My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 245 You Can Do It Yourself

These cosmetics were extremely rare at the time, and only a handful of people could use them.

The price of a complete set of cosmetics is more than 400 yuan, which is simply unaffordable for ordinary people whose monthly salary is less than 30 yuan.

Fortunately, Lin Chuan's past life knowledge is rich.

He explained patiently: "Squeeze out a little of this thing on your hands first, then knead it into a foam and apply it to your face, massage it for a while, and wash it off.

That thing seems to be called shrinking water. It is used to tighten the skin and make the skin more elastic. As for those eye shadows, mascara, etc. are used to wipe the eyes and eyeliner,

These things are all used by your women anyway, and the market for these things will become larger and larger in the future. It is estimated that your women will have to apply some foundation to pee, so we can also create our cosmetics! "

In Qin Mengying's view, Lin Chuan's words are just making fun of their women's love for beauty.

But how did she know that, decades later, these items were almost always carried by women.

It has become a habit to wipe a few times every time you go to the bathroom.

It's just that women now, for cosmetics, are only in lipstick, vanishing cream, and blush powder.

For these cosmetics that are delicate to women's pores, they can't accept it casually.

Even Qin Mengying surpassed her traditional bottom line.

When I first started to use it, I was not used to it, but makeup is a natural skill for women, and you can master it after a few times of familiarity.

Originally, Qin Mengying's cheeks were beautiful and firm with melon seeds, but after being embellished with cosmetics, they were simply beautiful to the extreme.

Even in beauty, there is still a demon, and there is still a charm in the demon.

Qin Mengying said shyly: "Oh no, this painting looks like a goblin!"

Before it could be wiped off, Lin Chuan picked her up by the waist and smiled softly, "The more demonic I am, the more I like it. It is estimated that the children are asleep. Our beautiful moment begins now!"

As the saying goes, if you don't win a wedding, the bedroom is destined to be quiet.

The next morning, Lin Chuan came to the company and immediately held a regular company meeting.

Listen to everyone's work report first.

The first is Zhao Nianshun.

"Mr. Lin, the first five apartment buildings are ready to move in, and the expansion of the factory, including the conference center, medical center, and employee entertainment center, is ready for use.

The expansion part of the factory area has now reached 20,000 square meters, and the headquarter building can be capped in ten days, and the decoration and delivery can be completed in one month.

And your three-storey villa can also be moved in, but the surrounding environment, including parks, swimming pools, etc. are still under construction, it will take about a month to deliver, and other engineering projects are also proceeding in an orderly manner! "

Followed by Song Qinglin.

"Mr. Lin, the machinery factory continues to develop new products, and Harrick will report to you individually when he arrives. He stayed in the R&D center all day after returning from the imperial capital.

We are not studying paving machines, but also studying computers and forging machines, and we have now manufactured 20 sets of textile machines, and now there are also companies that are planning to buy textile machines.

It's just that you are on a business trip, and it is still uncertain whether to sell it or not, and the smelter has been smelting and forging the metals we need now! "

Qin Mengying followed up: "Mr. Lin, speaking of the smelter, since we took over, we haven't had any sales transactions.

With so many people eating every day and waiting to get paid, should we consider selling some commodities appropriately? "

Lin Chuan naturally has his own considerations in mind.

He said slowly: "My idea is to build the smelter into a factory specializing in the production of high-quality metals. If it is opened to the outside world, it will only sell those ordinary metals.

Under the pressure of orders, it will become very frustrating to change the production pattern in the future, including machinery factories. The current production pattern can no longer meet the needs of the market.

The production method will also be changed soon, so these two factories will continue to do so first, and the cost will be taken from the head office first! "

Qin Mengying did not continue to speak.

She knew that Lin Chuan must have something in her heart.

Machinery factories and smelters spend tens of thousands of yuan every day, which is hundreds of thousands in a month.

Don't look at the bigger business, the more assets.

But this asset is not capital. Now the entire Mengying Company, including all its factories, needs at least hundreds of thousands of capital every day.

Just the ore procurement of the smelter, which requires millions of dollars every month.

The more you earn, the more you spend.

At this time, Tao Ying followed the report: "Mr. Lin, the No. 2 Textile Factory is now producing 24 hours a day without interruption. Every product is strictly in accordance with the quality standards you have given.

Within two months, we will be able to make all products pass the assessment of quality inspectors for export! "

Lin Chuan said with a slight smile: "We can't keep our eyes on exports, we also have to export to domestic sales, first of all to enrich our own market demand for commodities,

When I went to the Imperial Capital this time, I was deeply impressed. The consumption concept of the people there has begun to focus on imported goods. The common people usually save money, in fact, to be able to buy something they like.

And the things we produce ourselves are relatively simple and relatively scarce. We can't give this huge market and purchasing power to those foreigners in vain! "

Tao Ying quickly understood what Lin Chuan said.

She smiled confidently: "If it is for our own people, we will do better!"

Lin Chuan will never doubt Tao Ying's confidence and assurance.

He then looked at Yu Meiling again.

From the meeting to now, Yu Meiling seems to be absent-minded.

Occasionally burst into giggles.

Lin Chuan thought she had a boyfriend, and immediately asked, "Manager Yu, report your sales department data to me!"

But Yu Meiling didn't hear Lin Chuan's words at all and was still wandering there.

Lin Chuan knocked on the table helplessly, and Yu Meiling looked at Lin Chuan as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"Ah, what? What do you want?"

Lin Chuan frowned impatiently, and said coldly, "I want the data of your sales department. What are you thinking about in the meeting now?"

Seeing that Lin Chuan's face was particularly ugly, Yu Meiling hurried to get the notes.

However, she just remembered that she hadn't sorted out any data at all, and had been busy shooting commercials for the past few days.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I've been a little busy these days. I haven't sorted out the data of the sales department, but the sales funds are directly sent to Director Qin. I'll sort it out when I go back!"

These words made Lin Chuan even more angry.

"What are you busy with? What are you busy with if you can't even do your work? Can you not use your work time to do your own activities? Before you get off work tonight, organize the data and give it to me!"

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