My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 168 Continuing Ru0026D

Lin Chuan's exhaustion disappeared without a trace after seeing the road paver developed by Harrick.

I have to say, this Harrick is indeed capable.

The one-time forming paver developed is indeed in line with the standard.

Especially the electric control, which is made by Harrick referring to the learning materials, the operation is very convenient.

Although it took hundreds of thousands of R&D funds to develop this road paver, Lin Chuan is already very satisfied.

Harrick is not a man who will go to heaven if he achieves something.

Instead, I would like to hear Lin Chuan's opinion.

After all, the design drawings were given to him by Lin Chuan, and only Lin Chuan knew the problem of this road paver.

After looking at the paver carefully, Lin Chuan also gave some comments.

"In general, it's good, especially the engine and operating system. The fly in the ointment is that the bucket for loading asphalt raw materials is a bit small.

You have to design it with the tipping bucket for dumping the raw materials. The road paver is to save labor and speed up. Your bucket is too small, and people will have to load the raw materials at that time.

The design is wide enough. Secondly, the rolling shaft below needs to be emphasized. The quality of the asphalt raw material is very heavy. If your drive shaft is too thin, it will be stuck when rolling, which is inconvenient to use. Others It's all good! "

Harrick nodded again and again, and said calmly: "You are right, but I bought the parts with great difficulty, and some of them were processed by me in the machinery factory.

The current industry chain is still immature. For example, this engine, I chose the diesel engine, so that it can lift the weight of the entire road paver.

Therefore, if the drive shaft is heavy, the engine may not be able to carry it! "

Lin Chuan immediately said: "The engine is not a problem, we can make it ourselves, I will give you a drawing later, you can try to make our own engine according to that!"

Harrick suddenly became interested.

"You even know the engine?"

"Just a little understanding. Isn't research and development just to turn ideas into real objects? If you don't do it, how do you know it won't work?"

Harrick said that he was full of sighs, and felt that it was very reasonable.

Naturally, Lin Chuan couldn't tell him that the engine manufacturing industry was an important project in his previous life group company.

His engines can be used not only in the industrial field, but also in the aerospace and military fields.

Naturally, you know the core principles and manufacturing technology of the engine.

Harrick was also a man of action, and immediately set about building the pavers.

Lin Chuan is now considering the overall development, and the research and development will be handed over to Harrick first.

He followed him to the brick factory to study new brick-burning techniques with everyone.

At the same time, Qin Mengying brought Lin Wanyu to Fei Guoxian's house again.

Originally, Qin Mengying wanted to go to the market to buy vegetables, and planned to cook more of his favorite dishes for Lin Chuan at night.

But Fei Guoxian stopped him and said, "Mengying, you don't have to leave, you can stay here, and it won't affect us. You can also watch the child practice the piano!"

Qin Mengying didn't think much about it, so she stayed.

Fei Guoxian asked Lin Wanyu to review what she had learned before, and then taught her how to read music scores and some skills.

He also deliberately raised his voice and said elegantly: "Music is a passion, it allows us to open another door to the world,

In the world of music, we can listen to our inner joys and sorrows, and touch our memories and expectations! "

He immediately picked up his violin and played a serenade softly.

But his eyes always lingered on Qin Mengying's face, and from time to time he raised his eyebrows to tease Qin Mengying.

However, Qin Mengying couldn't understand this at all.

Compared with the violin, she still likes to listen to pop songs.

But Fei Guoxian's eyes, she understood.

In this way, she blushed suddenly, and tried her best not to look at Fei Guoxian.

I was even more puzzled, what did Fei Guoxian want to do?

However, Fei Guoxian came directly to Qin Mengying's side, and he was very confident in his piano sound.

She was looking for opportunities and continued to meet Qin Mengying's gaze.

Qin Mengying was at a loss, so she could only lower her head and look at her hands, regretting that she stayed to listen to the class.

After one song, Fei Guoxian asked Qin Mengying softly.

"Mengying, do you think this serenade is good?"

Before calling her Mengying, it felt like it was just a common name, but now I call her Mengying, and it feels awkward to hear it.

Qin Mengying nodded reluctantly and said, "It sounds good, Wan Yu, do you think it sounds good?"

Now I can only use Wan Yu to block it.

Lin Wanyu also clapped her hands and smiled, "It's nice, teacher, I want to learn this song too!"

Fei Guoxian removed his affectionate eyes from Qin Mengying's face, and said with a smile, "Okay, of course, but you're already in class today, and I'll teach you next time!"

Qin Mengying let out a sigh of relief, and quickly asked Lin Wanyu to pack her violin and go home to cook.

However, Fei Guoxian turned around and said with a smile, "Mengying, I want to invite you to dinner, firstly to thank you for trusting me so much, and secondly to tell you about Wanyu's problems and development in violin.

And I have a request that I want to discuss with you! "

Qin Mengying refused directly: "I'm really sorry, I really don't have time today, or another day, I'll invite you to dinner with Wan Yu's dad!"

However, Fei Guoxian followed with a smile and said, "Mengying, I really want to ask you a favor, and this is very important to Wanyu, we will go to a nearby restaurant, even if we sit for a while,

After all, this is also for the future of the child, right? "

Thinking about it all for the sake of children, Qin Mengying reluctantly agreed.

But she still called Yu Meiling from the public phone first and asked her to pick up Lin Xiaozhou from the kindergarten, and she would go back later.

Yu Meiling agreed, but after putting down the phone, the sales staff took the order.

"Sister Meiling, do you think this will work?"

"You can't do it. Didn't the boss say that the distribution is based on the actual production volume. What have you done?"

When she got busy, Yu Meiling forgot about picking up the child.

In the restaurant, Fei Guoxian first praised Qin Mengying.

"Mengying, there are really very few intellectual women like you these days. You are not only beautiful, but also kind and gentle, like a melodious piece of music, rippling in my heart.

But the more a woman like you, the deeper the sadness in my heart, I can see your sadness and helplessness in your eyes! "

Qin Mengying felt ten thousand inexplicable things in her heart.

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