My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 265 Just For Enjoyment

Gao Yueling's greedy and vain character made her ask without hesitation: "Why don't you want to, I want to dream!"

Xi Xiaolei didn't want to talk nonsense to her.

It seems that Lin Chuan is right, there is no need to talk nonsense with Gao Yueling, just make her rich.

Therefore, Xi Xiaolei immediately took out 500 yuan.

"This money is for you. Let's have dinner together at noon tomorrow. I will give you another 1,000 yuan, but my money is not for nothing. I need you to do something for me!"

500 yuan, which is equivalent to half a year's salary of Chen Xuemin.

Let her buy nice clothes, new shoes, let her buy the lipstick she's always wanted.

Then there will be 1000 bucks to take.

Gao Yueling said very excitedly: "Okay, okay, you can let me do anything!"

Xi Xiaolei felt helpless in every possible way.

Just 500 yuan can make Gao Yueling sell herself, how much magic does this vanity have?

But now it's a business competition, what Lin Chuan said makes sense. For some people, you don't need any sympathy, you just need to take advantage of it.

So Xi Xiaolei said coldly: "It's very simple, you can use this money to buy things that your husband usually likes but is not willing to buy!"

Gao Yueling said brightly, "I understand, you must be asking my husband for help, so you should ask me, Chen Xuemin is an elm head,

Although he is a department manager, he is usually nothing. Anyone who asks him to do something will not do anything. If you want to ask him to do anything, just tell me! "

The expression and tone of her that seemed to be able to handle everything made Xi Xiaolei particularly helpless.

He just said coldly: "You only need to do what I say to get more rewards. As for the rest, I will tell you when the time comes!"

Gao Yueling didn't ask any further questions, because in her heart, she was thinking of getting tomorrow's reward.

Back at the company, Xi Xiaolei told Lin Chuan about Gao Yueling's greed.

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said: "The more the better, Gao Yueling doesn't have much money to make, but she wants to become a rich wife and enjoy material life.

But Chen Xuemin has no way to make money, so that makes Gao Yueling so anxious. With the development of the times and the improvement of material living standards,

There will be more and more people like this, so we just treat them calmly. Tomorrow you call Gao Yueling to the company and invite her to dinner in the cafeteria. I will meet her in person! "

Xi Xiaolei had no opinion, so she left the office, and Zou Shumin pushed the door behind her.

She seemed very angry, and her tone was very irritable.

"Mr. Lin, who exactly does your company hire? That Yu Meiling doesn't do any work all day, and doesn't even receive customers, so she just sits in the office,

And the most unacceptable thing for me is that her sales level is really too amateur, not even the most basic smile service, and the daily data collation of the sales department, she will only ask others to do it,

Such a person can be a manager, how exactly do you employ people? "

In fact, what she said, can Lin Chuan's heart be uncountable?

After all, Yu Meiling is a rural woman with no knowledge of her own, let alone any experience in working in a big company.

Let her be the sales manager, but it is only measured from the friendship.

After all, Yu Meiling really helped him a lot when he was in trouble.

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said: "That's why I asked you to go to the sales department. If you can do it, do more. When the time is right, I will transfer Yu Meiling away!"

Zou Shumin said fiercely: "I hope you can transfer her now, so that I can do my job better, if the company's sales quality is improved,

Our products will sell better, Mr. Lin, you are a rational person, can you also mix your personal feelings into management? "

These words really stopped Lin Chuan.

Here at Meiling, he is indeed mixed with a lot of personal emotions.

That's why Yu Meiling is now confident.

Moreover, the sales department is an important department of the company, and it is indeed impossible without a good manager.

So Lin Chuan nodded and said, "I will consider your proposal, you can go now!"

Zou Shumin shook her head helplessly.

It doesn't seem easy to convince Lin Chuan.

Back in the office, Zou Shumin immediately changed her expression and smiled at Meiling affectionately: "Sister Yu, let's go to the cafeteria to see what to eat? I think you didn't eat at noon!"

Yu Meiling looked at the sales data and tapped the computer keyboard awkwardly.

"Forget it, I have to quickly get this information ready, Director Qin is waiting to check it!"

However, Zou Shumin pushed the data to the side and smiled: "I can do this. You are the manager of the sales department. You don't need to do some work in person. Let's go, let's go to dinner first!"

Seeing Zou Shumin's enthusiasm, Yu Meiling could only agree.

Unexpectedly, when she got up, the phone rang.

I thought it was a call from a customer, but Zou Shumin quickly answered the phone.

"Hello, Mengying Company Sales Department!"

When Lu Hanqin on the other side of the phone heard that it was not Yu Meiling's voice, he said coldly, "I'll find Yu Meiling and ask her to answer the phone!"

Zou Shumin frowned slightly, but handed over the phone to Yu Meiling.

"I'm Yu Meiling, who are you?"

Lu Hanqin sneered: "Why, I can't hear my voice anymore. Did we not make out recently, you forgot my lover?"

Yu Meiling's face changed suddenly, she hurriedly covered the receiver and said to Zou Shumin, "Shumin, this is my personal phone number, you can go to the cafeteria first, I'll find you later!"

From Yu Meiling's face, Zou Shumin could see it and smiled, "Okay, then I'll go first, hurry up!"

After that, Zou Shumin walked out of the office, but instead of going to the cafeteria, she hid outside the door and lay on the crack of the door to eavesdrop.

At this time, Yu Meiling said in shock and fear: "I told you, don't call my company, what do you want to do?"

Lu Hanqin smiled shamelessly: "What do I want to do, I don't need to ask, I think you are stupid now, do you want me to take out some photos to make you smarter?

I have a dinner tonight. The other party is a big boss. After dinner, you can accompany him to sleep for the night! "

Yu Meiling became anxious immediately, and growled angrily, "What do you think of me? I won't go!"

"I'm not going, okay, those photos of you will appear on the wall of your factory tomorrow. I'll ask you again, are you going or not?"

Yu Meiling, who was threatened, slumped on the chair.

If Lu Hanqin really posted the photos everywhere, would she still have the face to live?

In desperation, Yu Meiling could only grit her teeth and agree.

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