My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 177 Mutual Respect

Lin Chuan is now a daughter slave, what Lin Wanyu says is.

He immediately brought the three of them to the only western restaurant in Hui City, and asked the three of them to eat Western-style food.

When I came to the door of the restaurant, I saw a lot of people standing outside the door.

Everyone was very angry.

"What kind of bad rule is this? You have to speak a foreign language when you go to a western restaurant. This is on the territory of our country!"

"I think they are discriminating against us, thinking we can't afford it!"

"What's so great about a broken western restaurant? It's not even earning our money. No one comes to eat. What else is he doing?"

Lin Chuan was a little surprised. The last time he came here, there was no such rule. Why did he add such a rule this time?

At this moment, the male receptionist in a suit and a bow tie at the door said expressionlessly, "Everyone, this is our rule,

The reason is very simple. Those who can speak foreign languages ​​are all high-quality people who have received higher education and understand Western etiquette when dining in a restaurant.

Instead of treating such a high-end western restaurant as a snack bar outside, like those who have never seen the world, spit everywhere, slap your mouth when you eat, and have to use chopsticks,

Many foreign friends come to eat in the restaurant every day, and these behaviors are very humiliating, so we introduced this rule,

Whether you accept it or not, we will not change this rule! "

Others can't accept it, but Lin Chuan thinks it's normal.

After all, the quality education of most people in this era is not so perfect.

The understanding of western restaurants is nothing more than a place for foreigners to eat, and they can enjoy it if they have money.

They don't know about international etiquette at all, and in some aspects, it is indeed difficult to accept.

The owner of this restaurant was able to come up with this idea, and it is estimated that he was forced to help.

So, amid the chatter of the crowd, Lin Chuan stepped forward and said in an extremely pure foreign language, "Is there still a place? We have four to eat!"

The voice fell, and the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

The connection waits for a moment.

Looking at Lin Chuan's suit and leather shoes, the lady next to her is also a jeweled and famous brand.

The key is that this pure foreign language has already demonstrated the outstanding identity of this person.

So the corners of the two mouths at the reception immediately raised high and said with a smile: "Yes sir, I will recommend you the best location, please come with me!"

The waiter immediately removed the sign blocking the door and invited Lin Chuan's family into the restaurant.

Everyone is very envious and very angry.

"If you can speak a couple of bird words, you feel amazing, what is it?"

"Looking at that guy is like a traitor, putting aside his own words and saying other people's words!"

"What's so amazing, people like this don't even know how they died in the past!"

Lin Chuan just laughed and didn't say anything after hearing this.

Being able to speak a foreign language doesn't mean that you don't love your motherland, on the contrary, it is more respect and love for the motherland.

Who said that Western restaurants can't have Chinese people coming to eat? Who says Chinese people can't speak foreign languages?

Only they think that speaking foreign languages ​​is a traitor's behavior, but they don't know that in a few years of development, foreign languages ​​will be popularized in textbooks.

But the receptionist was not willing to listen.

He turned around abruptly and said disdainfully, "People who can speak foreign languages ​​and have received higher education can dine in our restaurant.

Look at you again, if you don't even have basic respect, what qualifications do you have to speak to others? You better leave quickly, you are not welcome here at all! "

Everyone was still very angry, but they still left one after another.

However, Lin Chuan said to the reception coldly: "Respect is mutual, and it is not because they cannot speak a foreign language that they are unwelcome.

How many people can speak a foreign language now? Even if you don't, you don't have to be so contemptuous of them, otherwise you are discriminating against your own countrymen, which is not desirable! "

The reception was scolded by Lin Chuan, and his face turned red.

Can only be repeated apology.

"I remember your words, I will respect everyone in the future, please sit here!"

Qin Mengying helped the children lay out napkins and taught them how to use knives and forks in a low voice.

And Lin Chuan ordered a lot of delicious food, and also ordered a bottle of red wine worth 20,000 yuan.

"Let's be extravagant today and drink some good red wine!"

Qin Mengying has no opinion at all.

20,000 red wine, they can drink it now, it is also worth drinking.

At this moment, a woman wearing a black dress, long hair and a shawl with delicate facial features came to the table with a violin and smiled politely: "Dear guests, may I be honored to play a song for you? "

She originally wanted to eat quietly, but Lin Wanyu looked at Lin Chuan happily when she saw the violin.

Lin Chuan also knew that Lin Wanyu liked the violin, so he smiled and said to the violinist, "Then play a song!"

Of course it's not free.

And they don't play for everyone, mainly because the bottle of red wine ordered by Lin Chuan is very expensive, so the luthier will come here.

Because of the children, the luthier played a very light music.

Lin Wanyu listened very carefully, and even her fingers moved following the harpist's fingering.

Lin Chuan asked in a low voice, "Baby, how is she playing?"

"It's very good, I think she's even better than Teacher Fei, and the notes are very accurate!"

The violin master heard these words in his ears, and looked at Lin Wanyu in surprise.

Such a young child knows so much about the violin.

After the sound of the piano gradually disappeared, Lin Wanyu first clapped her hands gently.

His eyes were full of envy.

Lin Chuan immediately took out 50 yuan and said with a smile, "Your piano is very good, my daughter has already started to adore you!"

The violinist held the gun in his hand and said with a gentle smile: "Thank you, this little beauty can also play the violin. What level is it now?"

Lin Wanyu raised the corners of her cute little lips and said with a smile, "I haven't taken the grades yet, I just took a few classes, and then the teacher who taught me disappeared!"

The violinist particularly liked Lin Wanyu's innocent smile, so he recommended himself: "Sir, Madam, I usually teach children how to practice the violin. If the child likes the violin, can you let me teach her?"

Lin Chuan and Qin Mengying looked at each other with certain eyes, and then said happily, "That's great, my daughter likes the violin, so please leave me a phone address,

Tomorrow I will let my wife take the children there, and the tuition fees are easy to say! "

The musician immediately asked the waiter next to him for a pen and paper, wrote down his name and address, and handed it to Lin Chuan.

Luo Wanqing.

She really lives up to her name, Xiuwan Tianqing.

She immediately smiled and said, "Then I won't disturb the meal, I wish you all a happy!"

Luo Wanqing walked on her forefoot when a yin and yang strange voice sounded from behind Lin Chuan.

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