Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said, "No one hits Long Jiapeng, so why did you hit Long Jiapeng?"

Du Yu, who choked on a sentence, was speechless.

But Du Yu was not convinced. After a moment of silence, he smiled and said, "I handed over to Mr. Lin, and now the coal company is your business, Mr. Lin.

Long Jiapeng is short-sighted and doesn't have much ability. If you are willing to make me a friend, we will see each other in friendship in the future! "

It's a pity that Lin Chuan doesn't want to have any friendship with him Du Yu.

Instead, he said coldly: "I have enough friends, and now I don't have time to make friends. Long Jiapeng is still the boss of a coal company, and there are some things I can't decide by myself.

You have to ask him personally about this. I'm sorry, I have a meeting today. I'm sorry! "

Lin Chuan was not in the mood to talk nonsense with him.

The reason why I saw him was to get to know him.

Now it seems that he is a social hooligan.

But Du Yu didn't want to miss this opportunity.

It is even more impossible to ask Long Jiapeng.

Because Long Jiapeng is the person in the world who wants him to die the most, how could he still sell coal to him.

And his smelter, in such idleness, the loss alone would have to shut him down.

In desperation, he could only follow Lin Chuan to get up, and asked with cold eyes, "Mr. Lin, if you say something, how can you sell it to me?"

"I'm sorry Boss Du, I've already said it, you have to ask Long Jiapeng about this, as long as he agrees, I have no opinion, you have been in the society for so long,

Can't you see this? Long Jiapeng and I are partners and good brothers. You beat him and then asked me to cooperate with you. If it were you, would you do this? "

Leaving the sentence, Lin Chuan smiled coldly and left the reception room.

Even if Long Jiapeng agreed, he would not agree.

What he wants is this smelter, can he still get it for production?

Du Yu is speechless now if he wants to say it.

The taste of being pinched on the lifeline is so uncomfortable.

But he refused to accept it, and even more unhappy.

If he can't do it, no one else wants to do it.

Lin Chuan just returned to the office, and Zhao Nian smiled and pushed the door in.

"Boss Lin, the gate of the brick factory has been smashed by someone these days. All of them are here to buy bricks. Shall we sell it or not?"

Some people can only serve others all their lives.

Just like this Zhao Nianshun.

His heart is good, thinking that selling bricks can also create benefits for Lin Chuan.

It's just that he couldn't think about the problem from Lin Chuan's point of view.

Of course, Lin Chuan didn't blame Zhao Nianshun for this.

After all, the height he can see is invisible to ordinary people.

"It's not impossible to sell bricks, but can you guarantee that we will use bricks for construction? It used to be just an expansion of the factory building, but now even the factory building, office building and residential building are being built at the same time.

If we have enough for ourselves, we can sell it! "

Zhao Nianshun really didn't think about this.

He smirked and said: "It's enough now, but when the buildings start to rise later, it may not work, but can we expand the production scale of the brick factory now?"

This is on point.

Lin Chuan nodded and agreed: "Go and study with Master Sun. At the current scale, you will build 100 more brick kilns. You are looking for some workers to go to the brick factory and level up a site for me. I have this. usefulness!"

Zhao Nianshun also took a note and recorded all Lin Chuan's orders.

Then he continued: "Mr. Lin, now there are more than 1,000 workers in the construction department, but what we lack most now is construction machinery.

Including excavators, etc. Are we going to purchase these? "

The bigger the business, the bigger the scene will be, and the bigger the fight will be, the more money will be spent.

This is normal business development, and the money that should be spent will still be spent.

"Go and see what machines you need, and then write an application to Director Qin!"

"Okay boss, I'll make arrangements now!"

This is not the only place to spend money, Qin Mengying immediately brought this month's financial report.

There were no outsiders anyway, so Qin Mengying sat directly on Lin Chuan's lap and said affectionately, "My boss, look at our performance this month!"

Seeing Qin Mengying so happy, Lin Chuan knew that this month's finances must be booming.

After calculating all expenses including workers' wages, profits and taxes, and costs, etc., there are 33.42 million available funds.

Qin Mengying pointed to the string of numbers and said happily, "Now that we have this money, I feel like we can sell the whole world. Husband, you are the best!"

No one's compliment can make Lin Chuan feel happy and uplifted than Qin Mengying's compliment.

His rebirth and his struggles were all to enable Qin Mengying to live a good life.

Although there is so much money now, it is far from the goal.

He lightly hugged Qin Mengying's waist and smiled softly: "We will make more money in the future, one billion, ten billion, one hundred billion, one trillion, more billion,

At that time, when Wanyu and Zhouzhou grow up, we will hand over all our careers to them, and we can enjoy our retirement! "

Qin Mengying, who was snuggling in Lin Chuan's arms, had hope in her eyes.

She believes in Lin Chuan, so this is not an unattainable dream, it is a dream that will surely come true.

Just as the two of them were imagining a better future, the door was knocked gently.

Qin Mengying hurriedly jumped down and smiled softly: "I'll send the wages to the workers later, I'll pick up Wanyu to learn the violin, today you pick up Zhouzhou, and then I'll go home and cook!"

Lin Chuan smiled, pointed at his cheek and said, "Do you have to give it a mouthful?"

The provoked Qin Mengying was shy, but she still gave Lin Chuan a strong kiss on the cheek, and then left the office.

She walked on the front foot, Shang Jiaxiu entered the house on the back foot.

"Mr. Lin, Brooke is waiting for you in the conference room!"

Five minutes later, Lin Chuan and Brooke shook hands seemingly affectionately in the conference room.

After being seated, Brooke began to make demands.

"Mr. Lin, the towels and sheets you produce are very popular in my country, and we would like to make additional orders!"

But Lin Chuan laughed and said, "Don't mention the order, where's the computer I want?"

Now he masters the technology, masters the productivity, masters the top of the sales chain.

Even Brooke had to look at his face.

And Lin Chuan knew for a long time that after Brooke took the textiles back, he would definitely conduct chemical analysis on the dyed raw materials.

It's just that his dip-dye formula, after the fusion of water, the molecular structure will change, and they won't even think about testing it if they are exhausted.

So Brooke can only laugh and say: "The computer will be delivered later, can we say to place an order now!"

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