My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 262 Capital Power

Zhao Dongyan immediately smiled and said, "Actually, it's not really studying abroad. It's easy to do it now, but it's especially difficult to do it. There are no schools that accept it. Xuemin is a headache all day for this!"

Lin Chuan asked strangely, "Why do you have to study abroad? Can't we study in our own school?"

The topic opened, and Zhao Dongyan said more.

"To be honest, education received abroad is two completely different concepts from domestic education. Teaching abroad has covered many fields, but ours is still relatively simple.

What you can learn by studying abroad means a future full of wealth. If you can stay abroad to work, then Xuemin will be worth his whole life! "

Indeed, as he said, the education system abroad is indeed very good.

And there are only a handful of people who can study abroad. After all, in this era, the field of cooperation has not been fully opened.

This gave Lin Chuan an opportunity.

Zhao Dongyan followed up: "Not only the child, but Xuemin's wife also gave him a headache. You know, Xuemin is a department manager, but her income is fixed.

And his wife is more greedy and vain. The two often cannot make ends meet. The key is that Xuemin, the department manager, has no foreign money. The two often quarrel about this.

In a word, every family has a hard-to-read scripture! "

This sutra was difficult for Chen Xuemin to read, but for Lin Chuan, it became more and more easy to read.

Lin Chuan followed while pouring wine and asked, "Xuemin is really able to stand up. It's so difficult to send children to study abroad, where will the money come from?"

Zhao Dongyan said with a smile: "It's all relatives and friends who help me. Let me tell you this, it's not easy for Xuemin to be a department manager. He is not a greedy person.

He just wants to improve his position. Then again, his department is in charge of media culture. Although he is in charge of all the movie theaters in the city, he has to listen to the top management.

Without a high-level order, his department is actually a decoration. Xuemin wanted to be transferred to another department as soon as possible, but due to the lack of capital support, now it can only be mixed! "

It seems that this meal is really worth it. If Zhao Dongyan didn't say this, where would he go to find out about Chen Xuemin?

But these are not enough. After Lin Chuan had a drink with him, he followed up and asked: "It's really difficult for Xuemin to say that, but didn't it say that Huishi Cinema is going to be sold recently?

And this project is responsible for him, how can there be some benefits? "

Speaking of this, Zhao Dongyan's face tightened.

Obviously this topic made him feel very nervous.

He lowered his voice and said as if whispering: "Mr. Lin, Huishi Cinema is extremely complicated. If you want to intervene, I advise you not to think about it.

Even though Xuemin is in charge of this project, but Xuemin is under a lot of pressure now, why he doesn't want to be the manager of this department is because of this project! "

Having said that, Zhao Dongyan didn't want to continue talking.

But Lin Chuan knows that Zhao Dongyan must know the inside story behind this. If he doesn't seize this opportunity now, it's impossible to want to know.

So Lin Chuan frowned and asked, "Isn't it just a movie theater, as for?"

Zhao Dongyan lit a cigarette and said slowly, "What about it? Let me tell you this, now even Mr. Xiang is hiding far from this movie theater project.

Because behind the movie theater project, there are two extremely huge capital forces in the game. Although Xuemin is the department manager, he can't provoke either of these two forces.

The project is indeed responsible for him, but in fact, this hot job is thrown to him. Others are protecting their own interests, and no one wants to participate in the wrestling between the two capital forces.

You can now see how difficult it is for Xuemin, right? "

With capital power, Lin Chuan has long thought of this.

But there are actually two capital forces, which is a bit beyond his imagination.

He immediately asked, "It's just a Huishi movie theater. Why are the two capital forces you mentioned fighting to the death? And what is the identity of this capital?"

Zhao Dongyan took a heavy puff and whispered, "Mr. Lin, you are not an outsider, that's why I told you this, don't inquire, don't mix it up, be quiet, and be your Huishi enterprise safely and securely. Family,

We close the door by ourselves, we can say anything, you should understand what I mean, although Huishi Cinema is a cinema, the layout of others is laid out here.

These two capital forces can be said to be of equal strength. No one is convinced by the other, and everyone wants to crush the other. Moreover, they are extremely huge in terms of funds, contacts, etc., I can tell you, only these,

Xuemin just told me this, just listen to it! "

Lin Chuan felt that there was no need to ask any more. Zhao Dongyan was wise to protect himself and did not want to participate in those things.

Chen Xuemin didn't want his friend to have the same headache as him, so it was impossible to talk to Zhao Dongyan.

But having said that, Lin Chuan can basically guess what Chen Xuemin was thinking.

After the dinner, Lin Chuan went to buy a map of Hui City.

When he spread the map on the steering wheel and found the location of the movie theater in the city center, his eyes suddenly widened.

He had already seen a clue.

In order to confirm his thoughts, he went to the city center to look back and forth.

Especially the 20-kilometer-long central avenue with the cinema as the core, the first main road in Hui City.

The central avenue runs through the entire Hui city, and almost all the roads converge on the central avenue as if the tributaries flow into the sea.

After returning to the company, Lin Chuan himself hung the map on the wall and marked all the places he walked.

After looking at the area marked by the entire red line, Lin Chuan's eyes were full of surprise.

No wonder these two capitals are vying for movie theaters.

Because the cinema is the core location connecting the north and south of Central Avenue.

Most importantly, behind the movie theater is the largest non-staple food market in Hui.

Once the movie theater is won, the entire Central Avenue will surround the movie theater, and that market will become the economic belt of Hui City.

Business, education, and high-end residences that extend from the economic belt, including economic development zones and so on.

This is a gold mine.

And the meeting chaired by Xiang Shang a few days ago has made it clear that Hui City has begun a comprehensive development stage.

Because of the airport, as well as commercial development, etc., the population of Hui City is increasing.

Although more people consume more, more people also means higher consumption and wealth.

No wonder the two capital forces are unscrupulously trying to get the movie theater.

It turned out that their goal was the entire economic belt of Center Avenue.

A series of numbers quickly revolved in Lin Chuan's mind.

If the economic development zone is fully realized, it will be worth tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan also had a bold idea.

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