Zou Shumin paid special attention to Lin Chuan's words.

She always wanted to show her best side to Lin Chuan in order to gain Lin Chuan's favor.

However, after Lin Chuan said this, Zou Shumin was wondering, what kind of dress does Lin Chuan like?

At this moment, Qin Mengying also came.

When Zou Shumin saw Qin Mengying after makeup, her jealousy became even stronger.

There are even some cosmetics that she has never seen before, and some that she has only heard of.

No wonder Lin Chuan looked at Qin Mengying with full of love and affection.

Qin Mengying had long known that Zou Shumin came to work in the company, and firstly expressed her welcome.

"Fourth sister, yesterday, Mr. Lin said that you are going to work in the company's sales department, because our office building is still under construction, and the current office is not enough. You should share an office with the manager first.

I have already asked the logistics to arrange the tables and chairs, which means that the manager is here, let you familiarize yourself with the business first! "

Zou Shumin suppressed the jealousy in her heart and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mengying, I will ask you if there is anything you don't understand!"

However, Lin Chuan looked at the time and said coldly, "Yu Meiling hasn't come to work yet? What time is it? Is she asking for leave or absent from work?"

Qin Mengying also sighed: "I don't know either. When Yu Meiling never went to work on time, the human resources side knew that her identity was a bit special, so she never asked!"

Everything else can be tolerated, but the company's regulations must not be tolerated.

No one can ignore the company's management regulations.

If he was like Yu Meiling, would his business still be done?

"Go, Cao Shanchen, call me!"

Seeing that Lin Chuan's face was particularly ugly, Qin Mengying persuaded: "Farewell, it means Meiling came to tell her!"

"Don't talk nonsense with her, call Cao Shanchen!"

In this case, Qin Mengying could only go and call Cao Shanchen.

"Mr. Lin, are you calling me?" Cao Shanchen stood in front of the desk very well.

But Lin Chuan said with a cold face: "You are the manager of human resources, someone in the company is late for no reason and is absent from work, why don't you say anything?

If the operation of the company is based on human feelings, why do I need this department? What do I need your manager for? What is so special about Yu Meiling?

She is a clerk here, nothing special, if you let me know that your manager is doing this for me, then you don't do it! "

Cao Shanchen had never seen Lin Chuan make such a big fire.

It frightened him for a while.

He hurriedly said, "Mr. Lin, I know what to do, and I will definitely treat them equally in the future!"

Lin Chuan didn't want to listen to his promises.

"In the future, the company will go up and down, except me and Qin Mengying, everyone will have to punch in, be late or absent from work, and all will be punished according to the company's regulations.

I have to read your attendance report every month, go back to work! "

Even after Cao Shanchen left, Lin Chuan's brows were still furrowed.

The management of the company is all about the management of details. If you don't care about anything, this loophole will become bigger and bigger.

At this moment, the phone rang, and it was from Meng Weitong from the imperial capital.

Lin Chuan quickly adjusted his mood and said with a smile, "How are these two days?"

Meng Weitong also said softly: "I need time to get into the role, but in general it's okay, I'll report to you the content of today's board of directors,

Shen Wanbang proposed at the board of directors to prepare for the full-scale production of new drugs and to spend a lot of money to import foreign pharmaceutical equipment, which was unanimously approved by the board of directors.

Secondly, Shen Wanbang is also preparing to operate the electronic product market, and is currently negotiating with electronic factories in the south, preparing to purchase their technology, or to cooperate in building factories.

This has also been approved by the board of directors, and the rest is nothing! "

Lin Chuan heard this quietly, and felt that Shen Wanbang was still very discerning.

He then said slowly: "You have done a good job. If there is such a vote in the future, it is up to everyone. They agree with you and they agree with you, and they oppose you and oppose it.

Next, you will collect the information of all the shareholders of Wanbang Group to me, and at the same time, you will also walk around with them more. Next, I will prepare to acquire more shares! "

Meng Weitong immediately agreed: "No problem, I'll make arrangements next!"

When they called, Yu Meiling finally came to the company.

She was in extreme pain, but found that there were actually more people in the office.

So she said angrily and coldly, "Who are you? Why are you in my office, and who made you sit here?"

Zou Shumin slowly raised her head, originally wanting to say hello to her.

But seeing that her nose is not a nose, and her face is not a face, I feel very unhappy.

He also said coldly: "Of course, Mr. Lin asked me to sit here. From today, I am the vice president of the sales department. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can ask Mr. Lin,

But I have to remind you of two points first. First, Lin Chuan is our younger brother. Second, Mr. Lin is very dissatisfied with your lateness and unexcused absence from work.

He asked me to inform you that when you come back, go see him immediately! "

Yu Meiling was taken aback, she hurriedly put her bag in the drawer, and was about to see Lin Chuan.

However, Zou Shumin followed with a sneer and said, "Let's wear a scarf. The next time you make out with a man, don't let him kiss your neck!"

This remark shocked Yu Meiling's heart again.

She hurriedly picked up the mirror and looked at it, and sure enough, there were two purple marks on her neck.

But this thing couldn't be removed, so Yu Meiling could only find a scarf in the cabinet and put it on first.

At the same time, Yu Meiling also had more dissatisfaction and alertness towards this Zou Shumin.

And Zou Shumin also didn't have any good feelings for Meiling. When Yu Meiling went to see Lin Chuan, she deliberately opened the drawer and opened Yu Meiling's bag.

In addition to some money and jewelry, Zou Shumin also found an advertisement shooting schedule in Yu Meiling's bag.

"Can such a person make an advertisement? It's a joke!"

Zou Shumin closed the drawer and pondered coldly.

Be sure to step on Yu Meiling first, and when she becomes the manager of the sales department, she will have more opportunities to meet Lin Chuan.

In Lin Chuan's office, Yu Meiling underestimated Lin Chuan's meticulous observation.

She could block the mark on her neck, but she couldn't block her red and swollen eye sockets and her tired and haggard look.

Only because of her feelings, she Yu Meiling will become so decadent.

But Lin Chuan was not in the mood to ask her about her privacy, but said indifferently, "How many times have you been absent from work this month?"

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