The requirements have been met, then there is no need to continue the neck of the brick factory in Kahui City.

Moreover, the production of the Hui City Brick Factory can also ease the use of materials for other construction projects.

Those people must be crazy if they're stuck here all the time.

So Lin Chuan smiled softly: "Since you are interesting enough, then I am also interesting enough, I will say hello to the coal company later, you can just go and pull it!"

On Shen Luxing's heavy face, an excited smile finally spread out, thanking Lin Chuan.

"Mr. Lin, you helped us this time. We will be good partners and partners in the future. If we need to do anything, you can just say a word. I, Shen Luxing, will definitely be mad!"

Lin Chuan just listened to these words.

The promise to sell him energy was not just because the Huishi Brick Factory could help him deal with Wang Kaizhe.

More important is the balance in business development.

Some things cannot be pressed on one side, and no one can make any profit if they exceed the balanced carrying capacity.

At the same time, Wang Kaizhe, who is sitting in the luxurious office, is now in a state of turmoil.

The expansion of the airport is now almost at a standstill.

Buying building materials from other cities is not only a waste of time, but also twice the cost.

Finance has given him the latest budget, which is already in deficit.

This means that the current project is simply losing money.

Not only that, but even the garment factory has always been in a state of loss.

After a month, not only did not make any money, but also lost nearly 200,000.

Although Wang Kaizhe has a lot of money, it is also money, 200,000 yuan is enough for him to support a mistress.

Only hotels can still make money, and this is the only thing that is gratifying for Wang Kaizhe.

Knowing that Wang Kaizhe is in a bad mood now, the chief financial officer still has to express his thoughts.

"Mr. Wang, if you don't adjust your current business strategy, the deficit next month may be even bigger. I suggest closing the garment factory.

The capital invested in the garment factory is transferred to the construction project, so that the basic financial expenditure can be maintained! "

These words did not speak to Wang Kaizhe's heart.

It even made his mood, which was already on the verge of eruption, even more violent.

It doesn't matter if the project loses money. If you look for it in some places, you can earn back the lost money.

Even if you can't make it back, at least it's not ashamed.

But if the garment factory is closed, it would be a shame.

He would even be laughed at by that dead tailor of Lin Chuan.

Garment factories cannot close even if they are losing money.

Not only can it not be closed, but it must continue to invest, even if it is fried, it must be fried.

Thinking of this, Wang Kaizhe said coldly: "You can do your own job well, I know the management, I don't need you to tell me how to do it,

Go ahead and do your own thing, and call the purchasing manager for me by the way! "

When the chief financial officer saw it, his kindness was regarded as a donkey's liver and lung.

Sheng Hanyu, the manager of the purchasing department, is a very sexy person. Every time he talks to Wang Kaizhe alone, he is very cautious.

Especially when Wang Kaizhe was in a particularly unhappy mood, he always believed that silence was Jin's reason.

Wang Kaizhe didn't want to vent all his anger on Sheng Hanyu, there were many things that Sheng Hanyu had to do.

Such as the procurement of building materials.

"The cost of building materials is now beyond what we can afford. Properly purchasing some cheap building materials can also save us some costs!"

This is clearly to cut corners.

Sheng Hanyu frowned slightly and said solemnly, "Mr. Wang, are you sure you can do this? There is no room for sloppyness in the airport expansion project!"

Wang Kaizhe said impatiently: "I have been doing construction projects for so many years, and I know that as long as the main body is strong, other materials can be appropriately reduced.

This can also save costs, and there will be no problems. You can talk to the people in the construction department and do the same for the rest of the project! "

Sheng Hanyu's heart was already frightened.

What did Wang Kaizhe think?

Once there is a problem with the project, it is useless to take your life on it.

But Wang Kaizhe has already decided to do it. He is just the manager of the purchasing department. What else can he say, he can only do it.

In the blink of an eye it was night.

In every country's stock exchange, Victor frantically bought shares of Welsh companies at the opening bell.

200,000 shares were purchased at one time.

Wales' share price seems to have been injected with soaring agent.

Under the promotion of TV news and newspaper headlines, the price has exceeded 125.3 yuan in just two hours.

And in Victor's view, by the time the market closes at night, it will definitely break through the 150-yuan mark.

At that time, not only will the funds for the purchase of equipment be fully recovered, but also tens of millions of dollars will be earned.

At this time, Victor was very excited, and even thought about holding a celebration reception.

In order to be safe, he still made a transoceanic call to Lin Chuan.

"Mr. Lin Chuan, I have already sent the forging machine to you by charter. You can receive this machine tomorrow night, but the current stock price is 125.3,

When do I have to wait to sell it? This also needs your guidance! "

Lin Chuan first looked at the time, and then said: "One hour before the close, no matter what the price is, just sell all your stocks!"

"Is it all?"

Victor's greed drove him to be a little reluctant to throw it all away, and wanted to make more money along with it.

But Lin Chuan told him the words very thoroughly.

"Anyway, I have told you, if you still want to hold it, then the future increase has nothing to do with me!"

After hanging up the phone, Victor thought for a while, and it was more appropriate to listen to Lin Chuan's words.

So it sold off at 147.6 per share an hour before the close.

Not only did the forging machine money get back, but also millions of U coins were earned.

It's just that Victor is still a little reluctant to see the rising stock price.

However, just under half an hour from the close, Wales' share prices began to plummet.

Even Victor was dumbfounded.

In less than 20 minutes, the stock fell directly from 157 yuan to 32 yuan.

Finally closed at 21.3 yuan.

Victor didn't know the reason at all, and it was estimated that only Lin Chuan and the capital behind the Welsh company knew what it was for.

However, Victor is still glad that he listened to Lin Chuan's words and did not suffer any losses.

It was only on the TV news at night that Victor found out.

It turned out that what caused the Welsh stock to plummet was that the oil they found was only a little bit, and it didn't even have the value of development.

Seeing this, Victor was also full of sweat.

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