My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 224: Think About Yourself

Qin Mengying felt unimaginable.

"Wanbang Group can really give you this money? They wouldn't be stupid, would they?"

Lin Chuan smiled confidently: "Of course they are not stupid, but I have what they want the most, they have to beg me, this is my confidence!"

Seeing Lin Chuan's confidence, Qin Mengying knew that his idea was absolutely correct.

As long as he is confident, he will definitely be able to realize his ideas.

After some instructions, Lin Chuan returned to the office and asked Shang Jiaxiu to book him a flight to the imperial capital.

Just then, the phone at the desk rang.

It was Zhao Dongyan from the management department.

He said very politely: "Hello, Mr. Lin, that's the way it is. The management department is going to hold a business development exchange meeting. I would like to invite you to attend. Do you have time for Mr. Lin?"

The business development exchange meeting is nothing more than wanting these so-called rich people in Hui City to invest in the management department.

However, Lin Chuan considered taking this opportunity to open the door for Meng Yuelin's promotion.

So this meeting can still be attended.

"Although the time is a little tight, it can still be squeezed. When will the meeting be held?"

"In the afternoon, it will be held in the conference center of the management department!"

"Well, I'll be there on time for this meeting!"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Chuan arrived at the conference center on time.

I thought it was just a small meeting, but hundreds of people came.

The entire conference room was full.

The people who came were all the bosses of small and medium-sized enterprises in Hui City, and there were more than a dozen big bosses like Lin Chuan.

As the boss of a star enterprise in Hui City, Lin Chuan immediately attracted attention when he entered the market.

Many people got up and greeted him one after another.

Lin Chuan also responded one by one, but he didn't know these people at all.

At this time, Zhao Dongyan, who was in charge of the reception, also shook hands with Lin Chuan enthusiastically.

And brought Lin Chuan directly to the front row.

Only then did Lin Chuan realize that the chairs in the first two rows had nameplates on the backs.

That is, important people can sit here, but Lin Chuan's position is not in the middle.

And several more important guests in the middle also entered the venue at this time.

Anyway, Lin Chuan didn't know them either, so he just sat in his seat and waited for the meeting.

But this Secretary Zhao was really enthusiastic, and he specially introduced Lin Chuan to these people.

Obviously, although these people have heard of Lin Chuan, they don't have much affection for this handsome young man because of the previous coal transaction.

Just like the middle-aged man named Yan Xiang, he smiled and shook hands with Lin Chuan, and immediately started to sneer.

"Boss Lin is so young, he can do so many kinds of business, even the old guys like us are not good enough, let's not talk about other business,

Just your coal mine with tens of millions of tons of reserves can make you a lot of money. Now as long as you are doing business, it all depends on your face.

Oh hey, this made you find a big business, and we don't know what the rules are now? It is good for young people to be energetic in business, but they have to control the bottom line, and the money is endless! "

At the same time, there was a roar of laughter all around.

Both seem to put Lin Chuan on their opposites at the same time.

The boss named Chang Hengli behind Yan Xiang said more directly: "Mr. Yan, it is fortunate that we old guys still have some background, otherwise we would have to sit next to Boss Lin today.

Your seat is in the middle, I'm here, let's sit down! "

Lin Chuan just laughed without saying a word in the face of their cynicism.

Nothing to say to them at all.

Soon they will understand that what they are doing today is courting death.

Why bother talking to them so fast?

They are just those who feel good about themselves who cannot find Beibei in the tide of business development.

And their inherent business thinking is destined to be gradually eliminated by the market, and eventually become inexhaustible.

At this moment, Xiang Shang and other senior management of the management department also entered the venue with warm applause.

Before stepping onto the stage, Xiang Shang also shook hands cordially with everyone in the front row.

When holding Lin Chuan's hand, Xiang Shang still pointedly smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I am very happy that you can come to this meeting.

Mr. Shao spoke highly of your Mengying Company. As a star enterprise in our city, I hope you can give us a lot of advice for our business development! "

Lin Chuan naturally understood what he meant.

Shao Hongyi easily got 1 million tons of sponsorship.

But Hui City didn't get any benefits.

You can't always think about outsiders, but also about your own people.

But Lin Chuan also thinks this is normal.

Once people have money and strength, people who want to take money from your pocket will suddenly be everywhere.

Especially in this era.

People all hope that they can make a lot of money in the easiest way. As one of the first rich people, he will naturally be seen in the eyes of others.

So Lin Chuan just smiled calmly and said, "That's right, after all, I'm also a native of Hui City, and fat water can't always flow into the fields of outsiders!"

Xiang Shang laughed and said, "That's a good word. I'm very pleased that you can have such an idea. After the meeting, I'll listen to your thoughts carefully!"

Lin Chuan nodded with a smile, but his heart was very clear.

This exchange meeting is just a demonstration, and getting funds is the main thing.

At this moment, Wang Kaizhe also entered the venue.

"Oh, Mr. Wang, hello, hello!"

"Mr. Wang, you are here!"

"Mr. Wang, I have always wanted to discuss cooperation with you. We have time to have a meal!"

Wang Kaizhe was more imposing than Xiang Shangdu, and shook hands with everyone who greeted him until he came to the front row.

When he met Lin Chuan's eyes for a moment, he was not angry at Lin Chuan at all, instead he was a little raging, even disdainful.

Although he and Shi Yongjin lost two games in a row in the first two rounds, Lin Chuan also lost a lot.

One million tons of coal, free sponsorship, Wang Kaizhe doesn't believe that Lin Chuan doesn't feel distressed?

He wanted something different from Shi Yongjin.

What Shi Yongjin wants is profit, while what he wants is face and a woman.

Therefore, Wang Kaizhe came to Lin Chuan generously and proudly in front of everyone, hehe smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, long time no see,

I heard that you have done a good job in trading recently. You directly sponsored 1 million tons of coal. Although I don’t know what you have exchanged for these, when will you sponsor us?

You, Lin Chuan, are doing such a big deal right now, isn't that bad? "

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said, "When it comes to losses, you should have more than me!"

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