My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 170 Cowardly Acceptance

When Xi Xiaolei heard that Lin Xiaozhou was lost, she was already lying in bed, and she immediately sat up nervously.

And in accordance with Lin Chuan's instructions, he immediately contacted Tong Miaoxuan, and immediately broadcast advertisements for missing people on radio and television.

The TV station agreed to insert the broadcast, but it needed Lin Xiaozhou's photo.

Lin Chuan immediately drove Qin Mengying home to get the photos.

Now this is the only way, and it can only mobilize all citizens to find it.

Just after entering the door, Lin Wanyu ran to the door with an envelope.

"Dad, this was stuffed through the crack of the door. I was afraid and didn't open the door!"

The moment Lin Chuan saw the envelope, his first reaction was to kidnap.

He took the envelope and opened it impatiently. It turned out that there were several photos inside.

The content of the photo is the scene of Qin Mengying and Fei Guoxian in the restaurant.

It's holding hands again, hugging again, and the date and time below the photo.

Because of the shooting angle, I could only see Qin Mengying's back, but not Qin Mengying's expression.

Qin Mengying grabbed the photo and took a closer look, her head was buzzing.

At this time, Lin Chuan looked at Qin Mengying in surprise. The contents of the photo made his heart seem to be torn apart.

Coupled with the loss of Lin Xiaozhou, Lin Chuan's suppressed anger broke out completely.

He almost hysterically shouted: "You said to go grocery shopping, so you're doing this?"

Qin Mengying shook her head desperately.

"No, you listen to my explanation, master, isn't this what you think?"

Just then, the phone rang.

Lin Chuan was not in the mood to listen to her explanation at all, and immediately picked up the phone.

Tong Miaoxuan said anxiously: "Boss, hurry up and bring the photos, if you delay any longer, the TV station will be off work!"

"I'll be there right now!"

Hanging up the phone, Lin Chuan rushed into the room, took out the album, found Lin Xiaozhou's recent photo, turned around and left.

Qin Mengying followed closely behind.

"I will go with you!"

Lin Chuan turned around suddenly, and Qin Mengying was stunned by the cold eyes.

At this moment, it seemed to return to the past, when Lin Chuan scolded her.

However, Lin Chuan just said coldly: "You stay with Wanyu at home and answer the phone immediately!"

Lin Chuan's indifference was like the door that was slammed shut, which shocked Qin Mengying's heart.

She could only hold Lin Wanyu tightly, using the child's thin little shoulders to seek a little solace.

TV stations broadcast advertisements on time, and radio stations also broadcast at the same time.

As long as you can provide information about the child, a reward of 10,000 yuan will be awarded.

This reward instantly exploded in Hui City.

Countless people, all for this reward, went out of their homes one after another and began to look everywhere.

That's ten thousand dollars.

In this era, 10,000 yuan is an astronomical figure.

As long as the child is found, it is sent.

Seeing Lin Chuan sitting lonely on the curb, Xi Xiaolei felt extremely distressed.

In her impression, Lin Chuan is a person who can remain optimistic and always remain calm in the face of any difficulties.

But now, Lin Chuan seems to have lost his soul.

She also sat gently beside Lin Chuan, knowing that Lin Chuan didn't want to talk at this time, she also sat quietly and accompanied him.

Lin Chuan was really confused.

The child was lost, and Qin Mengying was like other men again.

He wants to ask God right now, given the rebirth of his life, is it going to make him suffer for the rest of his life?

So what's the use of him doing this?

I can't get my love back, but I am in pain to redeem myself.

But cowardly acceptance, in exchange for these tortures?

Lin Chuan stared blankly and confusedly at the silence that filled the sky, his heart twisted like a knife.

Xi Xiaolei still couldn't hold back, and comforted softly: "You have to cheer up, the child will definitely find it, let's go back first, if there is news about the child, we can also know!"

Even though he was in all kinds of discomfort, the child still had to keep looking.

When Lin Chuan returned to her home, Wan Yu had already fallen asleep, and Qin Mengying immediately stood up from the sofa, like a child who had done something wrong, looking at Lin Chuan in horror and aggrieved.

But at this moment, Lin Chuan felt very tired, very tired, and even the ticking of the clock was so harsh.

I don't even want to listen to Qin Mengying's explanation, I just want to be quiet by myself.

He gently, like his eyes, closed the bedroom door relentlessly.

Even at that moment, he saw the tears rolling down Qin Mengying's face, but he still couldn't touch the gloom in his heart.

At the same time, in a house in a bungalow area in Nancheng, Lin Xiaozhou, whose hands and feet were tied and his mouth blocked, struggled humbly.

The two traffickers were drinking wine while discussing where to sell Lin Xiaozhou.

The long-haired, pointed-chin trafficker laughed softly: "The price of a boy is higher than that of a girl. The girl we sold last time was only 500 yuan, and this boy has to sell for 2,000.

All the way, listen to me this time. Let's take the child out of the city early tomorrow morning and go straight to the south. That's right! "

Sitting across from Lao Yuan, he blinked his slack eyelids, looked at Lin Xiaozhou greedily, and said with a chuckle, "Okay, this time we sell the price, we will have money to marry a wife, and then you will be too old. You don't have to be a bachelor!"

Lao Huai is beautiful when he thinks about it, Zi Liu took a sip of the shochu from the glass, then picked up a chicken leg and came to Lin Xiaozhou.

"Listen, as long as you don't cry, don't cry, Uncle will give you chicken legs. If you want to cry again, I'll beat you to death with a belt!"

While speaking, Lao Huai deliberately used the belt to forcefully pump the ground a few times.

The frightened Lin Xiaozhou was motionless.

Seeing that Lin Xiaozhou was not crying or making trouble, Lao Huai immediately untied the rag from his mouth.

However, Lin Xiaozhou burst into tears at this moment.

The cry was so harsh that the wine glasses on the table hummed.

Lao Huai hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover Lin Xiaozhou's mouth, and said viciously, "Hold it back for me, and I'll strangle you to death if you cry again!"

Then he wrapped the rag around Lin Xiaozhou's mouth again.

But the shout was still heard by the neighbor next door.

A middle-aged couple lived next door. As soon as the child cried, the woman heard it clearly and hurriedly said to the man, "Head of the house, did you hear that there was a child crying, it seemed like it was coming from next door!"

The man also said strangely: "I heard it too, aren't there two men living next door all the time? Why are there children crying?"

Thinking of this, the two suddenly looked at the TV at the same time.

The woman hurriedly said in a low voice, "Isn't that the child?"

The man thought for a while, then took a bowl and stuck it on the wall, listening carefully.

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