My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 166 Love Is Not Wrong

Computers are extremely rare, even unknown materials in this era.

Many people's understanding of this kind of thing is limited to the typewriter that sends telegrams.

No one knows that computers will dominate all human life in the next few decades.

So, getting in touch with the computer now is also an advanced decision.

And computers are already in the popular stage in the United States, and they have begun to be used in life or business activities.

Now learn to operate the computer, and learn to use the computer, the future will be able to be more handy.

That's what Lin Chuan thinks.

50 computers, for Brooke's company, is nothing.

But Brook said with a slight sarcasm: "Mr. Lin Chuan, I can give you 100 computers, but do you really know how to operate them? Do you need me to introduce you to a computer teacher to teach you how to use them?

After all, computers are in your country, but they are new! "

Lin Chuan didn't care about his ridicule at all, instead he said with a smile: "There's no need for this, I still have a good understanding of computer operation.

And our country is not short of talents in this area, we can solve it by ourselves! "

Brooke was slapped in the face, and he could only smile helplessly: "Okay, I'll call the company later, and you will be able to get those computers soon, and this time our textile supply and sales contract worth 5 million,

You must also give us the best textiles, I still have confidence in our cooperation! "

Next, Lin Chuan personally installed the machines with the workers. After they were all done, it was already one o'clock in the middle of the night.

Evening workers are still ramping up the production of the goods on order.

Large quantities of cotton are pushed into the machine, and production begins at a rapid pace.

Lin Chuan looked at the brightly lit factory area and was smug.

In a previous life, a factory with 3,500 workers was considered a big factory.

In this era when manpower is the main force, 3,500 workers are just a rudimentary factory.

Now there are 5,000 sewing machines stationed in the factory, it is time to continue to expand the personnel, so as to meet the production needs.

At this moment, Xi Xiaolei walked into the office with a sleepy face.

It surprised Lin Chuan.

"Why haven't you gone home yet? What time is it?"

Xi Xiaolei shook her head and said softly, "Didn't you go home? I'm hungry, let's go to the cafeteria for a late night snack!"

Lin Chuan touched his stomach and was really hungry.

So the two went to the dining hall together.

At this time, there are also night shift workers coming to eat one after another.

The two casually filled the order, poured some boiling water, and found a place to sit down.

Lin Chuan said while eating: "The new sewing machine has been delivered today, and the staff here needs to be expanded. Go and tell the advertising department tomorrow, and let them print out the advertisement for recruiting workers!"

Xi Xiaolei nodded weakly.

The reason why she chose to work overtime was to seize the opportunity to stay with Lin Chuan for a while.

But no matter where he is, Lin Chuan always talks about work.

"Can't we talk about anything other than work? Are you just treating me as your employee?"

Lin Chuan was stunned by this.

If it's not an employee, what is it?

But Lin Chuan could see Xi Xiaolei's heart in her affectionate eyes.

Therefore, Lin Chuan just smiled and said softly: "Of course, I also treat you as a good friend, my own person, there is nothing else except these!"

It is to clearly tell Xi Xiaolei that apart from these feelings, it is impossible to develop to the level of feelings between men and women.

It's best not to say those words.

But in Xi Xiaolei's heart, she didn't think so.

She has long been deeply in love with Lin Chuan.

Even she herself felt that this love appeared very inexplicable.

She knew that Lin Chuan had a family, but she still couldn't help falling in love with Lin Chuan.

So, the reason she gave herself was.

What's wrong with falling in love with someone?

"Lin Chuan, I think we can also have other feelings, such as love, we..."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Chuan interrupted her directly.

And said coldly: "There is no love, I am a person with a wife and children. If you have love with you, it is unfair to you. What you should have is perfect love, not entanglement with me!"

Xi Xiaolei suddenly wet her eyes with sadness.

"But how can you tell me not to love you? I can't help thinking about you every day and night. I know this is wrong, but I really love you. What's wrong with that?"

Lin Chuan just looked at her indifferently, his eyes as deep and distant as the vast ocean.

He knew that it was not wrong for Xi Xiaolei to fall in love with him, but once he accepted this love, it was wrong.

So he could only say softly: "I am very grateful that you can be so frank with me, at least you will feel better when you say this,

For me, it is still unacceptable, because I can't do this, it is the thunder and lightning of my road to redemption, and it is even more impossible for me to break the oath I once said,

If you really love me, don't force me, okay? "

Even though Xi Xiaolei felt all kinds of discomfort and helplessness in her heart, she still wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and nodded slightly.

But she still said stubbornly: "In my heart, my love for you will not change. If I can follow you silently, I will be satisfied!"

Lin Chuan could only helplessly shake his head.

Once a woman becomes stupid, no medicine can cure her.

Xi Xiaolei took a sip of water, adjusted her mood, and continued: "Although Wang Kaizhe's garment factory has some orders, it has not sold 500 pieces this week.

His clothing factory is completely operating at a loss. Wang Kaizhe is still hiring designers, hiring workers, and even learning from us, and has an advertising department! "

Lin Chuan smiled slightly.

"It's nothing, it's the only thing he can do now. In the end, it's for the sake of face. If you don't want to do it now, you have to do it, but soon, he won't have time to work on his garment factory!"

Seeing Lin Chuan's confident smile, Xi Xiaolei asked suspiciously, "Do you have any idea of ​​competing with him?"

Lin Chuan shook his head without hesitation, and said bluntly: "Not at all, as for the garment factory, he is simply a layman, and it is impossible for him to operate without competing with him.

In other industries, whether there is competition or not depends on the development. In short, we should take care of ourselves first. Let’s solve the problem of workers first! "

Xi Xiaolei thought it made sense, but she followed suit: "It may be difficult to recruit workers now!"

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