My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 149 Another Supply Chain

Harrick followed up: "Another function of it is that it can increase the speed of spinning, at least double the original!"

This point, Lin Chuan is not sure.

After all, the quality of textiles depends on the quality. If the speed is too fast, the woven fabrics are likely to be confused in warp and weft.

But he was too embarrassed to give his opinion when he saw that Harrick was so sure.

He just smiled indifferently: "When will you be able to finish this set of machines, you can take it to my textile factory and try it out!"

"Just tonight!" Harrick was still very confident.

Lin Chuan just smiled indifferently.

Inventions and creations are originally the experience gained through trial and error.

If it can be successful, it's good, if not, it's okay, at least it can let Harrick understand what he should do next.

At the same time, Qin Mengying brought Lin Wanyu, accompanied by Zou Shumin, to the door of the violin teacher's house.

In this era, there are no art classes, and all are taught by private teachers.

The person who opened the door was a long-haired literary youth in his thirties.

These days, people who are engaged in literature and art like to have long hair, which has also become a label of an era.

He didn't have the enthusiasm to welcome the guests, but his eyes were slightly melancholy, and he said in a deep voice, "Come in!"

After everyone entered the room, Qin Mengying said politely, "You are Mr. Fei Guoxian, right? I was introduced by Mr. Sun!"

Fei Guoxian was still lukewarm, his body full of literary aura, as if he wanted to set up a vain literary room even though he was less than 30 square meters.

He said slowly: "You don't need to say this, I don't teach ordinary students, I want to see talent!"

Qin Mengying felt that what he said was very reasonable, so she said with a smile: "My daughter likes the violin very much. For this, her father specially bought a violin from abroad!"

However, Fei Guoxian shook his head, his long ponytail hair was even more beautiful than the girl.

If it weren't for the beard and the vest he was wearing that even had a few holes in it, even Zou Shumin would have regarded him as a woman.

He followed coldly and said: "No matter how good the violin is, if you don't have talent, it's a waste. Music is the sound of the heart, just like the wind of the four seasons, blowing a gentle face,

This wind is the natural wind, not the wind from the electric fan! "

Qin Mengying felt that Fei Guoxian was speaking like a poem, sour.

And if Zou Shumin hadn't forcibly endured it, she would have felt nauseous.

Fei Guoxian, however, was intoxicated with himself. He also made a wave shape with his hands and said, "This is real music!"

Qin Mengying immediately lowered her head and asked Lin Wanyu.

"You heard it, how good this teacher said, you have to study hard with the teacher!"

Lin Wanyu's face was blank, she couldn't understand what the teacher said at all?

After Fei Guoxian was intoxicated, he still had to return to this embarrassed room.

"Let the children learn a few lessons with me first. The tuition fee for each lesson is 20 yuan, and the duration of each lesson is one hour. Although I am an artist, I still have to eat!"

Qin Mengying immediately took out 100 yuan.

"Teacher Fei, I'll schedule five classes first!"

Fei Guoxian is in literature and art, but in front of money, he is still the same person in the market.

Even as if he had never seen money, he carefully placed the hundred yuan in the lunch box on the table.

"Then let's start the first class now. You can wait here, but I still recommend that you pick up the children in an hour!"

Qin Mengying and Zou Shumin didn't want to listen to his literary words for a long time, so they made an appointment to pick up the child after an hour.

Instead, it was Zou Shumin who swept the corner of his eyes at Fei Guoxian before going out.

However, he accidentally discovered that Fei Guoxian was staring at Qin Mengying's ass.

But instead of reminding Qin Mengying, she pretended not to see it.

At the same time, in her heart, there was an evil thought in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the machine that Harrick had made was also delivered to the textile factory.

Immediately after installation, the addition of ingredients began, and Harrick started the machine himself.

With the sound of the machine parts turning, everything was normal.

And the textiles produced are not only fast, but also of very good quality.

Harrick looked excited.

Although the loom was not originally designed by him, it was made better by him.

This is also enough to bear in mind the milestones in the development of the times.

However, after taking a closer look, Lin Chuan suddenly discovered a fatal problem.

He immediately told the workers to cut off the power.

This made Harrick look bewildered.

"Why cut off the power, it's less than five minutes!"

Lin Chuan didn't explain, but found a glass of water and poured it directly on the key parts of the machine.

With a loud sound, the water dripping on the parts was instantly evaporated by the high temperature and a piece of water vapor was released.

Harrick understood in an instant, and the excitement and smugness on his face disappeared immediately.

Lin Chuan handed the water cup to the worker, and then opened the case again. It was also a heat wave.

He followed with an indifferent smile and said: "Actually, your design idea is good, but under the rapid friction of metal, it will definitely generate high temperature,

This will speed up the wear and deformation of components, and even the circuit board cannot carry such a large output. If this machine is in production for 5 minutes, it will definitely catch fire! "

Harrick also looked at the circuit board that was about to emit smoke, and said in a low voice, "So is there any metal that can withstand high temperatures without deformation? Or is it a high-power circuit board?"

Yes, but not now, the metal will not be developed in thirty years.

Although he knows the smelting method of this special metal and the ore he needs, he doesn't have the energy to do it now.

So he said indifferently: "This is up to you to develop, which is the supply chain I said. If you can solve this technology, you can produce the machine you want, including the harvester you have always wanted!"

Another supply chain.

Harrick is going crazy with the supply chain these days.

Even a screw has to rely on supply chain production.

Lin Chuan finished speaking, but silently jumped the data parameters of this group of machines back to normal values.

Including the other four sets of machines, all of which have been assembled at this time, Lin Chuan immediately asked the workers on the night shift to produce according to the factory's orders.

When sending Harrick back to where he lived, Harrick suddenly said, "You have to give me the money to sell you cotton!"

Lin Chuan asked curiously: "This time they sent me 50 tons of cotton, which is 100,000 yuan in total. I will take cash tomorrow and ask someone to send it to you. What do you want to buy?"

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