conditions?"

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