My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 215 Civilian Life

Long Jiapeng immediately asked excitedly: "Do you have a way to get me custody?"

Lin Chuan said solemnly: "I can't promise you very clearly right now. Even if I can, Shi Yongjin will stop it. After all, custody is a bargaining chip for him to buy your shares.

Unless your side can clearly reject him, you can only think of other ways, or you can't get it at all! "

These words made Long Jiapeng feel a little lonely.

But in the face of family affection and absolute friendship, Long Jiapeng still chose friendship.

Because he has always had the hope of custody, but Lin Chuan is right. If he insists, he will definitely hurt the child.

In the end, it was left to Lin Chuan to do it, and he absolutely trusted Lin Chuan.

But Lin Chuan also has his own considerations.

Between Shi Yongjin and him, it's definitely more than that.

But Shi Yongjin must not be allowed to be so arrogant.

As for custody, Lin Chuan also helps to run it because it's a friendship.

The next morning, Lin Chuan asked Shang Jiaxiu to book an afternoon flight to the Imperial Capital.

At the same time, Shi Yongjin's phone also reached Long Jiapeng's shed.

"Boss Long, what are your thoughts?"

Long Jiapeng still has a headache because of a hangover, but Long Jiapeng did not forget what Lin Chuan told him.

He first took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and then said slowly: "Selling shares is not a joke, I have to think about it carefully,

You don't have to worry, if I think about it, I will call you of course! "

Shi Yongjin was very calm, but he smiled and said: "Yes, as long as you can agree to my acquisition proposal, I will help you run the custody right here!"

"Thank you, Mr. Shi, I still have a headache, let's not talk about it!"

After hanging up the phone, Long Jiapeng's mouth curled into a disdainful smile.

He doesn't need time to think, but to give Lin Chuan enough time to operate.

On the contrary, on Shi Yongjin's side, he considered that Long Jiapeng didn't seem to want to do this deal with him.

So he can't put all the chips on Long Jiapeng.

His habit is that no matter what he does, he must be prepared with both hands.

So he immediately asked Wang Kaizhe to meet with the president of the management department. At the same time, he had to use other methods to get the coal mine.

Lin Chuan arranged work with Qin Mengying and immediately went to the airport.

This time he may have to stay in the imperial capital for two more days.

Because he is also prepared with both hands, if he can't get custody, he will let Shi Yongjin give up his idea through other means.

It was only seven o'clock in the evening when we arrived at the imperial capital.

Although the current imperial capital is prosperous, there is still a big gap between it and the super city in the memory of the previous life.

Long Jiapeng's ex-wife Zhou Wenmei still lives in an old-fashioned courtyard house.

But this courtyard is not Zhou Wenmei's, she just owns a house here.

It was the hot season, and the people who had eaten dinner were sitting in the shade and talking freely about their favorite topics.

As ordinary people in the imperial capital, they talk more about changes in certain aspects.

Because these are closely related to their lives.

Lin Chuan looked at the address in his hand, it should be the courtyard in front of him.

To make sure, Lin Chuan first asked an uncle at the door.

"Uncle, is there a person named Zhou Wenmei in the courtyard?"

The uncle said, "You are looking for Xiao Zhou. The room on the left side of the hospital is hers. She is doing homework for the child. Do you have anything to do with her?"

It seems that if he doesn't answer this question, this uncle can't let him into the hospital.

"I'm her friend. I haven't seen her for a long time. This time I came to see her in the imperial capital!"

The uncle said enthusiastically: "Go, the one on the left is the one!"

Walking into this courtyard, the strong imperial life style gradually appeared in front of Lin Chuan's eyes.

It seems that the life here will always drift with the vague Jing singing and the news floating in the window.

In the house on the left, the lights were on.

A little girl about 10 years old is lying on the desk, doing her homework seriously.

The red scarf on the neck and the three bars on the cuffs indicate that the child must be doing very well in his studies.

And when the girl turned her head inadvertently, her face was very similar to Long Jiapeng.

Especially those eyes, they were carved out of the same mold as Long Jiapeng.

At this time, a woman with a pot of green vegetables walked out of the kitchen next to her, looked at Lin Chuan suspiciously, and asked softly, "Who are you looking for?"

Lin Chuan retracted his gaze and turned to the woman's face.

To be honest, the first impression of this woman is that she is very gentle and cultivated.

This can be seen from her neat and decent dress, her beautiful facial features, and her pretty figure.

Long Jiapeng said that Zhou Wenmei is a college student and has excellent academic performance.

After graduating from college, he was assigned to a shopping mall to do management.

Lin Chuan immediately said, "Hello, my name is Lin Chuan, and I'm a friend of Long Jiapeng!"

Unexpectedly, before the words fell, Zhou Wenmei's big dark eyes raised a little bit of alertness and anger.

"You don't need to say it, I know what you are here for. You should go back and tell Long Jiapeng that I won't give Wenwen to him, or let her die!"

After saying that, Zhou Wenmei quickly entered the room and closed the door tightly.

Lin Chuan was not even given a chance to speak.

Even the curtains were drawn.

Lin Chuan's face was full of helplessness, so he might as well invite him into the house for a cup of tea.

At this time, from other windows, the advertisement slogan he designed was also heard.

With you it is sunny.

But Lin Chuan still shook his head helplessly, it is estimated that it will rain tonight.

And it's so late, so don't talk about it, let's talk about it tomorrow.

Before Lin Chuan could reach the door, the door was suddenly opened.

Zhou Wenmei was nervously carrying a nosebleed on her back, and Wen Wen, who was unconscious, rushed out.

Needless to say, I must go to the hospital.

Lin Chuan immediately ran out of the hospital and reached out to stop him.

The uncle and others at the door also got up and said with concern: "Xiao Zhou, the child is sick again? Hurry up and send it to the hospital!"

Lin Chuan then shouted, "I'll take you to the hospital!"

Zhou Wenmei wanted to refuse, but Lin Chuan said hurriedly: "The child is important, hurry up!"

Half an hour later, in the hospital ward, the doctor frowned and said to the distressed Zhou Wenmei: "The child's leukemia can't be delayed any longer, now we can either call for an expert.

Either use expensive imported drugs, there is no other way, you should consider it yourself! "

Zhou Wenmei slowly lowered her head.

She couldn't choose between these two.

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